Industrial Electronics Handbook, The


Industrial Electronics Handbook, The

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by: J.David Irwin

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Topics include: boundary gating, backpropagating utility, industrial automated systems, neurocontrol designs, hardware annealing, dual subroutine, sensorless vector control, neural identifier, sensor fusion processing, micromachined circuits, digital trimming, winning prototypes, direct inverse control, desired root location, zero instruction set computer, visual stimulus image, sliding mode control design, fuzzy aggregation connectives, hierarchical intelligent control, feature saliency, commutating groups, line commutated converter circuits, part arrival rate, neurocontrol systems, sliding mode equation

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Expert systems
Neural networks
Soft computing
Evolutionary systems
Computational intelligence
Hybrid systems
Virtual reality
Asynchronous transfer mode technology
Micro systems technology
Multisensor fusion and integration
Fuzzy systems

From traditional topics that form the core of industrial electronics, to new and emerging concepts and technologies, The Industrial Electronics Handbook, in a single volume, has the field covered. Nowhere else will you find so much information on so many major topics in the field. For facts you need every day, and for discussions on topics you have only dreamed of, The Industrial Electronics Handbook is an ideal reference.

Table of Contents

Fundamental Supporting Technologies
Digital Control Circuits
Computer Architecture
Signal Processing
Data Acquisition and Measurement Systems
Measurement System Architecture
Power Electronics
Overview of Devices and Components
Motor Drives
Mains Disturbances
Electromagnetic Compatibility for Drives
Factory Communications
Evolution of Factory Communication
Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model
Local Area Networks
The Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP)
Essential Communications Protocols
System Control
Control System Fundamentals
Modeling for System Control
Basic Feedback Concept
Stability Analysis
PID Control
Bode Diagram Method
Root Locus Method
Pole Placement Design
Smith Predictor Technique
Internal Model Control
Model Predictive Control
Dynamic Matrix Control
Disturbance Observation-Cancellation Technique
Phase-Lock-Loop Based Control
Variable Structure Control Technique
Digital Computation
Digital Control
Estimation and Identification
Fuzzy Logic Based Control
Neural Network Based Control
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Adaptive Control
Hardware Compensating Networks
m Synthesis and Analysis
Factory Automation
An Overview of Factory Automation
Types of Automated Manufacturing Systems
Production Management Architecture
Production Management Techniques
Automated Manufacturing System Development Methodology
Hybrid Systems and Control
Virtual Manufacturing Environment
Signal Processing for Factory Production Line

Expert Systems and Neural Networks
Current Applications of Expert Systems in Industrial Electronics
Expert Systems Methodology
Expert Systems and Their Use in Complex Engineering Systems
Current Trends in Neural Networks for Industrial Electronics
The Basic Ideas in Neural Networks
Neural Networks on a Chip
Commercially Available Neural Network Chips
Implementing Neural Networks in Silicon
An Avionics Application: MIMD Neural Network Processor
From Backpropagation to Neurocontrol
CMAC Architecture for Color Correction
Temporal Signal Processing
Feature Selection for Pattern Recognition Using Multilayer Perceptrons
Wavelets for Pattern Recognition: Wavelet Based Segmentation and Resistive Grid Averaging for Local Feature Extraction
Fractals for Pattern Recognition: A PDP Approach to Localized Fractal Dimension Computation with Segmentation Boundaries
Multilayer Perceptron with ALOPEX and Backpropagation
Supervised Neural Networks for Handwritten Digit Recognition in Industrial Processing
Studies of Pattern Recognition with Self-Learning Layered Neural Networks
Analog 3-D Neuroprocessor for Fast Frame Focal Plane Image Processing
Simulated Annealing, Boltzmann Machine, and Hardware Annealing
Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Networks
Hardware Implemented Radial Basis Function (RBF): The IBM Zero Instruction Set
The RCE Neural Network
Probabilistic Neural Networks Model
General Regression Neural Networks Model
On Classifiers: An Overview
Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing
Applications of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing for Industrial Electronics
Fuzzy Numbers: The Application of Fuzzy Algebra to Safety and Risk Analysis
Fuzzy Systems
Fuzzy Hardware
Fuzzy Modeling and Applications: Controls, Vision, Decisions
Fuzzy Logic Control: Basics and Applications
Development of an Intelligent Unmanned Helicopter Based on Fuzzy Systems
Fuzzy/Neural Modeling
NeuFuz - A Combined Neural Net/Fuzzy Logic Tool
Neural Network Learning in Fuzzy Systems
Neurocontrol and Elastic Fuzzy Logic: Capabilities, Concepts, and Applications
Integrated Health Monitoring and Control in Rotocraft Machines
Autonomous Neural Control in Flexible Space Structures
Fuzzy Pattern Recognition
Neural Fuzzy Systems in Handwritten Digit Recognition
Fuzzy Algorithms for Learning Vector Quantization
Adaptive Resonance Theory
Future Directions for Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing in Industrial Electronics
Evolutionary Systems, Computational Intelligence, and Hybrid Systems Applications
Applications of Evolutionary Systems for Industrial Electronics
Evolutionary Computation
Genetic Algorithms
Fuzzy Evolutionary/GA Systems
Information Fusion by Fuzzy Set Operations and Genetic Algorithms
Neural Evolutionary/GA Systems and Applications
Computational Intelligence Applications in Industrial Electronics
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems
Application Techniques (Combining Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Networks, and Probabilistic Reasoning: Soft Computing)
Synthesis of Fuzzy, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithm for Hierarchical Intelligence Control Top-Down and Bottom-Up
Hybrid Method
Advanced Tools for Adaptive Nonlinear Modeling and Control of Power in Large Systems
Application of Model Reference Adaptive Control and Adaptive Time-Delay RBF Networks
Emerging Technologies
Current Applications in Virtual Reality
Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS)
Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems


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