Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with Engineering Applications

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Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with Engineering Applications

by: Stuart M. Wentworth

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With the rapid growth of wireless technologies, more and more people are trying to gain a better understanding of electromagnetics. After all, electromagnetic fields have a direct impact on reception in all wireless applications. This text explores electromagnetics, presenting practical applications for wireless systems, transmission lines, waveguides, antennas, electromagnetic interference, and microwave engineering. It is designed for use in a one- or two-semester electromagnetics sequence for electrical engineering students at the junior and senior level.

The first book on the subject to tackle the impact of electromagnetics on wireless applications:

* Includes numerous worked-out example problems that provide you with hands-on experience in solving electromagnetic problems.

* Describes a number of practical applications that show how electromagnetic theory is put into practice.

* Offers a concise summary at the end of each chapter that reinforces the key points.

* Detailed MATLAB examples are integrated throughout the book to enhance the material.

Table of Contents.

CHAPTER 1. Introduction.

1.1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum.

1.2 Wireless Communications.

1.3 Dealing with Units.


CHAPTER 2. Electrostatics.

2.1 Vectors in the Cartesian Coordinate System.

2.2 Coulomb?s Law.

Electric Field Intensity.

Field Lines.

2.3 The Spherical Coordinate System.

2.4 Line Charges and the Cylindrical Coordinate System.

Infinite Length Line of Charge.

Ring of Charge.

2.5 Surface and Volume Charge.

Volume Charge.

Practical Application: Laser Printer.

2.6 Electric Flux Density.

2.7 Gauss?s Law and Applications.

Coaxial Cable.

2.8 Divergence and the Point Form of Gauss?s Law.

2.9 Electric Potential Gradient.

2.10 Conductors and Ohm?s Law.

Current and Current Density.

Joule?s Law.

2.11 Dielectrics.

Practical Application: Electret Microphone.

2.12 Boundary Conditions.

Boundary Value Problems.

2.13 Capacitance.

Electrostatic Potential Energy.

Practical Application: Electrolytic Capacitors.



CHAPTER 3. Magnetostatics.

3.1 Magnetic Fields and the Cross Product.

Oersted?s Experiment.

3.2 Biot?Savart?s Law.


Surface and Volume Current Densities.

3.3 Ampre?s Circuital Law.

3.4 Curl and the Point Form of Ampre?s Circuital Law.

Stokes?s Theorem.

3.5 Magnetic Flux Density.

3.6 Magnetic Forces.

Force on a Current Element.

Magnetic Torque and Moment.

Practical Application: Loudspeakers.

3.7 Magnetic Materials.

3.8 Boundary Conditions.

3.9 Inductance and Magnetic Energy.

Mutual Inductance.

Magnetic Energy.

3.10 Magnetic Circuits.


Practical Application: Maglev.



CHAPTER 4. Dynamic Fields.

4.1 Current Continuity and Relaxation Time.

4.2 Wave Fundamentals.

4.3 Faraday?s Law and Transformer EMF.

Transformer EMF.


Point Form of Faraday?s Law.

4.4 Faraday?s Law and Motional EMF.


4.5 Displacement Current.

4.6 Maxwell?s Equations.

4.7 Lossless TEM Waves.

4.8 Time-Harmonic Fields and Phasors.



CHAPTER 5. Plane Waves.

5.1 General Wave Equations.

Time-Harmonic Wave Equations.

Propagating Fields Relation.

5.2 Propagation in Lossless, Charge-Free Media.

5.3 Propagation in Dielectrics.

Low-Loss Dielectrics.

Loss Tangent.

5.4 Propagation in Conductors.

Current in Conductors.

5.5 The Poynting Theorem and Power Transmission.

UPW Power Transmission.

5.6 Polarization.

Practical Application: Liquid Crystal Displays.

5.7 Reflection and Transmission at Normal Incidence.

General Case.

Standing Waves.

5.8 Reflection and Transmission at Oblique Incidence.

TE Polarization.

TM Polarization.




CHAPTER 6. Transmission Lines.

6.1 Distributed-Parameter Model.

Telegraphist?s Equations.

6.2 Time-Harmonic Waves on Transmission Lines.

Characteristic Impedance.

Lossless Line.

Power Transmission.

6.3 Terminated T-Lines.

Input Impedance.

Complex Loads.

The Complete Circuit.

6.4 The Smith Chart.

Smith Chart Derivation.

Using the Smith Chart.

Impedance Measurement.

6.5 Impedance Matching.

Quarter-Wave Transformer.

Matching with the Smith Chart.

Admittance of Shunt Stubs.

Shunt-Stub Matching.

6.6 Microstrip.


Other Planar T-Lines.

6.7 Transients.

Pulse Response.

Practical Application: Schottky-Diode Terminations.

Reactive Loads.

Time-Domain Reflectometry.

6.8 Dispersion.


Problems 333

CHAPTER 7. Waveguide.

7.1 Rectangular Waveguide Fundamentals.

Wave Propagation.

Waveguide Impedance.

Practical Application: Microwave Ovens.

7.2 Waveguide Field Equations.

TM Mode.

TE Mode.

7.3 Dielectric Waveguide.

TE Mode.

TM Mode.

Field Equations.

7.4 Optical Fiber.

Numerical Aperture.

Signal Degradation.


Graded-Index Fiber.

7.5 Fiber Optic Communication Systems.

Optical Sources.

Optical Detectors.

Repeaters and Optical Amplifiers.


7.6 Optical Link Design.

Power Budget.

Rise-Time Budget.


Suggested References.


CHAPTER 8. Antennas.

8.1 General Properties.

Radiated Power.

Radiation Patterns.


Impedance and Efficiency.

A Commercial Antenna.

8.2 Electrically Short Antennas.

Vector Magnetic Potential.

The Hertzian Dipole.

The Small Loop Antenna.

8.3 Dipole Antennas.

Derivation of Fields.

Antenna Properties.

Half-Wave Dipole.

8.4 Monopole Antennas.

Image Theory.

Antenna Properties.

Practical Considerations.

8.5 Antenna Arrays.

Pair of Hertzian Dipoles.

N-Element Linear Arrays.

Parasitic Arrays.

8.6 The Friis Transmission Equation.

Polarization Effects.

Receiver Matching.

8.7 Radar.

8.8 Antennas for Wireless Communications.

Parabolic Reflectors.

Patch Antennas.

Slot Antennas.

Folded Dipole Antennas.


Suggested References.


CHAPTER 9. Electromagnetic Interference.

9.1 Interference Sources.


Electrostatic Discharge.

Power Disturbance Sources.

Radio Transmitters.

9.2 Passive Circuit Elements.





9.3 Digital Signals.

9.4 Grounds.

Bond Wires.

Signal Grounds.

Loop Area.

9.5 Shields.

9.6 Filters.

Reflective Filters.

Ferrite Chokes.


Suggested References.


CHAPTER 10. Microwave Engineering.

10.1 Lumped-Element Matching Networks.

10.2 Scattering Parameters.

Reciprocal Networks.

Lossless Networks.

Return Loss and Insertion Loss.

Shift in Reference Plane.

The Vector Network Analyzer.

10.3 Couplers and Dividers.


Three-Port Dividers.


10.4 Filters.

Simple Filters.

Multisection Filters.

High-Pass Filters.

Bandpass Filters.

10.5 Amplifiers.

Designing Matching Networks.

Balanced Amplifiers.

10.6 Receiver Design.



Microwave CAD.

Practical Application: Radio Frequency Identification.


Suggested References.


APPENDIX A. Vector Relations.

APPENDIX B. Coordinate System Transformations.

APPENDIX C. Complex Numbers.

APPENDIX D. Integrals, Conversions, and Constants.

APPENDIX E. Material Properties.

APPENDIX F. Answers to Selected Problems.



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