Index [How to use TEST PROBES (1954)]


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AC probe 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 40, 47, 67, 102

AC pulses, attenuation 44

Amplifier, used with probe 60 Attenuation, low-capacitance probe 58 Balanced input, for crystal probe 136 Blocking capacitor, for probe 62 Cable resonance, and generator lest 73 Calibration, of capacitor probe 19 Capacitive loading, by probe 40 Capacitor ratio, in ac probe 17 Circuit isolation, cathode-follower probe 73 Crosstalk, in probe application 17 Crystal diode, operating characteristics 94 peak-to-peak probe 104 Crystal probe, combination 105 voltage doubling 138

Current waveform, checked with probe 148

DC probe 1, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 37 Demodulating ability, of crystal probe 142 Demodulator probe 115, 117, 119, 120, 124, 128, 130, 131, 134.

Diodes, tube vs. crystal 98 Equivalent circuit, of low-C probe 48 Feed-through, of demodulator probe 147 Fidelity, of response 127 Flyback circuits, checking 29 Frequency response, and scope attenuator 53 Front-end servicing, demodulator probe 152 High-frequency discrimination 41 High-frequency voltages, filtering of 39 High-voltage measurement 5, 6 High-voltage probe 4, 9, 10 High-Z vs. Low-Z, circuit tests, 33 Horizontal deflection coils, checks of 58 IF servicing and demodulator probe 154 Impedance, checked with probe 151

Input impedance 35 Insertion loss, VTVM probe 112 Isolation resistor, signal tracing 46 Instrument load, relative value 32 Loading, minimizing 35 Looker point, checks at 46 Low-capacitance probe 47, 48, 60 Low-level circuit, testing 21 Marker pip, filtering 45 Multiplier resistance 3, 4 Oscilloscope probe, capacitive divider 15 Peak-to-peak values, capacitance probe 15 Peak response of probe 91 Peak-to-peak VTVM, pulse response 92 Polarization of crystal diode 146 Rectifier probe arrangements 76 Rectifier tube as capacitor 17 Rectifying circuit, peak-to-peak 87 voltage doubling 88 Rectifying probe 98, 111 Resistive isolation 42, 43, 44, 45 Resonances, of test cable 32 RF rectifying probe, shop constructed 106 Reverse current, in crystal diode 95 Ripple voltage, check of 23 RMS voltage error, and harmonic component 87 Safety precaution, probe ground 9 Scale factor of probe 1 Second-anode voltage, probe range required 3 Shielding, suppresses stray fields 29 Shunt rectifier, demodulator probe 125 Signal-developed bias, measurement 37 Signal generator, checked with probe 165 Sound circuits and demodulator probe 162 Spurious voltages, checked with probe 164 Step-down ratio vs. frequency 41 Sweep generator, checked with probe 167 Sync buzz, display of 24 Sync-control circuits, checks of 60 Test cable 26, 27, 30, 32 Time constant 50, 64, 85 Transit time, in probe diode 93 Trimmer capacitor adjustment 20 Tube diode characteristic curvature 93 characteristics 93 TV front end and low-Z probe 133 TV receiver servicing and demodulator probe 149 UHF rectifying probe 113 Vertical blocking oscillator tests of 51 Vertical sweep circuits, troubleshooting 23 Video amplifier, square-wave test 25 Video-amplifier tests and demodulator probe 159 Video detector, checked with probe 69 Voltage-divider resistors, burn-out 12 VOM probe, peak indicating 105 VTVM, rectifying probe 76 VTVM probe, HF and LF 107 VTVM time constants 84 VTVM calibration and isolation resistor 39 VTVM input resistance, increase of 12 VTVM probe, use 171 Waveform, screen position 145 Waveform distortion with resistive probe 13

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