Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2nd Edition

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Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2nd Edition

by: Clayton R. Paul

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Topics include: capacitive coupling model, multipoint ground system, available circuit voltage, conducted emission problems, trapezoidal pulse train, crosstalk transfer function, high frequency spectral content, receptor wires, mutual partial inductances, electrically short lines, incident uniform plane wave, pigtail sections, total average power radiated, current radiated emissions, capacitive coupling component, off board cables, transmissionline equations, capacitive coupling contributions, radiated emission problems, multiconductor transmission line theory, mutual partial inductance between, total mutual inductance, semianechoic chamber, hardware immunity, emission frequency range

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First Sentence:
In this chapter we will discuss the motivation for studying the subject of EMC.

Book Description
A Landmark text thoroughly updated, including a new CD As digital devices continue to be produced at increasingly lower costs and with higher speeds, the need for effective electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) design practices has become more critical than ever to avoid unnecessary costs in bringing products into compliance with governmental regulations. The Second Edition of this landmark text has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect these major developments that affect both academia and the electronics industry. Readers familiar with the First Edition will find much new material, including: * Latest U.S. and international regulatory requirements * PSpice used throughout the textbook to simulate EMC analysis solutions * Methods of designing for Signal Integrity * Fortran programs for the simulation of Crosstalk supplied on a CD * OrCAD(r) PSpice(r) Release 10.0 and Version 8 Demo Edition software supplied on a CD * The final chapter on System Design for EMC completely rewritten * The chapter on Crosstalk rewritten to simplify the mathematics Detailed, worked-out examples are now included throughout the text. In addition, review exercises are now included following the discussion of each important topic to help readers assess their grasp of the material. Several appendices are new to this edition including Phasor Analysis of Electric Circuits, The Electromagnetic Field Equations and Waves, Computer Codes for Calculating the Per-Unit-Length Parameters and Crosstalk of Multiconductor Transmission Lines, and a SPICE (PSPICE) tutorial. Now thoroughly updated, the Second Edition of Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility remains the textbook of choice for university/college EMC courses as well as a reference for EMC design engineers.

Download Description
A Landmark text thoroughly updated As digital devices continue to be produced at increasingly lower costs and with higher speeds, the need for effective electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) design practices has become more critical than ever to avoid unnecessary costs in bringing products into compliance with governmental regulations. The Second Edition of this landmark text has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect these major developments that affect both academia and the electronics industry.

The publisher, John Wiley and Sons
Deals with the topic of interference (electromagnetic compatibility) in electronic systems. It builds on basic undergraduate electrical engineering concepts and principles and applies them to the design of electronic systems that operate compatibly with other electronic systems and do not create interference phenomena. To facilitate classroom teaching it is divided in two parts. The first provides the basic principles and skills for review, while the second refers to applications and aspects of EMC design. -

From the Back Cover
A Landmark text thoroughly updated, including a new CD

As digital devices continue to be produced at increasingly lower costs and with higher speeds, the need for effective electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) design practices has become more critical than ever to avoid unnecessary costs in bringing products into compliance with governmental regulations. The Second Edition of this landmark text has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect these major developments that affect both academia and the electronics industry. Readers familiar with the First Edition will find much new material, including:

* Latest U.S. and international regulatory requirements
* PSpice used throughout the textbook to simulate EMC analysis solutions
* Methods of designing for Signal Integrity
* Fortran programs for the simulation of Crosstalk supplied on a CD
* OrCAD PSpice Release 10.0 and Version 8 Demo Edition software supplied on a CD
* The final chapter on System Design for EMC completely rewritten
* The chapter on Crosstalk rewritten to simplify the mathematics

Detailed, worked-out examples are now included throughout the text. In addition, review exercises are now included following the discussion of each important topic to help readers assess their grasp of the material. Several appendices are new to this edition including Phasor Analysis of Electric Circuits, The Electromagnetic Field Equations and Waves, Computer Codes for Calculating the Per-Unit-Length Parameters and Crosstalk of Multiconductor Transmission Lines, and a SPICE (PSPICE) tutorial.

Now thoroughly updated, the Second Edition of Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility remains the textbook of choice for university/college EMC courses as well as a reference for EMC design engineers.

About the Author
CLAYTON R. PAUL, PHD, is Professor and Sam Nunn Chair of Aerospace Systems Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mercer University. He is also Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Kentucky, where he served on the faculty for twenty-seven years. Dr. Paul is the author of twelve textbooks in electrical engineering, has contributed numerous chapters to engineering handbooks and reference texts, and has published numerous technical papers in scientific journals and symposia. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Honorary Life Member of the IEEE EMC Society.

Table of Contents


1) Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

2) EMC Requirements for Electronic Systems

3) Signal Spectra-The Relationship Between theTime Domain and the Frequency Domain

4) Transmission Lines and Signal Integrity

5) Nonideal Behavior of Components

6) Conducted Emissions and Susceptibility

7) Antennas

8) Radiated Emissions and Susceptibility

9) Crosstalk

10) Shielding

11) System Design for EMC

Appendix A: The Phasor Solution Method

Appendix B: The Electromagnetic Field Equations and Waves

Appendix C: Computer Codes for Calculating the Per-Unit-Length Parameters and Crosstalk of Multiconductor Transmission Lines

Appendix D: Spice (PSPICE) Tutorial



Starting first with the negatives, of which they are four. First, do not be fooled by the title word "introduction." This is NOT a book for beginners, but rather senior engineers. If you are new to EMC this is not the book for you. Second, information relative to FCC/CE requirements is dated. Also, some tests relative to CE compliance are not covered. Third, though there are many diagrams, there are almost no pictures. In many cases I found a picture, as opposed to a diagram would have been far more explanatory. Lastly (though it does not bother me in the least, but I thought you would like to know), the book has numerous typos through out its 752 pages.

Ahhhhhh, but what the book is, IS ABSOLUTLY WONDERFUL! As an experienced design consultant, I found information in this book that I have not, and could not find anywhere else. The author has A COMMAND of the subject and it shows. Compared to my peers, I consider myself fairly well versed in the subject of EMC as it pertains to design and debug, but I took a back seat when reading. It was useful even re-reading the things I already knew. The author always offered a new insight. Funny, but after I finished (and it took a while to read) my first thought was "I would really like to meet this guy - to personally request a sequel." For what it is, THIS BOOK IS EXCELLENT, well worth the asking price.

This book is excellent. The author has the unique ability to cover the subject in great detail including all the theory, but yet make the reading very easy and enjoyable. I was amazed that I could read 750 pages of advanced and new material in a few weeks. The book unfortunately has many errors and typos which prevents me from giving it 5 stars.

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