Home![]() More books in category: Electrical Engineering by: Thomas L. Floyd, David M. Buchla AMAZON multi-meters discounts AMAZON oscilloscope discounts Topics include: CLICK HERE for more information and price Fundamentals of Analog Circuits, Second Edition, presents an introduction to discrete linear devices and circuits, followed by comprehensive coverage of operational amplifiers and other linear integrated circuits. This new edition has been expanded and improved to include up-to-date coverage of these topics in a format containing a wealth of features to enhance the learning process. The text opens with five chapters providing a fundamental discussion of basic concepts, diodes, transistors, and amplifiers. The following ten chapters focus on integrated circuit op-amps, active filters, oscillators, power supplies, special amplifiers, communications circuits, data conversion circuits, and measurement and control circuits. Extensive troubleshooting material and exercises appear throughout these chapters, and further practice and understanding can be achieved with the use of the CD-ROM described below. In addition, the following innovative features assist in making Fundamentals of Analog Circuits, Second Edition, the leading text in its area: * Current in a circuit is indicated by a polarized meter symbol that allows the user to apply the direction of preference. * Current meters show relative current magnitude in a circuit. * Emphasis is on analog integrated circuits, but good coverage of discrete circuits is also included. * Topics that are generally not found in other textbooks, such as RF amplifiers and transducers, are included. * System applications with Troubleshooting exercises incorporate realistic printed circuit boards, and a related full-color insert section is included. Overview The first five chapters provide a fundamental coverage of basic concepts, diodes, transistors, and amplifiers. The last ten chapters focus on integrated circuit op-amps, active filters, oscillators, power supplies, special amplifiers, communications circuits, data conversion circuits, and measurement and control circuits. Discrete Devices and Circuits. The first part of the text consists of five chapters as follows: Chapter 1 presents an introduction to analog electronics, analog signals, amplifiers, and troubleshooting. Chapter 2 covers diodes, rectifiers, and regulators. Chapter 3 introduces bipolar junction transistors and BJT amplifiers. Chapter 4 gives a basic treatment of field-effect transistors and FET amplifiers. Chapter 5 deals with multistage amplifiers, radio-frequency (RF) amplifiers, and power amplifiers. Analog Integrated Circuits. The second part of the text consists of ten chapters that cover analog integrated circuits as follows: Chapter 6 provides an introduction to) operational amplifiers. Op-amp frequency response is covered in Chapter 7, and basic op-amp circuits (comparators, summing amplifiers, integrators, and differentiators) is the: topic of Chapter 8. Active op-amp filters are covered in Chapter 9, and oscillators ands timers are introduced in Chapter 10. Power supplies are covered in Chapter 11. Special amplifiers (instrumentation amplifiers, isolation amplifiers, operational transconductance; amplifiers (OTAs), and log/antilog amplifiers) are introduced in Chapter 12. Communication circuits (AM and FM receivers, , linear multipliers, mixers, and phase-locked loops) are studied in Chapter 13. Data conversion circuits such as analog switches, sample-and-hold circuits, digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters, and voltage-to-frequency and frequency-to-voltage converters are among the topics in Chapter 14. Finally, Chapter 15 covers various types of transducers and associated measurement circuits. Features Fundamentals of Analog Circuits, Second Edition, is innovative in four areas: * Current in a circuit is indicated by a polarized meter symbol that allows the user to apply the direction of preference. Also, current meters show relative current magnitude ins a circuit. * Emphasis is on analog integrated circuits, but also there is a good coverage of discrete circuits. * Topics that are generally not found in competing textbooks, such as RF amplifiers and transducers, are covered. * System applications with Troubleshooter's Bench exercises incorporate realistic printed circuit boards, and a related full-color insert section is included. Other features are as follows: * Extensive troubleshooting material, including new Troubleshooter's Quiz * Extensive use of examples * Practice exercise in each numbered example * Standard component values * Two-page chapter openers with introduction, section list, objectives, key terms, and system application preview * Section openers with overview and objectives * End-of-section review questions * Glossary terms boldfaced in text * Answers to practice exercises for examples, section review questions, self-test, and Troubleshooter's Quiz at end of chapter * Minimal mathematics, with important equations numbered * A summary, key formula list, glossary, multiple-choice self-test, Troubleshooter's Quiz, and section problems for each chapter * Key terms in color and with a margin icon in each chapter * End-of-book derivations, manufacturers' specifications sheets, and answers to odd-numbered problems * References to manufacturers' home pages for integrated circuits * Comprehensive end-of-book glossary that ,includes all the terms from the end-of-chapter glossaries * Lab Exercises manual written by David Buchla * Instructor's Resource Manual that includes transparency masters, System Application worksheets, and test item file * Visit the companion website to this text atwww.prenhall.com/floyd. Reviews: An excellent electronics resource: Fundamentals of Analog Circuits, 2nd Edition is worthwhile both as an analog electronics textbook and as a post-course reference. In this text the author covers the essentials of analog circuits, beginning with introductory AC topics, progressing through basic semiconductors devices such as diodes, bipolar junction and field effect transistors, advancing to discrete and operational amplifiers, and culminating with functional circuit blocks such as amplifiers and filters. The text contains numerous examples, section reviews, chapter references, chapter problems, and answers to selected problems to clarify course concepts and reinforce learning. A standout feature of this text is that it includes material for developing practical as well as theoretical proficiency in electronics. Background in algebra, basic trigonometry, and the introductory electronic concepts (voltage, current, resistance, Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, etc.) is required and assumed, but anyone comfortable with these topics should have no problems in mastering the topics in this book. |