How to Select a Data Acquisition System

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When shopping for Data Acquisition products, be aware of the following selection criteria for your specific application:

Minimum Number of Analog Inputs (select all that apply):

  • No Analog Inputs
  • One Analog Input
  • Eight Analog Inputs
  • Sixteen Analog Inputs
  • Twenty-four or More Analog Inputs

Minimum Analog Input Sample Rate (select all that apply):

  • 1 Sample/Second
  • 10 Samples/Second
  • 100 Samples/Second
  • 1,000 Samples/Second
  • 100,000 Samples/Second or Higher

Type of Analog Input (select all that apply):

  • AC Voltage/Current
  • Bridge/Strain/Load
  • Frequency
  • Process Voltage/Current RTD
  • Temperature
  • Thermistor
  • Thermocouple

Minimum Analog Input Resolution (select one):

  • 12 Bit
  • 14 Bit
  • 16Bit
  • 22Bit

Minimum Number of Analog Outputs (select all that apply):

  • No Analog Outputs
  • One Analog Output
  • Two Analog Outputs
  • Four Analog Outputs
  • Eight or More Analog Outputs

Minimum Number of Digital Input/Outputs (I/O) (select that apply):

  • One Digital I/O
  • Eight Digital I/O
  • Sixteen Digital I/O
  • Thirty-two Digital I/O
  • Sixty-four Digital I/O or More

Interface (select one):

  • Ethernet
  • ISA Card
  • RS232
  • RS485
  • Parallel Port
  • PCI Card
  • USB

Special Features (select all that apply):

  • Isolated Inputs/Outputs
  • On-board memory
  • Counter/Timer

Updated: Friday, September 5, 2008 10:53 PST