Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version


Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version

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by: Thomas L. Floyd

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This book provides an exceptionally clear introduction to DC/AC circuits supported by superior exercises, examples, and illustrations and an emphasis on troubleshooting and applications. The Fifth Edition features stronger coverage of key areas (including new PSpice sections in all chapters), new exercises throughout the text, and an improved pedagogical framework. It includes specially designed Technology Theory Into Practice (TECH Tip) sections which link principles to real world practices as well as numerous troubleshooting sections. Plus, Principles of Electric Circuits, Fifth Edition features an exciting new full color format which uses color to enhance the instructional value of photographs, illustrations, tables, charts, and graphs. Throughout the text's coverage, the use of mathematics is limited to only those concepts that are needed for understanding. Floyd's acclaimed troubleshooting emphasis, as always, provides students with the problem solving experience they need to step out of the classroom and into a job!--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From the Back Cover This new edition of Principles of Electric Circuits provides complete, up-to-date, and straightforward coverage of the basics of electrical components and circuits, with emphasis on analysis, applications, and troubleshooting. In Floyd's uniquely engaging and clear writing style, the essential concepts are creatively presented and reinforced until the reader has a firm grasp of every key element pertaining to electric circuits. The book is widely acclaimed and highly recommended as the ideal text for use in the classroom or for anyone intending to pursue a career in electronics.

Ch. 1

Components, Quantities, and Units
* Recognize some common components and measuring instruments
* List the electrical and magnetic quantities and their units
* Use scientific notation (powers of ten) to express quantities
* Use engineering notation and metric prefixes to express large and small quantities
* Convert from one metric unit to another

Ch. 2
Voltage, Current, and Resistance
* Describe the basic structure of atoms
* Explain the concept of electrical charge
* Define voltage and discuss its characteristics
* Define current and discuss its characteristics
* Define resistance and discuss its characteristics
* Describe a basic electric circuit
* Make basic circuit measurements
* Recognize electrical hazards and practice proper safety procedures

Ch. 3

Ohm's Law
* Explain Ohm's law
* Calculate current in a circuit
* Calculate voltage in a circuit
* Calculate resistance in a circuit
* Explain the proportional relationship of current, voltage, and resistance
* Describe a basic approach to troubleshooting


Ch. 22

Polyphase Systems in Power Applications Objectives * Describe a basic polyphase machine * Discuss the advantages of polyphase generators in power applications * Analyze three-phase generator configurations * Analyze three-phase generators with three-phase loads * Discuss power measurements in three-phase systems


This book explains in great detail every concept but when it comes to math , the author replaces it with an intuitive manner (such as : experimentaly it is know that ... so ... ; think at the water as being electric current ...).The only thing that can be considered as being math are formulas and some exercises (require basic calculus) , nothing more.So if you want to reach that formula by yourself then you must choose another book.The math beyond Electric Circuits in general is very simple but it seems that Floyd preffered to use those 1k pages to write aditional explanations instead of demonstrations.So this book is a great deal for those who want to begin designing.This book has a target audience but I think everyone in this field must own this because no other book has so many colored graphs , explanations , many real electric components (schematics and descriptions) , experiments drawn in a real way.I'm glad that I bought this.I give it 4 stars because of no math (some portions requires it).

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