Home![]() More books in category: Measurement and Instrumentation by: Michael Wiebe AMAZON multi-meters discounts AMAZON oscilloscope discounts Topics include: energy sellers, energy fraud, meter reading costs, meter reading data, monthly meter reading, meter reading applications, based meter reading, copier monitoring, including meter reading, meter tampering, billing determinants, key assessment criteria, energy theft, daily meter reading, meter reading services, retail energy market, cellular voice channels, private radio networks, manual meter reading, meter reading system, energy use data, control channel data, energy marketers, actual energy use, consumption sensor CLICK HERE for more information and price From Book News, Inc. A consultant with a long history of involvement in industry deregulation offers a history of automatic meter reading (AMR), focusing on the market changes that began in 1999 and how they will affect the AMR solution selection process. He describes the attributes of AMR system technologies, notable suppliers, the importance of new information systems and their needs for AMR data, and how these systems can create strategic competitive advantage. Finally, he outlines an AMR solution selection process based on his own consulting firm's workshops and training seminars.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR Book Info Provides a history of AMR, Automatic Meter Reading system, describing the essential attributes of families of AMR system technologies and notable suppliers. Discusses the vital competitive importance of new information systems and their needs for AMR data providing examples of how these systems can create strategic competitive advantage. Reviews: |