Digital Signal Processing : System Analysis and Design


Digital Signal Processing : System Analysis and Design

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by: Paulo S. R. Diniz, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, Sergio L. Netto

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Topics include: frequency response masking approach, elliptic bandpass filter, output roundoff noise, canonic direct form, minimax filter, passband detail, lowpass filter satisfying, granular limit cycles, antisymmetric impulse response, antisymmetric sequences, lowpass elliptic filter, resulting magnitude response, parallel adaptor, optimal state space, symmetric ladder, signal flowgraph, analysis highpass, analysis lowpass, masking filters, wave digital filters, recursive running sum, frequency sampling method, ideal magnitude response, band filter bank, series adaptor

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this textbook covers, clearly and concisely, the core material of a DSP course ... it is suitable as the main text for an undergraduate DSP course or for a short course for practising engineers.' Times Higher Education Supplement
Book Description
This book covers all the major topics in digital signal processing (DSP) design and analysis.
Book Info
Covers all the major topics in digital signal processing (DSP) design and analysis, supported by Matlab examples and other modeling techniques. Ideal text for students and engineers working on the development of signal processing systems.


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