Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications


Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications

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by: John G. Proakis, Dimitris Manolakis

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Presents the fundamentals of discrete-time signals, systems, and modern digital processing algorithms and applications for students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science. Textbook. DLC: Signal processing - Digital techniques.

Giving students a sound balance of theory and practical application, this no-nonsense text presents the fundamental concepts and techniques of modern digital signal processing with related algorithms and applications. Covering both time-domain and frequency- domain methods for the analysis of linear, discrete-time systems, the book offers cutting-edge coverage on such topics as sampling, digital filter design, filter realizations, deconvolution, interpolation, decimation, state-space methods, spectrum analysis, and more. Rigorous and challenging, it further prepares students with numerous examples, exercises, and experiments emphasizing software implementation of digital signal processing algorithms integrated throughout.

* NEW-reorganizes coverage of DFT and FFT algorithm for greater clarity-now introduces the DFT and describes its efficient computation immediately following the treatment of Fourier analysis.
* Describes the operations and techniques involved in the analog-to-digital conversion of analog signals.
* Studies the characterization and analysis of linear time-invariant discrete-time systems and discrete- time signals in the time domain.
* Considers both the bilateral and the unilateral z-transform, and describes methods for determining the inverse z-transform.
* Analyzes signals and systems in the frequency domain, and presents Fourier series and Fourier transform in both continuous-time and discrete-time signals.
* Treats the realization of IIR and FIR systems, including direct-form, cascade, parallel, lattice and lattice-ladder realizations.
* Looks at the basics of sampling rate conversion and presents systems for implementing multirate conversion.
* Offers a detailed examination of power spectrum estimation, with discussions on nonparametric and model-based methods, as well as eigen-decomposition- based methods, including MUSIC and ESPRIT.
* Includes many examples throughout the book and with approximately 500 workable problems.


This book is the one that is quite accessible both to the beginner as well as the professional. If you had a strong background in Signals and Systems, Proakis will take you through a mathematical tour of DSP. With plenty of examples you would find this book a lot easier than Oppeinheim's. The best of the breed is Stanley's Digital Signal Processing. Since this book is now out of print , the one by Proakis will come a close second. A lot of examples make this bulkiest of the DSP books, however. For the new comer Richard Lyon's and Steve Smith's book will help them to understand this book well. And don't forget the Matlab series book authored by Proakis. it is the best to learn DSP through Matlab- no doubt about it.

Something is missing ...This book was required for a graduate-level DSP course, but I found it quite insufficient for study without a VERY good set of classroom notes. There are mistakes in various equations throughout the text, little to no examples, and I have yet to find a solutions manual. The one nice thing I can say about the text is that it is thorough in its coverage. The book covers almost every topic I can think of for both undergraduate and graduate-level courses. My course has supplemented the text with "Discrete-Time Signal Processing" by Oppenheim and Schafer as well as "Adaptive Filter Theory" by Haykin. I found Oppenheim's text to be better for the examples -- even buying the Shaum's Outline for DSP can suffice. Haykin's text is for our coverage of adaptive filter theory. If you're looking for a good undergraduate text try B.P. Lathi's book "Signal Processing and Linear Systems" -- it's much better and has been used at my University for a number of years now to teach our two undergraduate-level DSP courses.

I am a graduate student at USC and this book I actually used in lieu of the assigned book Digital Signal Processing (by Mitra). I referred to this book mainly because the assigned book hardly had any intuitive explanations and was quite convoluted. Proakis did a much better job in terms of the relationships between the various Fourier Transforms without comprising mathematical rigor. I also have Lyons Understanding Digital Signal Processing which is great for people new to DSP but I felt it lacked some depth in certain areas and did not have sample problems. Overall Proakis does a solid job with this book. I'd recommend it after knowing the material in Lyon's book.

I am currently taking an undergraduate intro to DSP class at Cal Poly Pomona. I have to say that I cannot put this book down!!. Mr Proakis does an excellent job presenting the material in a very readable format. I think this is a very good intro to Digital Signal Processing. The book has a nice flow and does a very good job in introducing the concepts. Another plus for the book are the examples provided. There are some very good problems at the end of each chapter. If you are getting this book I recommend the companion book "Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB" by Vinay K. Ingle and John G. Proakis. I highly recommend this book.

Inaccuracies and poor explanations reduce usefullness: I have 6 years experience with digital signal processing, however, it has been so many years since i worked in this field that i purchased this book to update my skills. I found significant errors and very poor explanations in the section on sample rate conversion, the main section of interest to me. For example the sample input to the remez program will not work because you must specify the LGRID parameter even if only to set it to 0 - the example fails to set it. The 5 times interpolation example says that you should set the transition frequency to PI/5 and shows results based on that choice. This is in error, the choice should be Fs/5 (Fs=Sample freq) which produces a very different filter. And all of the Interpolating examples are incorrectly based on this model. In addition i can verify the filter result because it should approximate 0 at every 5th point and the center point of the filter should be 1/5. The book's interpolating filter does not show these properties. And lastly, but perhaps more importantly, the explanations are very ad-hoc providing very little insight into the underlying processes. For example the section on "polyphase" filters is nonsense with regard to signal processing, it is actually a simple programming performance enhancement based on recognizing the attributes of the data. The authors fail to make that clear and in fact obscures everything by describing it in signal processing terms. There are other examples i could provide but i'm only allowed 1,000 words. Sadly, I felt i had to give the book 2 stars because it appears to be the most up-to-date volume available.

This book is very well suited for a two semester DSP course. I have studied this book for two DSP courses. The first course covered chapters 1 through 7 and the second course covered chapters 8 through 12. Chapters 1 through 7 cover basic DSP theory such as discrete signals and systems, Z-transforms, DTFT and DFT, FFT, and digital filter implementation structures. Chapter-4 on Frequency Domain analysis of discrete time systems is a very key chapter in this book. It covers some fundamental concepts of the transfer functions of discrete time systems and the concepts of Magnitude Response and Phase response. Pole-Zero methods and basic filter structures including Resonators, Allpass Filters and Minimum/Maximum phase systems are covered, which I felt were extremely useful. This book is very well written however, at times some steps in mathematical derivations are ommitted. A good professor/instructor can help with this deficiency of the textbook. Chapters 11 on Linear Prediction and Optimal Filtering and Chapter 12 on Power Spectrum Estimation are mathematically involved and challenging, but they will prepare the student/reader with excellent skills in statistical signal processing. With a working knowledge of MATLAB and topics learned from this text book one can find himself/herself adequately equipped to tackle DSP problems in real life. It would have been rather useful if a chapter or two on Adaptive Filters were included as a natural extention of Optimal Filtering, just to give a general idea of how adaptive digital systems work, and how they are designed.

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