Electrical Fault Diagnosis and Fixes (part 2)

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To measure accurately the resistance of the conductors in an electrical installation we must use an instrument which is capable of producing an open circuit voltage of between 4 and 24V a.c. or d.c., and deliver a short circuit current of not less than 200mA. The functions of continuity testing and insulation resistance testing are usually combined in one test instrument.


The test instrument must be capable of detecting insulation leakage between live conductors and between live conductors and earth. To do this and comply with regulations, the test instrument must be cap able of producing a test voltage of 250, 500 or 1000V and deliver an output current of not less than 1mA at its normal voltage.


The test instrument must be capable of delivering fault currents as high as 25A for up to 40ms using the supply voltage. During the test, the instrument does an Ohm's law calculation and displays the test result as a resistance reading.


Where circuits are protected by a residual current device we must carry out a test to ensure that the device will operate very quickly under fault conditions and within the time limits set by the regulations. The instrument must, therefore, simulate a fault and measure the time taken for the RCD to operate. The instrument is, therefore, calibrated to give a reading measured in milliseconds to an in-service accuracy of 10%.

If you purchase good-quality 'approved' test instruments and leads from specialist manufacturers they will meet all the Regulations and Standards and there fore give valid test results. However, to carry out all the tests required by the regulations will require a number of test instruments and this will represent a major capital investment in the region of $2000.

The specific tests required by the regulations: 'Inspection and Testing Techniques.' Electrical installation circuits usually carry in excess of 1A and often carry hundreds of amperes. Electronic circuits operate in the milliampere or even microampere range. The test instruments used on electronic circuits must have a high impedance so that they don't damage the circuit when connected to take readings. All instruments cause some disturbance when connected into a circuit because they consume some power in order to provide the torque required to move the pointer. In power applications these small disturbances seldom give rise to obvious errors, but in electronic circuits, a small disturbance can completely invalidate any readings taken. We must, therefore, choose our electronic test equipment with great care.

This is described in detail in Section 4 of this guide under the sub-heading 'Electronic Test Equipment' and suitable test instruments are shown in Figs 4.74-4.76.

So far in this section, I have been considering standard electrical installation circuits wired in conductors and cables using standard wiring systems. However, you may be asked to diagnose and repair a fault on a system that's unfamiliar to you or outside your experience and training. If this happens to you I would suggest that you immediately tell the person ordering the work that it's beyond your knowledge and experience. I have said earlier that fault diagnosis can only be carried out successfully by someone with a broad range of experience and a thorough knowledge of the installation or equipment that's malfunctioning. The person ordering the work will not think you a fool for saying straightaway that the work is outside your experience. It is better to be respected for your honesty than to attempt something that's beyond you at the present time and which could create bigger problems and waste valuable repair time.

Let us now consider some situations where special precautions or additional skills and knowledge may need to be applied.

Special situations


The introduction of fiber-optic cable systems and digital transmissions will undoubtedly affect future cabling arrangements and the work of the electrician.

Networks based on the digital technology currently being used so successfully by the telecommunications industry are very likely to become the long-term standard for computer systems. Fiber-optic systems dramatically reduce the number of cables required for control and communications systems, and this will in turn reduce the physical room required for these systems. Fiber-optic cables are also immune to electrical noise when run parallel to mains cables and , there fore, the present rules of segregation and screening may change in the future. There is no spark risk if the cable is accidentally cut and , therefore, such circuits are intrinsically safe.

Optical fiber cables are communication cables made from optical-quality plastic, the same material from which spectacle lenses are manufactured. The energy is transferred down the cable as digital pulses of laser light as against current flowing down a copper conductor in electrical installation terms. The light pulses stay within the fiber-optic cable because of a scientific principle known as 'total internal refraction' which means that the laser light bounces down the cable and when it strikes the outer wall it's always deflected inwards and , therefore, does not escape out of the cable, as shown in Ill. 15.

The cables are very small because the optical quality of the conductor is very high and signals can be transmitted over great distances. They are cheap to produce and lightweight because these new cables are made from high-quality plastic and not high-quality copper. Single-sheathed cables are often called 'simplex' cables and twin sheathed cables 'duplex', that's two simplex cables together in one sheath. Multi core cables are available containing up to 24 single fibers.

Fiber-optic cables look like steel wire armor cables (but of course are lighter) and should be installed in the same way and given the same level of protection as SWA cables. Avoid tight-radius bends if possible and kinks at all costs. Cables are terminated in special joint boxes which ensure cable ends are cleanly cut and butted together to ensure the continuity of the light pulses. Fiber-optic cables are Band I circuits when used for data transmission and must therefore be segregated from other mains cables to satisfy the regulations.

The testing of fiber-optic cables requires that special instruments be used to measure the light attenuation (i.e. light loss) down the cable. Finally, when working with fiber-optic cables, electricians should avoid direct eye contact with the low-energy laser light transmitted down the conductors.

Ill. 15 Digital pulses of laser light down an optical fiber cable.

Ill. 16 Recommended method of connecting IT equipment to socket outlets. Double socket-outlets must have two terminals for protective conductors. One terminal to be used for each protective conductor, of a minimum size of 1.5 mm2. Ring final circuit supplying twin socket-outlets (total protective conductor current exceeding 10 mA). DISTRIBUTION FUSE BOARD: Separate connections

Antistatic precautions

Static electricity is a voltage charge which builds up to many thousands of volts between two surfaces when they rub together. A dangerous situation occurs when the static charge has built up to a potential capable of striking an arc through the airgap separating the two surfaces.

Static charges build up in a thunderstorm. A lightning strike is the discharge of the thunder cloud, which might have built up to a voltage of 100MV, to the general mass of earth which is at 0V. Lightning discharge currents are of the order of 20 kA, hence the need for lightning conductors on vulnerable buildings in order to discharge the energy safely.

Static charge builds up between any two insulating surfaces or between an insulating surface and a con ducting surface, but it's not apparent between two conducting surfaces.

A motor car moving through the air builds up a static charge which sometimes gives the occupants a minor shock as they step out and touch the door handle.

Static electricity also builds up in modern offices and similar carpeted areas. The combination of synthetic carpets, man-made footwear materials and dry air conditioned buildings contribute to the creation of static electrical charges building up on people moving about these buildings. Individuals only become aware of the charge if they touch earthed metalwork, such as a stair banister rail, before the static electricity has been dissipated. The effect is a sensation of momentary shock.

The precautions against this problem include using floor coverings that have been 'treated' to increase their conductivity or that contain a proportion of natural fibers that have the same effect. The wearing of leather soled footwear also reduces the likelihood of a static charge persisting as does increasing the humidity of the air in the building.

A nylon overall and nylon bed sheets build up static charge which is the cause of the 'crackle' when you shake them. Many flammable liquids have the same properties as insulators, and therefore liquids, gases, powders and paints moving through pipes build up a static charge.

Petrol pumps, operating theatre oxygen masks and car spray booths are particularly at risk because a spark in these situations may ignite the flammable liquid, powder or gas.

So how do we protect ourselves against the risks associated with static electrical charges? I said earlier that a build-up of static charge is not apparent between two conducting surfaces, and this gives a clue to the solution. Bonding surfaces together with equi-potential bonding conductors prevents a build-up of static electricity between the surfaces. If we use large-diameter pipes, we reduce the flow rates of liquids and powders and , therefore, we reduce the build-up of static charge. Hospitals use cotton sheets and uniforms, and use bonding extensively in operating theatres. Rubber, which contains a proportion of graphite, is used to manufacture antistatic trolley wheels and surgeons' boots. Rubber constructed in this manner enables any build-up of static charge to 'leak' away. Increasing humidity also reduces static charge because the water droplets carry away the static charge, thus removing the hazard.

Ill. 17 Distortions in the a.c. mains supply.

Ill. 18 A simple noise suppressor.

Avoiding shutdown of IT equipment

Every modern office now contains computers, and many systems are linked together or networked. Most computer systems are sensitive to variations or distortions in the mains supply and many computers incorporate filters which produce high protective conductor currents of around 2 or 3mA. This is clearly not a fault current, but is typical of the current which flows in the circuit protective conductor of IT equipment under normal operating conditions. The regulations deals with the earthing requirements for the installation of equipment having high protective conductor currents. We recommend that IT equipment should be connected to double sockets as shown in Ill. 16.


Supplies to computer circuits must be 'clean' and 'secure'. Mainframe computers and computer net works are sensitive to mains distortion or interference, which is referred to as 'noise'. Noise is mostly caused by switching an inductive circuit which causes a transient spike, or by brush gear making contact with the commutator segments of an electric motor. These distortions in the mains supply can cause computers to 'crash' or provoke errors and are shown in Ill. 17.

To avoid this, a 'clean' supply is required for the computer network. This can be provided by taking the ring or radial circuits for the computer supplies from a point as close as possible to the intake position of the electrical supply to the building. A clean earth can also be taken from this point, which is usually one core of the cable and not the amour of an SWA cable, and distributed around the final wiring circuit. Alter natively, the computer supply can be cleaned by means of a filter such as that shown in Ill. 18.


The mains electrical supply in the U.S. is extremely reliable and secure. However, the loss of supply to a mainframe computer or computer network for even a second can cause the system to 'crash', and hours or even days of work can be lost.

One solution to this problem is to protect 'precious' software systems with an uninterruptable power sup ply (UPS). A UPS is essentially a battery supply electronically modified to provide a clean and secure a.c. supply. The UPS is plugged into the mains supply and the computer systems are plugged into the UPS.

A UPS to protect a small network of, say, six PCs is physically about the size of one PC hard drive and is usually placed under or at the side of an operator's desk.

It is best to dedicate a ring or radial circuit to the UPS and either to connect the computer equipment permanently or to use non-standard outlets to discourage the unauthorized use and overloading of these special supplies by, for example, kettles.

Finally, remember that most premises these days contain some computer equipment and systems. Electricians intending to isolate supplies for testing or modification should first check and then check again before they finally isolate the supply in order to avoid loss or damage to computer systems.

Damage to electronic devices by 'overvoltage'

The use of electronic circuits in all types of electrical equipment has increased considerably over recent years.

Electronic circuits and components can now be found in leisure goods, domestic appliances, motor starting and control circuits, discharge lighting, emergency lighting, alarm circuits and special-effects lighting systems. All electronic circuits are low voltage circuits carrying very small currents.

Electrical installation circuits usually carry in excess of 1A and often carry hundreds of amperes. Electronic circuits operate in the milliampere or even microampere range. The test instruments used on electronic circuits must have a high impedance so that they don't damage the circuit when connected to take readings.

The use of an insulation resistance test as described by the regulations, must be avoided with any electronic equipment. The working voltage of this instrument can cause total devastation to modern electronic equipment.

When carrying out an insulation resistance test as part of the prescribed series of tests for an electrical installation, all electronic equipment must first be disconnected or damage will result.

Any resistance measurements made on electronic circuits must be achieved with a battery-operated ohmmeter as described in Section 4 of this guide and shown in Fig 4.74 to avoid damaging the electronic components.

Risks associated with high frequency or large capacitive circuits

Induction heating processes use high frequency power to provide very focused heating in industrial processes.

The induction heater consists of a coil of large cross section. The work-piece or object to be heated is usually made of ferrous metal and is placed inside the coil. When the supply is switched on, eddy currents are induced into the work-piece and it heats up very quickly so that little heat is lost to conduction and convection.

The frequency and size of the current in the coil determines where the heat is concentrated in the work-piece:

++ the higher the current the greater is the surface penetration;

++ the longer the current is applied the deeper the penetration;

++ the higher the frequency the less is the depth of heat penetration.

For shallow penetration, high frequency, high cur rent, short time application is typically used for tool tempering. Other applications are brazing and soldering industrial and domestic gas boiler parts.

When these machines are not working they look very harmless but when they are working they operate very quietly and there is no indication of the intense heat that they are capable of producing. Domestic and commercial microwave ovens operate at high frequency.

The combination of risks of high frequency and intense heating means that before any maintenance, repair work or testing is carried out, the machine must first be securely isolated and no one should work on these machines unless they have received additional training to enable them to do so safely.

Industrial wiring systems are very inductive because they contain many inductive machines and circuits, such as electric motors, transformers, welding plants and discharge lighting. The inductive nature of the industrial load causes the current to lag behind the voltage and creates a bad power factor. Power factor is the percentage of current in an alternating current circuit that can be used as energy for the intended purpose. A power factor of say 0.7 indicates that 70% of the current supplied is usefully employed by the industrial equipment.

An inductive circuit, such as that produced by an electric motor, induces an electromagnetic force which opposes the applied voltage and causes the current wave to lag the voltage wave. Magnetic energy is stored up in the load during one half cycle and returned to the circuit in the next half cycle. If a capacitive circuit is employed, the current leads the voltage since the capacitor stores energy as the current rises and discharges it as the current falls. So here we have the idea of a solution to the problem of a bad power factor created by inductive industrial loads. Power Factor and Power Factor Improvement was discussed in Section 1 of this guide.

The power factor at which consumers take their electricity from the local electricity supply authority is outside the control of the supply authority. The power factor of the consumer is governed entirely by the electrical plant and equipment that's installed and operated within the consumer's buildings. Domestic consumers don't have a bad power factor because they use very little inductive equipment, most of the domestic load is neutral and at unity power factor.

Electricity supply authorities discourage the use of equipment and installations with a low power factor because they absorb part of the capacity of the generating plant and the distribution network to no useful effect. They, therefore, penalize industrial consumers with a bad power factor through a maximum demand tariff, metered at the consumer's intake position. If the power factor falls below a datum level of between 0.85 and 0.9 then extra charges are incurred. In this way industrial consumers are encouraged to improve their power factor.

Power factor improvement of most industrial loads is achieved by connecting capacitors to either

++ individual items of equipment or

++ banks of capacitors may be connected to the main bus-bars of the installation at the intake position.

The method used will depend upon the utilization of the installed equipment by the industrial or commercial consumer. If the load is constant then banks of capacitors at the mains intake position would be indicated.

If the load is variable then power factor correction equipment could be installed adjacent to the machine or piece of equipment concerned.

Power factor correction by capacitors is the most popular method because of the following:

++ They require no maintenance.

++ Capacitors are flexible and additional units may be installed as an installation or system is extended.

++ Capacitors may be installed adjacent to individual pieces of equipment or at the mains intake position.

Equipment may be placed on the floor or fixed high up and out of the way.

Capacitors store charge and must be disconnected before the installation or equipment is tested in accordance with regulations.

Small power factor correction capacitors as used in discharge lighting often incorporate a high value resistor connected across the mains terminals. This discharges the capacitor safely when not in use. Banks of larger capacity capacitors may require discharging to make them safe when not in use. To discharge a capacitor safely and responsibly it must be discharged slowly over a period in excess of five 'time-constants' through a suit able discharge resistor. Capacitors and time-constants were discussed earlier in this guide in Section 1 under the sub-heading 'Electrostatics'.

Presence of storage batteries

Since an emergency occurring in a building may cause the mains supply to fail, the emergency lighting should be supplied from a source which is independent from the main supply. A battery's ability to provide its output instantly makes it a very satisfactory source of standby power. In most commercial, industrial and public service buildings housing essential services, the alternative power supply would be from batteries, but generators may also be used. Generators can have a large capacity and duration, but a major disadvantage is the delay of time while the generator runs up to speed and takes over the load. In some premises a delay of more than 5 seconds is considered unacceptable, and in these cases a battery supply is required to supply the load until the generator can take over.

The emergency lighting supply must have an adequate capacity and rating for the specified duration of time. After a battery is discharged by being called into operation for its specified duration of time, it should be capable of once again operating for the specified duration of time following a recharge period of not longer than 24 hours. The duration of time for which the emergency lighting should operate will be specified by a statutory authority but is normally 1-3 hours. The law states that escape lighting should operate for a minimum of 1 hour. Standby lighting operation time will depend upon financial considerations and the importance of continuing the process or activity. Within the premises after the mains supply has failed.

The contractor installing the emergency lighting should provide a test facility which is simple to operate and secure against unauthorized interference. The emergency lighting installation must be segregated completely from any other wiring, so that a fault on the main electrical installation can't damage the emergency lighting installation.

The batteries used for the emergency supply should be suitable for this purpose. Motor vehicle batteries are not suitable for emergency lighting applications, except in the starter system of motor-driven generators. The fuel supply to a motor-driven generator should be checked. The battery room of a central battery system must be well ventilated and , in the case of a motor-driven generator, adequately heated to ensure rapid starting in cold weather.

NEC recommends that the full load should be carried by the emergency supply for at least 1 hour in every 6 months. After testing, the emergency system must be carefully restored to its normal operative state.

A record should be kept of each item of equipment and the date of each test by a qualified or responsible person. It may be necessary to produce the record as evidence of satisfactory compliance with statutory legislation to a duly authorized person.

Self-contained units are suitable for small installations of up to about 12 units. The batteries contained within these units should be replaced about every 5 years, or as recommended by the manufacturer.

Storage batteries are secondary cells. A secondary cell has the advantage of being rechargeable. If the cell is connected to a suitable electrical supply, electrical energy is stored on the plates of the cell as chemical energy. When the cell is connected to a load, the chemical energy is converted to electrical energy.

A lead-acid cell is a secondary cell. Each cell delivers about 2V, and when six cells are connected in series a 12V battery is formed. Figure 3.19 shows the construction of a lead-acid battery.

Ill. 19 The construction of a lead-acid battery.

A lead-acid battery is constructed of lead plates which are deeply ribbed to give maximum surface area for a given weight of plate. The plates are assembled in groups, with insulating separators between them. The separators are made of a porous insulating material, such as wood or ebonite, and the whole assembly is immersed in a dilute sulphuric acid solution in a plastic container.


The capacity of a cell to store charge is a measure of the total quantity of electricity which it can cause to be displaced around a circuit after being fully charged.

It is stated in ampere-hours, abbreviation Ah, and calculated at the 10-hour rate which is the steady load current which would completely discharge the battery in 10 hours. Therefore, a 50Ah battery will provide a steady current of 5A for 10 hours.


++ The plates of the battery must always be covered by the dilute sulphuric acid. If the level falls, it must be topped up with distilled water.

++ Battery connections must always be tight and should be covered with a thin coat of petroleum jelly.

++ The specific gravity or relative density of the battery gives the best indication of its state of charge. A discharged cell will have a specific gravity of 1.150, which will rise to 1.280 when fully charged. The specific gravity of a cell can be tested with a hydrometer.

++ To maintain a battery in good condition it should be regularly trickle-charged. A rapid charge or discharge encourages the plates to buckle, and may cause permanent damage. Most batteries used for standby supplies today are equipped with constant voltage chargers. The principle of these is that after the battery has been discharged by it being called into operation, the terminal voltage will be depressed and this enables a relatively large current (1-5A) to flow from the charger to recharge the battery. As the battery becomes more fully charged its voltage will rise until it reaches the constant voltage level where the current output from the charger will drop until it's just sufficient to balance the battery's internal losses. The main advantage of this system is that the battery controls the amount of charge it receives and is therefore automatically maintained in a fully charged condition without human intervention and without the use of any elaborate control circuitry.

++ The room used to charge the emergency supply storage batteries must be well ventilated because the charged cell gives off hydrogen and oxygen, which are explosive in the correct proportions.

Safe removal of waste

Having successfully diagnosed the electrical fault and carried out the necessary repairs OR having completed any work in the electrotechnical industry, we come to the final task, leaving the site in a safe and clean condition and the removal of any waste material. This is an important part of your companies 'good customer relationships' with the client. We also know from Section 1 of this guide that we have a 'duty of care' for the waste that we produce as an electrical company.

We have also said in Section 2 of this guide that having a good attitude to health and safety, working conscientiously and neatly, keeping passageways clear and regularly tidying up the workplace is the sign of a good and competent craftsman. But what do you do with the rubbish that the working environment produces? Well, all the packaging material for electrical

fittings and accessories usually goes into either your employer's skip or the skip on site designated for that purpose. All the off-cuts of conduit, trunking and tray also go into the skip. In fact, most of the general site debris will probably go into the skip and the waste disposal company will take the skip contents to a designated local council land fill area for safe disposal.

The part coils of cable and any other re-useable leftover lengths of conduit, trunking or tray will be taken back to your employer's stores area. Here it will be stored for future use and the returned quantities deducted from the costs allocated to that job.

What goes into the skip for normal disposal into a land fill site is usually a matter of common sense.

However, some substances require special consideration and disposal. We will now look at asbestos and large quantities of used fluorescent tubes which are classified as 'Special waste'.

Asbestos is a mineral found in many rock formations. When separated it becomes a fluffy, fibrous material with many uses. It was used extensively in the construction industry during the 1960's and 70's for roofing material, ceiling and floor tiles, fire-resistant board for doors and partitions, for thermal insulation and commercial and industrial pipe lagging.

In the buildings where it was installed some 40 years ago, when left alone, it does not represent a health hazard, but those buildings are increasingly becoming in need of renovation and modernization. It is in the dismantling and breaking up of these asbestos materials that the health hazard increases. Asbestos is a serious health hazard if the dust is inhaled. The tiny asbestos particles find their way into delicate lung tissue and remain embedded for life, causing constant irritation and eventually, serious lung disease.

Working with asbestos materials is not a job for anyone in the electrotechnical industry. If asbestos is present in situations or buildings where you are expected to work, it should be removed by a specialist contractor before your work commences. Specialist contractors, who will wear fully protective suits and use breathing apparatus, are the only people who can safely and responsibly carry out the removal of asbestos.

They will wrap the asbestos in thick plastic bags and store them temporarily in a covered and locked skip.

This material is then disposed of in a special land fill site with other toxic industrial waste materials and the site monitored by the local authority for the foresee able future.

There is a lot of work for electrical contractors in my part of the country, updating and improving the lighting in government buildings and schools. This work often involves removing the old fluorescent

fittings, hanging on chains or fixed to beams and installing a suspended ceiling and an appropriate number of recessed modular fluorescent fittings. So what do we do with the old fittings? Well, the fittings are made of sheet steel, a couple of plastic lampholders, a little cable, a starter and ballast. All of these materials can go into the ordinary skip. However, the

fluorescent tubes contain a little mercury and fluorescent powder with toxic elements, which can't be disposed of in the normal land fill sites. The responsible way to dispose of fluorescent tubes is by grinding them up into small pieces using a 'lamp crusher', which looks very much like a garden waste shredder.

The crushed lamp contents falls into a heavy duty plastic bag, which is sealed and disposed of along with the asbestos, material and other industrial waste in special landfill sites.

The laws and regulations for controlled waste disposal have encouraged specialist companies to set up businesses dealing with the responsible disposal of toxic waste material. Specialist companies have systems and procedures, which meet the relevant regulation, and they would usually give an electrical company a certificate to say that they had disposed of a particular waste material responsibly.

The system is called 'Waste Transfer Notes'. The notes will identify the type of waste taken by whom and its

final place of disposal. The person handing over the waste material to the waste disposal company will be given a copy of the notes and this must be filed in a safe place, probably in the job file or a dedicated file.

It is the proof that your company has carried out its duty of care to dispose of the waste responsibly. The cost of this service is then passed on to the customer.

These days, large employers and local authorities insist that waste is disposed of properly.

The EPA (epa.gov) will always give advice and point you in the direction of specialist companies dealing with toxic waste disposal.


1 Describe the symptoms of an electrical fault.

2 State how negligence, misuse or abuse by the installer or user may result in faults.

3 List the four logical stages of fault diagnosis.

4 List the five steps involved in finding and rectifying a fault.

5 List the safe working procedures to be applied on an electrical system before undertaking fault rectification.

6 State the requirements of (NEC) Electricity regulations and laws with regard to the following:

(a) 'live' testing and 'fault diagnosis', (b) 'live working' to repair a fault.

7 Define 'isolation' with respect to an electrical circuit or item of equipment.

8 List a logical procedure for the isolation of an electrical circuit. Start from the point at which you choose the voltage indicating device and finish with the point at which you begin to work on the circuit.

9 State five factors which might influence the decision to repair or replace a piece of faulty equipment.

10 Briefly explain how you might design in 'damage limitation' when planning a new installation.

11 Briefly explain what we mean by static electricity and how we would prevent it becoming a hazard in a store-room where large quantities of paint are stored on metal shelves.

12 Describe with simple sketches what we mean by a 'clean' computer supply and 'noise'.

13 Describe one method of obtaining a 'secure' sup ply for a computer network.

14 Describe how you would responsibly dispose of about 200 old lead-acid batteries that had previously been used as standby lighting in a cinema.

15 Explain with a sketch how digital pulses pass down fiber optic cables.

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Friday, December 23, 2016 1:57