Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation: Human Bioeffects and Safety

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Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation: Human Bioeffects and Safety


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Topics include: traffic radar devices, main panel box, plumbing currents, electric utility workers, field dosimetry, magnetic field exposure, equivalent power density, generalized multipole technique, handheld cellular phones, radio frequency radiation, nonthermal effects, protection guidelines, cellular telephone use, distance from the antenna, incident power density, conduction charges, field guidelines, broadcast antennas, residential exposure, magnetic field sources, cellular phone use, handheld phones, melatonin concentration, exposure guidelines, specific absorption rate

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This reference explores the sources, characteristics, bioeffects, and health hazards of extremely low-frequency (ELF) fields and radio frequency radiation (RFR), analyzing current research as well as the latest epidemiological studies to assess potential risks associated with exposure and to develop effective safety guidelines.

Compiles reports and investigations from four decades of study on the effect of nonionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation on human health

Summarizing modern engineering approaches to control exposure, Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation discusses:

EM interaction mechanisms in biological systems

Explorations into the impact of EM fields on free radicals, cells, tissues, organs, whole organisms, and the population

Regulatory standards in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia Pacific

Evaluation of incident fields from various EM sources

Measurement surveys for various sites including power lines, substations, mobile systems, cellular base stations, broadcast antennas, traffic radar devices, heating equipment, and other sources

Dosimetry techniques for the determination of internal EM fields

Conclusions reached by the Food and Drug Administration, World Health Organization, and other institutions


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