Solid-State Devices Used in Industrial Logic Circuits: Relay Logic: Voltage Ratings for Coils and Contacts

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Troubleshooting Relay Coils and Contacts

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When you are wiring a relay coil into a circuit, you must be sure that the voltage rating of the coil matches the circuit voltage within +/- 10%. Some industrial-grade relays have color-coded coils so that you can determine the voltage rating for the coil by its color as well as from printed specifications on the relay. A red coil is rated for 110 volts ac and a black coil is rated for 220 volts ac. On the other hand, the contacts can be rated at any voltage equal to or above the voltage of the circuit in which they are used. That is, one can use contacts rated for 208-volts ac in a circuit that has a power supply of 110 volts ac. The current rating of the contacts should never be exceeded. The contacts will be rated for a specific amount of current or power. If the rating is for power, it may be expressed in VA (volt-amperes) rather than wattage and you will need to do a calculation...

current = volt-amperes / voltage determine the maximum current rating. Some relays will also provide a chart to help you determine their ratings.

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Types of Relays


Troubleshooting Relay Coils and Contacts

Sunday, May 3, 2020 7:24