Programming the Parallel Port: Interfacing the PC for Data Acquisition and Process Control


Programming the Parallel Port: Interfacing the PC for Data Acquisition & Process Control

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by: Dhananjay V. Gadre

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Topics include: chk sum, unsigned char temp, adc val, parallel printer adapter, void pulse, control port address, high nib, photometer interface, epp config, chan num, parallel adapter, slave address byte, gate control signal, emulation header, temp val, time base generator, num samples, read nibble, adc status, int win, verify bytes, temp date, digital output ports, real byte, external clock mode

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First Sentence:
Data acquisition is the process of gathering information on a phenomenon by acquiring data on one or more variables.

Book Description
Why purchase expensive add-on cards or bus interfaces when you can develop effective and economical data acquisition and process controls using C programs? Using the under employed printer adapter (that is, the parallel port of your PC, you can turn your computer into a powerful tool for developing microprocessor applications. Learn how to build a complete data acquisition system and such varied applications as a CCD camera controller, a photometer interface, and a wave form generator. The book also covers the Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP), the Extended Capabilities Port (ECP), interfacing Analog to Digital converters, and data acquisition under Linux. This extraordinary software approach to interfacing through the parallel port will be especially appealing to programmers involved in control systems design and device development, as well as to those who work with real-time and embedded systems.

About the Author
Dhananjay V. Gadre wrote these parallel port programs while developing instruments for the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Ganeshkind, India. He is currently on leave from the IUCAA to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Idaho. Gadre's publication credits include Dr. Dobb's Journal, Embedded Systems Programming Magazine, Electronics World, Computers in Physics, and EDN.


This is a book written by a person that clearly understands his job. It is also fairly complete in its scope (the use of paralell port in data acquisition and control) and simple to follow. Almost immediately you get suggestions to fullfill your needs. It is an ideal book in two situations, I think: if you are begining a project and have not a lot of experience or if you are just studying. Nobody will loose having this book.

Excellent approach to data acqusition:
Dr. Gadre gives a very useful approach to using the parallel port as a general-purpose data acquisition bus. Another review of this book mentioned that it was light on ECP and EPP coverage. While yes, the chapter devoted to this is short, the material presented in that chapter is used later in the book in specific examples. Also, coverage is not limited to the DOS/BIOS environment, there is a chapter on using the parallel port under Linux. While some of the material is a little bit dated ("newer" Linux kernels according to the text are those from 1.2 on) this must be moderated by the understanding that the book was published in 1998 and undoubtedly written to a large extent in the years prior. In fact, a great deal of data acquisition even today still takes place within DOS, so any DOS-related information is still very useful, and the electronic circuits presented are virtually timeless. I didn't notice in particular any parts listed which weren't available, and most would probably be best emulated in a PLD today anyway.

My main problem with the book is the number of typos I've found so far, which is why I've withheld a star.

This book with its very clear exposition on the basics of using parallel port as a data acquisition and control structure makes it very easy to develop numerous applications for the PC environment easily. The book's clear explanations make it very easy to go from a primitive state to a fairly advanced state, quickly and unambigously. Although a notable gap seems to be the details of the newer parallel port modes such as ECP and operating system and application level programming for the same, the book is very useful from the point of view of using the parallel port for data gathering and analysis. I would recommend this book as almost mandatory reading for someone wishing to use the parallel port on the PC.

Relatively complete treatment of the basic Centronics and Bi-directional modes. About 5 pages devoted to EPP and ECP--nothing about protocols or support from any (modern) operating system. All examples use Bios calls which are unavailable after DOS. Looks like a re-tread of a much earlier work. Hardware-software examples are fine, but utilize many parts which have been out-of date for years. A real disapointment..I sent it back!

Programming the Parallel Port; Interfacing the PC for data acquisition and process control , by Dr. D.V.Gadre, is really a wonderful book. It is written very clearly, in simple language, and every program written compiles. I liked the book because it is very practical, and I even used some of the ideas and circuits in building some of the blocks of my own project. The chapters on ECP and EPP are very informative. This book is really worth being in one's own library.

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