Computerized Data Acquisition and Analysis for the Life Sciences : A Hands-on Guide


Computerized Data Acquisition and Analysis for the Life Sciences : A Hands-on Guide

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by: Simon S. Young

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Topics include: sampling skew, life science work, using the trapezium rule, point moving average filter, unipolar mode, corner frequency, spectral edge, sensing junction, analogue ground, leaky integrator, sine wave whose frequency, bipolar mode, three sine waves, perfect integrator, sine wave sampled, forgetting function, resistance with temperature, data acquisition board, frequency fmax, respiratory flow, original sine wave, respiratory airflow, bridge amplifier, mains interference, integrated signal

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Book Description
Computerized data acquisition systems are often the principal method of recording experimental results. This book takes the reader step-by-step through the process of data acquisition and analysis, explaining how to set up the systems and obtain useful information from the data recorded. In an easy-to-read style, the author guides researchers through the basics of data acquisition systems, explaining the important underlying concepts, and giving numerous examples of how to analyze the recorded information. While aimed at researchers in the life sciences, the topics covered are general and will be valuable to anyone interested in learning to use data acquisition systems. The principles can be applied to the collection of data from respiratory apparatus to behavioral science experiments, and a host of other situations. Many illustrations and worked examples accompany the text, and the mathematics are kept simple. This book is an invaluable tool for the nonengineer who is collecting and analyzing experimental data using data acquisition systems. Researchers, graduate students, and technicians will find it an up-to-date and indispensable guide for setting up equipment and getting the most out of their data.

Book Info
Schering-Plough Research Institute, Kenilworth, NJ. A text for the non-engineer, offering insight into hardware and software for researchers in the health sciences, explaining how to get the best results with preamplifiers and transducers, as well as a variety of other specialized equipment. Softcover, hardcover available.



1. The bare essentials

2. How a data acquisition system works

3. Important concepts

4. Connecting to the real world with transducers

5. Data manipulation

6. Examples






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