Classical Electrodynamics

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Classical Electrodynamics

by: Lester L., Jr. Deraad, Kimball A. Milton, Wu-Yang Tsai, Julian Seymour Schwinger

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Topics include: impulsive scattering, stationary action principle, unit point charge, dipole radiation formula, local charge conservation, charge conservation condition, radiation gauge, perfect electric conductor, perfect magnetic conductor, mth harmonic, total energy radiated, perfectly conducting sphere, local conservation law, free charge density, obeys the differential equation, image charge, physical charge, total power radiated, total radiated power, stationary property, definite frequency, surface charge distribution, conducting sheet, addition theorem, magnetic charge

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This is a concise, clear, and coherent account of advanced classical electrodynamics. The equation density is higher than in most books. Mostly this means that intermediate steps of the many illuminating calculations of the book are included. Many interesting topics not normally included in this type of book are included. A lot of the mathematics needed is developed in detail. I recommed it strongly to both teachers and advanced students of the subject.

One of the best advanced books about electrodynamics: Schwinger's book about electrodynamics is a book that in my opinion is better and also more advanced then Jackson's Electrodynamics. One may call Schwingers introduction of the magnetic charge an annoyance, but in my opinion, he is making an excellent point about how physics should be done: open-minded and always marking where gaps might be, that needs to be filled later. In this respect he is not just teaching electrodynamics but rather how to think like a physicist. It has the benefit that one starts to question the validity of every equation and concept presented to verify it upon its correctness. This approach is a very good one and unfortunately not seen to often in many books in physics. Schwinger is indeed an exception and his book on top of everything covers more then Jackson as well. So, it is a highly recommended book.

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