Electric Contacts: Theory and Applications


Electric Contacts: Theory and Applications

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by: Ragnar Holm

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The Electric Contacts Bible
Ragnar Holm, the namesake of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Holm Conference on electrical contacts originally penned this masterpiece back in 1946. The amazing thing is that the book is just as valuable today as it was back then. To see it back in print is very exciting (I dare you to try to find a used copy, they are almost impossible to find). Everyone who has a professional or acedemic intrest in switching of sliding electrical contacts needs to start their study of the subject right here with the late Mr. Holm's book. The book is an invaluable tool for understanding the nature of electric contacts from the very begining. If you work with design or evaluation of relays, micorswitches, circuit breakers, potentiometers, mating terminals or any other device where electrical contact is an essential function YOU NEED THIS BOOK. In the book you'll find theoretical as well as practical examples and equations (fluency in calculus recommended, but not required). Information on contact materials is also included. If you even have a passing interest in the field of electric contacts you must take this opportunity to own a copy of this book.


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