Flow Measurement


Flow Measurement

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More books in category: Flow Measurement and Control

by: Bela G. Liptak

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Topics include: slave feeder, paddlewheel units, vortex precession, upstream piping configuration, constant speed belt, classic venturi, flow rangeability, flow rate indication, integral orifice, full scale flow, linearity tolerance, weigh section, sight flow indicator, type mass flowmeter, metering tube, oscillating vane, high rangeability, fluid element velocity, vena contracta taps, rotary vane feeder, quadrant edge, good rangeability, recovery cone, averaging pitot tubes, laminar flow element

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First Sentence:
The variety of choices facing an engineer confronted with a flow measurement application is vast.

Table of Contents

1. Application and Selection
2. BTU Flowmeters for Heat Exchangers
3. BTU Flowmeters for Gaseous Fuels
4. Cross-Correlation Flowmetering
5. Elbow Taps
6. Flow Switches
7. Jet Deflection Flow Detectors
8. Laminar Flowmeters
9. Magnetic Flowmeters
10. Mass Flowmeters-Coriolis
11. Mass Flowmeters-Miscellaneous
12. Mass Flowmeters-Thermal
13. Metering Pumps
14. Orifices
15. Pitot Tubes, Averaging and Duct Section Units
16. Positive Displacement Gas Flowmeters
17. Positive Displacement Liquid Meters and Provers
18. Purge Flow Regulators
19. Segmental Wedge Flowmeter
20. Sight Flow Indicators
21. Solids Flowmeters and Feeders
22. Target Meters
23. Turbine and Other Rotary Element Flowmeters
24. Ultrasonic Flowmeters
25. Variable-Area, Gap, and Vane Flowmeters
26. V-Cone Flowmeter
27. Venturi Tubes, Flow Tubes, and Flow Nozzles
28. Vortex and Fluidic Flowmeters
29. Weirs and Flumes
A.1. International System of Units
A.2. Engineering Conversion Factors


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