Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook


Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook

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by: John G. Webster

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Book Description
The Measurement Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook describes the use of instruments and techniques for practical measurements required in engineering, physics, chemistry, and the life sciences. The book examines: Sensors, Hardware, Software, Techniques, Information processing systems, Automatic data acquisition. Reduction and analysis as well as their incorporation for control purposes. Organized according to the measurement problem, each section addresses the different ways of making a measurement for a given variable. Chapters present three levels: Basic information without equations and a description of the subject that can be understood by the newcomer. Detailed text and mathematical treatment essential for discovering applications and solving problems outside ones field of specialty Advanced applications of the subject, evaluative opinions, and areas for future study.

Book Info
Provides a graded level of difficulty from start to finish, serving the reference needs of the broadest group of readers. Describes the use of instruments and techniques for practical measurements required in engineering, physics, chemistry, and the life sciences. DLC: Physical measurements - Handbooks, manuals, etc.


This book is one of the best book covering measurement and sensors. The book cover almost any sensor you think of, describe it function (the background physics) and then explain how it work with some application in software. This book must have for any one working with sensor (engineers, physicist...). the book start explaining it material assuming no prior knowledge for the reader which make it much easier and easy to follow up, start from simple point to explain and then get more complicated with mathematics applied for that particular sensor. I have a degree on physics and I believe this book is a good reference even in physics and I enjoy this book so much. It is a lot fun to read for professional or even for any reader. Any time I was searching for more information about specific sensor this book never turn me down. In short it's one of the greatest book I bought and I don't mind paying its price because it worth every penny.

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