Transducers and Their Elements: Design and Application


Transducers and Their Elements: Design and Application

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by: Alexander D. Khazan

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Drawing together material that is usually scattered among various sources, this comprehensive and interdisciplinary volume covers the theory, design, fabrication and application of transducer elements and transducer structures - and features a wealth of practical formulas, calculations, schemes, various parameters organized in tables, "know how" recipes, and other material helpful in transducer design. Begins with the basics common to all transducers and their elements; then covers the theory, fabrication, and application of the most popular, traditional, and contemporary devices; and concludes with a comprehensive overview of transducer schemes and principles organized in tables. MARKETS: For those who deal with transducer design or applications, including practitioners and students of electrical and mechanical engineering, industrial technology, physics, and chemistry.

Table of Contents

1) Transducer Characteristics and Structures

2) Contact, Resistive, and Electrode Elements

3) Capacitive and Inductive Elements

4) Transformer, Electrodynamic, Servo, and Resonant Elements

5) Mechanical, Acoustical, and Flowmetering Elements

6) Heat-Exchange Elements

7) Characteristics of Solid-State Transducing Devices

8) Fabrication of Microsensors

9) Micromechanical Sensing and Actuating Structures

10) Temperature-, Light-Sensitive Micro-Structures, and Fiber-Optic Sensors

11) Miscellaneous Miniature Sensors

12) Transducer Schemes

Appendix: Tensors





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