Collection of Solved Problems in Vibration

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Collection of Solved Problems in Vibration

by: Dragi Tiro

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Russian way -- Book "Collection of Solved Problems in Vibration" is made in accordance with the very successful Russian way of learning. The book describes the different kinds of vibration and all problems are solved. The most of them are solved completely and the others (for exercise) have just final solution. The book is very useful for technical sciences.

It has helped me to learn the vibration problems solving -- I'm a student of technical faculty and book "Collection of Solved Problems in Vibration" has helped me to learn the vibration problems solving. There is a review of theory at the beginning of every chapter in the book and solved problems after that. The solutions are described in detail and they are easy for understanding. I recommend the book for everyone interested.

Good Old Style - Russia has given many great scientists. They learned from books like this. The book has written in the good old style and it's favorable for learning. Simply, good.


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