Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method

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Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method

by: Dennis M. Sullivan

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Electrical Engineering Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method A volume in the IEEE Press Series on RF and Microwave Technology Roger D. Pollard and Richard Booton, Series Editors You can immediately have the power to perform electromagnetic simulation. If you have a fundamental understanding of electromagnetic theory and the knowledge of at least one high-level computer language, you can begin writing simple electromagnetic simulation programs after reading the first chapter of this book. Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method describes the power and flexibility of the finite-difference time-domain method as a direct simulation of Maxwell?s equations. The FDTD method takes advantage of today?s advanced computing power because its computational requirements increase linearly with the size of the simulation problem. This book begins with a simple one-dimensional simulation, and progresses to a three-dimensional simulation. Each chapter contains a concise explanation of an essential concept and instruction on its implementation into computer code. Projects that increase in complexity are included, ranging from simulations in free space to propagation in dispersive media. Peripheral topics that are pertinent to time-domain simulation, such as Z-transforms and the discrete Fourier transform, are also covered. Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method is written for anyone who would like to learn electromagnetic simulation using the finite-difference time-domain method. Appropriate as both a textbook and for self-study, this tutorial-style book will provide all the background you will need to begin research or other practical work in electromagnetic simulation.

Table of Contents

Guide to the Book

One-Dimensional Simulation with the FDTD Method

More on One-Dimensional Simulation

Two-Dimensional Simulation

Three-Dimensional Simulation

Two Applications Using FDTD

Using FDTD for Other Types of Simulation

The Z Transform


List of C Programs

About the Author


Very thin and there are mistakes
Yes, this book could have been a contender. The field of FDTD has now reached a level of maturity so that it is both useful (very) and the literature no longer explains the details to a beginner. This book is good in that it does talk to the novice; however it has several problems.First, there are a number of mistakes, and although they are obvious, they are also inexcusable. For example on page 6, eqns 1.14 and 1.15 there are numerous sign errors in the sub/superscripts. The second C program, which is a modification of the first, will not work as written! He forgot to initialize two of the new variables. Careless. For $115 the author and editor could have done a much better job. The book is only 165 pages long; so the editing/proofing should not have taken too long.

Second, the English is inexcusably poor. It sounds a lot like a direct translation of a conversation two graduate students might have at the board.

Third, the book gives very little other than what is needed to gain a limited understanding of the included C code.All that said, it will get you off square-zero in a fairly short time. I strongly suggest that you check the book out from the library rather than making this expensive purchase.

After you spend a couple of days with this book you will be ready to tackle the class act of E&M FDTD books - Taflove and Hagness - this book has a whopping $135 price tag, but at least it weighs in at 850+ pages and gives a lot of detail.

Excellent book but with mistakes
Generally the book of Dennis M.Sullivan is a book that is a value for money.It really helps someone who would like to learn electromagnetic simulation with the FDTD method step by step.

The 1st chapter introduces you in 1D-FDTD and helps you understand the basics of 1D-FDTD in free space,simple ABCs,propagation in a dielectric and lossy dielectric medium.

The 2nd chapter continues with more complicated issues of 1-D FDTD such as simulation in frequency-dependent media and calculating the frequency dependent media with Fourier Transform.

The 3rd chapter introduces 2-D FDTD,implementation of the PML ABCs and propagation of a plane wave.

The 4th chapter learns you the 3-D FDTD and implementation of the PML in 3D which is really wonderful.

The 5th chapter gives 2 applications with FDTD(Simulation of microstrip antenna and calculation of the far field of an aperture antenna) and the 6th some other types of simulation.

The problem with the book is that the programs have some mistakes and you must spend a lot of time to find them.Personally i have developed all of them except for the patch antenna.If someone has found the mistakes in it and has the right program please send it tome in the email .......My advice is to buy this book!!!

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