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AMAZON multi-meters discounts AMAZON oscilloscope discounts SAFETY EQUIPMENT Overview Because of the delusion that "low voltage can't hurt you," many workers do not use safety equipment when working on or near energized, low-voltage conductors. In fact, low-voltage systems are extremely lethal and should be treated with the respect they deserve. The following sections describe the types of safety equipment that should be worn when working on or near energized, low-voltage conductors. The recommendations given are minimum recommendations. If additional or more stringent protection is desired or required, it should be worn. Refer to the tables in Section 3 for specific recommendations. Hard Hats Protective headgear for persons working on or near energized, low-voltage circuits should provide both mechanical and electrical protection. Since the ANSI Z89.1 class C helmet provides no electrical protection, class C helmets should not be worn. Workers should be supplied with and should wear either ANSI Z89.1 class G or class E helmets. If workers are never required to work around high-voltage circuits, the ANSI Z89.1 class G helmet may be used. If, however, workers are required to work around both high- and low-voltage circuits, they should be supplied with and should wear ANSI Z89.1 class E helmets. TBL. 13 summarizes the characteristics of the three ANSI Z89.1 classes. Note that class G and E were formerly class A and B, respectively. Eye Protection Even low-voltage systems are capable of producing extremely powerful and hazardous electric arcs and blasts. This is especially true of 480-V and 575-V systems. Because of this, eye protection for electrical workers should provide protection against heat and optical radiation. The most recent edition of ANSI standard Z87.1 provides a selection chart as well as a chart that illustrates the various protection options available. The selection chart is reproduced in this handbook as TBL. 14, and eye protection options are shown in FIG. 10. Electrical workers should consider using eye protection that combines both heat and optical radiation protection. TBL. 14 and FIG. 10 show several different types of equipment that will provide such protection including types B, C, D, E, and F. If arcing and molten splashing is possible, as with open-door switching or racking of circuit breakers, the type N eye protection should be employed. Arc Protection Low-voltage systems can create and sustain significant electric arcs accompanied by electric blast. Employees performing work in 575-V, 480-V, or 208-V phase-to-phase systems should wear the type of clothing listed in TBL. 15. Refer to Section 4 for methods that can be used to calculate flash clothing weights. === TBL. 15 Recommended Arc protection and Clothing for persons Working on or Near Energized Low-Voltage Conductors Description of work Type of clothing Routine work on or close to energized Flame-resistant work clothing conductors (circuits above 50 V to ground) Open box switching and/or fuse removal Flame-resistant work clothing and/or flash suits (circuits 208 V phase to phase and higher) Installation or removal of low-voltage circuit Flame-resistant work clothing and/or flash suits Breakers and/or motor starters with energized Bus (circuits 208 V phase to phase or higher) * Head, eye, and insulating protection should also be worn. See Section 3 for additional information on the use of various types of protective clothing. See Section 4 for calculating the required weight of protective clothing. === Rubber Insulating Equipment The introduction of the so-called low-voltage rubber glove has made the use of insulating protection much more convenient than in the past. Personnel working on or near energized low-voltage conductors should wear low-voltage rubber gloves with appropriate leather protectors. Such gloves will have either beige (class 00) or red (class 0) ANSI labels and are rated for use in circuits of up to and including 500 V rms (class 00) or 1000 V rms (class 0). Many workers find the class 00 to be preferable because of the higher flexibility. However, improvements in insulation materials and designs have allowed manufacturers to greatly improve the flexibility of the class 0 gloves. Voltage-Testing Devices Proximity or contact testers intended for use in low-voltage circuits
should be used to test circuits and to verify that they are de-energized
and safe to work on. Voltage-testing devices are described in Section
3. Examples of low-voltage-measuring instruments are shown in FIGs. 11
through 13. Workers also should use receptacle and GFCI testers such
as that shown in FIG. 14. These testers are especially important for
the verification of the ground path in a duplex receptacle.
SAFETY PROCEDURES General The general procedures described in Section 4 should be used on all circuits in excess of 50 V to ground. The following sections describe key procedures that apply to low-voltage circuits. Approach Distances Although approach distances are laid out in a number of OSHA references, NFPA 70E provides a much more useful and practical concept for approach distances. The following paragraphs identify methods that may be used to determine approach distances. Refer to Section 4, Fig. 4.35 and Table 4.15 for reference to the terms used in the following section. Crossing the Limited Approach Boundary. Qualified workers may cross the limited approach boundary if they are qualified to perform the work. Unqualified workers are allowed to cross the limited approach boundary as long as they are continuously escorted by and under the constant direct supervision of a qualified person. Requirements for Crossing the Restricted Approach Boundary. To cross the restricted approach boundary, the following criteria must be met: • The worker must be qualified to do the work. • There must be a plan in place that is documented and approved by the employer. • The worker must be certain that no part of the body crosses the prohibited approach boundary. • The worker must work to minimize the risk that may be caused by inadvertent movement by keeping as much of the body out of the restricted space as possible. Allow only protected body parts to enter the restricted space as necessary to complete the work. • Personal protective equipment must be used appropriate for the hazards of the exposed energized conductor. Requirements for Crossing the Prohibited Approach Boundary. NFPA 70E considers crossing the prohibited approach boundary to be the same as working on or contacting an energized conductor. To cross into the prohibited space, the following requirements must be met: • The worker must have specified training required to work on energized conductors or circuit parts. • There must be a plan in place that is documented and approved by the employer. • A complete risk analysis must be performed. • Authorized management must review and approve the plan and the risk analysis. • Personal protective equipment must be used appropriate for the hazards of the exposed energized conductor. Voltage Measurement The voltage-measurement techniques defined in Section 4 should be employed on circuits of all voltages, including 1000 V and below. Note that although OSHA standards do not require the three-step measurement process for circuits of below 600 V, best safety practice does call for instrument checks both before and after the actual circuit measurement. === TBL. 16 Typical Situations That May Allow Reclosing of a protective Device That Has Operated • The faulted section of the system is found and repaired. • The nature of the protective device makes it clear that no hazard is present. For example, if the device that operated is an overload type of device, it may be safe to reclose. • The reclosing operation can be made in such a way that the workers are not exposed to additional hazard. For example, if the reclosing operation can be made by remote control, and if all personnel are kept away from all parts of the circuit, it may be reclosed. === Locking and Tagging Lockout-tagout and energy control procedures apply to circuits of all voltage levels. Refer to Section 4 for detailed coverage of lockout-tagout procedures. Closing Protective Devices after Operation Workers should never reclose any protective device after it has operated until it has been determined that it is safe to do so. Several criteria may be used to determine whether it is safe to reclose the protective device (TBL. 16). Other conditions may or may not indicate a safe reclosing situation. Under no circumstances should a device be closed multiple times to search for the source of a fault. ELECTRICAL SAFETY AROUND ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS Modern technology requires many persons to work on or near electronic circuitry. Such circuits can present special or unusual hazards. The following sections provide information about the nature of the hazard and some specific procedures that may be used by workers to enhance their personal safety. The Nature of the Hazard Frequencies. The relationship of frequency to electrical hazards is discussed in Section 1. Generally, the following points apply: • DC currents and ac currents up to approximately 100 Hz seem to affect the body in a very similar manner. For all practical purposes, when working around a dc circuit, the worker should use the same types of procedures as when working around power system frequencies. • Above 100 Hz, the threshold of perception increases. Between 10 and 100 kHz, the threshold increases from 10 to 100 mA. Capacitive Discharges. According to the NFPA 70E, the following are true with respect to capacitor discharges: • A current caused by the discharge of a 1-µF, 10,000- V capacitor may cause ventricular fibrillation. • A current caused by the discharge of a 20-µF, 10,000- V capacitor will probably cause ventricular fibrillation. Specific Hazards of Electronic Equipment. Although seemingly harmless, electronic circuits present a number of hazards, including the following: 1. Electrical shock from 120-, 240-, or 480-V ac power supplies 2. High power supply voltages 3. Possible shock and burn hazards caused by radio frequency (RF) fields on or around antennas and antenna transmission lines 4. RF energy-induced voltages 5. Ionizing (x- radiation) hazards from magnetrons, klystrons, thyratrons, cathode ray tubes (CRTs), and other such devices 6. Nonionizing RF radiation hazards from (a) Radar equipment (b) Radio communication equipment (c) Satellite earth- transmitters (d) Industrial scientific and medical equipment (e) RF induction heaters and dielectric heaters (f) Industrial microwave heaters and diathermy radiators Special Safety Precautions The following methods are offered in addition to the other safety equipment and procedures that are discussed throughout this handbook. AC and DC Power Supplies. The nature of these hazards is similar to the hazards that are discussed throughout Section 4 and this section. One piece of equipment that is finding increasing use in protecting workers from these types of hazards is the PVC sheeting that can be placed over the exposed circuit parts. This PVC material provides an insulating blanket for voltages up to 1000 V and will allow the worker to perform the necessary tasks in the equipment. Protection from Shock and Burn Caused by RF Energy on Antennas and/or Transmission Lines. Avoidance of contact is the best possible protection for this type of hazard. Transmitting equipment should always be disabled and made electrically safe before workers are allowed to approach antennas or transmission lines. Electrical Shock Caused by RF- Induced Voltage. Electric shocks from contacting metallic objects that have induced RF voltages on them can be dangerous in at least two ways: 1. The surprise effect of the shock can cause the victim to fall from a ladder or other elevated location. 2. RF discharge can cause ventricular fibrillation under the right circumstances. Three methods can be used to protect personnel from induced RF voltages: 1. De- energize the RF circuits to eliminate the energy. 2. Use insulating barriers to isolate the metal objects from the worker. 3. Ground and bond all non-current- carrying metal parts such as chassis, cabinets, covers, and so on. Proper RF ground wires must be very short compared to the wavelength of the RF. If a solid ground cannot be reached because of distance, a counterpoise type of ground can be employed. The design of such a ground is beyond the scope of this handbook. The reader should refer to one of the many engineering texts available. Radiation (Ionizing and Non-ionizing Hazards). The best methods for protecting workers from this type of hazard are: 1. De-energize the circuit so that the worker is not exposed to the radiation. 2. Protect the worker from the radiation by using appropriate shielding.
STATIONARY BATTERY SAFETY Introduction Stationary batteries ( FIG. 15) are used for various types of standby and emergency power requirements throughout electrical power systems. Batteries are usually connected to the power system as shown in FIG. 16. Because of their construction and energy capacity, batteries offer a special type of safety hazard that includes chemical, electrical, and explosive hazards. Basic Battery Construction Stationary batteries operate on the basic principle of galvanic action; that is, two dissimilar materials will produce a voltage when they are put close together. While the basic chemistry of stationary batteries may vary and change, the two most common types in use today are the lead- acid and the nickel- cadmium types. Lead- Acid Batteries. The lead- acid battery uses lead (Pb) and lead peroxide (PbO2) for its negative and positive plates, respectively. The electrolyte in which the plates are immersed is a solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and water (H2O). The basic chemical reaction is shown in Eq. 10.1. ===
=== PbO2 + Pb + 2H2SO4 2PbSO4 + 2H2O Charging Discharging (10.1) Modern lead- acid batteries are constructed in one of two general formats: 1. Vented cell batteries (also known as flooded cells) are a mature technology in which the plates are completely immersed in the electrolyte. The containers are generally open to the atmosphere with flame arresters used to minimize the chance of explosion or fire. 2. Valve- regulated cell (VRLA) is also called the starved electrolyte cell. Such a cell is essentially sealed except for the presence of a relief valve. The electrolyte is restrained internally either by gelling the material or by insertion of a fiber mat. The VRLA is, in its essence, lead- acid technology. NiCad (Nickel- Cadmium) Batteries. The NiCad batteries used for stationary applications use nickel hydrate [Ni(OH)3] for the positive plate and cadmium (Cd) for the negative plate. The electrolyte commonly used in the NiCad battery is potassium hydroxide (KOH). The basic chemical action of the NiCad battery is shown in Eq. 2. Notice that the electrolyte does not take part in the chemical reaction. 2Ni(OH)3 + Cd 2Ni(OH)2 + Cd(OH)2 Charging Discharging (2) Safety Hazards of Stationary Batteries Electrical Hazards. Stationary batteries have sufficient stored energy to represent both shock and arcing hazards. Additionally, the high current capacity of stationary batteries can cause extremely dangerous heat. Severe burns have been caused by the high battery cur rents through personal jewelry (such as wedding rings) and tools. Chemical Hazards. The electrolytic solutions from both of the major types of batteries are destructive to human tissues. Although not normally in strong concentrations, the sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide solutions can destroy eye tissue and cause serious burns on more hardy locations. Explosion Hazards. Explosions of stationary batteries result from two different sources: 1. Excessive heat from ambient conditions, excessive charging, or excessive discharging can cause a cell to pressurize and explode if it cannot properly vent. This hazard exists to some degree for all batteries; however, it tends to be more of an issue with VRLAs and NiCads. 2. The chemical reaction during charging of a lead- acid battery is not 100 percent efficient. In fact, if the battery is charged too quickly, not all of the hydrogen will find a sulfate radical with which it can combine. This can cause the release of hydrogen to the air. Concentrations of hydrogen in air of more than 4 percent or 5 percent by volume can explode violently. Battery Safety Procedures Electrical Safety. TBL. 17 lists the minimum safety procedures and equipment that should be available to personnel working on or near stationary batteries. Refer to manufacturer's instructions for more specific recommendations. == TBL. 17 Recommended Safety procedures/Equipment for Stationary Batteries Hazard protection procedure/equipment Electrical • Low- voltage rubber gloves (class 00 or class 0). • Insulated tools. • Arc protection (face shield and flame- retardant clothing, minimum). Chemical • Chemical protective apron. • Chemically protective face shield and goggles. • Chemically resistant gloves. • Safety shoes. • Ample supply of pure water. • Eye and body wash station. • Neutralizing solution. (Use with caution and only with the approval of the battery manufacturer.) • NiCad-7 oz boric acid/gal H2O. • Lead- acid-1 lb baking soda/gal H2O. Explosion • Be sure that battery room is adequately ventilated. Typically, hydrogen concentrations should be kept to less than 1%. • Use non-sparking insulated tools. • A class C fire extinguisher should be immediately available. == ELECTRICAL HAZARDS OF THE HOME-BASED BUSINESS For many of us, the daily commute to and from our place of business is a thing of the past. More and more workers are being required or opting to work at home. The reasons for this change include the following: • The Internet and other modern communication methods have greatly reduced the need for face-to-face meetings. • Many entrepreneurs are starting and running businesses that are technology based. • Even those workers who must meet with or visit clients can keep their records and scheduling at home and visit their clients' locations as they need to. • Even if customer records, job records, and scheduling information must be maintained on a remote office computer, the proliferation of smartphones, tablet computers, and the Internet makes it simple to connect and access the needed information. • Hotel meeting rooms and business centers that will rent meeting space on a short-term basis are much more economical than sustaining a brick-and-mortar storefront. • Established businesses can save substantial amounts of money and resources by reducing their on-site workforce. Knowledgeable workers are especially suitable for working from home. • The costs and time required for commutes are virtually eliminated. • The additional cost of working at home is substantially less than the savings that can be realized. • Some workers are able to take income tax deductions when they dedicate a work space to their business. In many cases, the only equipment needed for a work-at-home business is a dedicated work space or office, a computer, an Internet connection, and a telephone. Even traditional file cabinets, which used to occupy many square meters of space, are not required since most files are now stored digitally on a hard drive. Working at home presents one significant drawback-safety, in particular electrical safety. When we work at home, we are no longer under the umbrella of an employer-regulated safety program. Further, governmental safety regulations are generally not applicable when you are working in your own home. The only safety regulation commonly applied at home is the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). But the NEC is an installation-based standard and has very little to say about behavioral or performance safety issues in the home. This section of the section provides information for those who work at home. The reader should also refer to the other sections of this section and the appropriate sections of sections 3 and 4. Electrical Hazards in the Home practicing electrical safety is an easy task if you have an understanding of the electrical hazards. Always remember that electricity will flow through all available paths between two locations of different voltage. It will go through wire, metal, wet objects … or you. It's invisible, but very real, so treat it with respect. Electricity is often referred to as a "silent killer" because it cannot be seen, smelled, heard, or tasted. Common electrical hazards in the home and home-based business include electrical shock or electrocution and fires caused by overloading circuits. Each year hundreds of people are electrocuted in their homes, and thousands are injured in electricity-related accidents, accidents that can be prevented with a little foresight and some common sense. We need to consider not only those who are working from a home office or business but also their family members, especially children. Many areas of a home-based business, such as bathrooms, garages, and/or shops, and sometimes even the office area, are shared by family members. Here are some basic home business safety tips: • Don't overload electrical outlets. It is very easy to overload a circuit in a home office. This is generally because we have a lot of computer-related equipment to plug in and few receptacles to plug into. The additional need for receptacles often leads to the use of plug strips. The use of a single plug strip is generally not an issue; it is when we start to "daisy-chain" them that we run into trouble. Sometimes we overload the receptacle and not the circuit and end up with overheating and fires. If fuses blow or circuit breakers trip frequently, you should have your circuits and wiring checked by a qualified/licensed electrician. • Never unplug or carry anything by its cord. And don't run cords under carpets or furniture; the cords can overheat or become frayed and cause a fire. • Use only equipment and appliances approved by Underwriters Laboratories (look for the UL listing on the label) or other recognized testing laboratories. • Make sure you comply with the NEC requirements for GFCI-protected receptacles. Additionally, make sure you test the GFCI monthly, as required by the listing and labeling of the device, to ensure its proper operation. See sections. 3 and 11 of this handbook for more information on GFCIs. • Make sure that the NEC requirements for AFCI-protected receptacles are complied with. See sections. 3 and 11 of this handbook for more information on AFCIs. • Tamper-resistant receptacles should be used where needed to prevent children from inserting metal objects into the slots of the receptacle. • Keep all radios, hair dryers, and other appliances secured or out of bathrooms. Appliances like hair dryers should never be used near water-filled tubs and sinks. Teach your children that electricity and water don't mix. • Unplug equipment and appliances before you clean them and when they are not in use. Make sure you use all three prongs of your electric plugs, and replace worn or frayed cords immediately. Never force a plug into an outlet if it doesn't fit, and never nail or tack cords to walls or floors. • Keep electrical cords out of the reach of children. • Teach your children not to poke items into electrical outlets. Use plug covers or inserts in all your outlets. The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) reports that "home electrical problems account for an estimated 51,000 fires each year, resulting in almost 500 deaths, more than 1,400 injuries and $1.3 billion in property damage. Electrical distribution systems are the third leading cause of home structure fires." The ESFI Electrical Safety Workbook (free download online) provides an introduction to the basic home electrical system, as well as information to help you answer questions about your home. ESFI also provides some information concerning older homes, as follows: Know the Dangers in Your Older Home Many of these home fires occur in aging homes. Our dependence on electricity is increasing every day, and we are expecting more out of our home's electrical system. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average home in the U.S. is 37 years old. These homes were built before many of the electronics and appliances we use today were even invented. Unfortunately, our increased demand for energy can overburden an older home's electrical system, resulting in fires or electrocutions. By educating yourself on the dangers commonly found in older homes, you can take an active role in protecting yourself. ESFI's Know the Dangers in Your Older Home booklet pro vides you with a simple and easy checklist that can help you identify electrical hazards in your home. It also introduces new, safer technologies that can protect your family from injury and your home from fire. Contact the Electrical Safety Foundation International at www.esfi.org for more information on home and workplace electrical safety. Working Alone When working alone, you are the one responsible for electrical safety. The preceding information is vital to your electrical safety success in a home-based business. You should also be aware of warning signs at your home office. If you smell a bad odor coming from electrical outlets, hear high-pitched noises from areas, or notice electricity going on and off, consider hiring an electrician to take care of the problem. Another important thing to always remember is not to overload outlets as noted previously. Always make sure you unplug unused equipment and appliances to reduce the risk of an electrical fire. Keep an electrical accident from happening by following the suggested electrical safety work practices identified in this section. Working with Employees If you have employees in your home-based business, then you have at least two additional responsibilities to ensure their safety. • Having workers in your home exposes you to the liability of any type of accident- electrical or not. • If you have employees in your home, your home may be subject to OSHA safety rules. You should obtain the advice of an attorney to be made aware of your liabilities. Again, the information provided here is basic and vital to your success with regard to electrical safety. The work environment can be worrying and often overwhelming. Employers may sometimes be too caught up in projects to notice the kinds of hazards that need attention. So employers should hire maintenance personnel to take care of problems that may result in accidents or injuries for employees in order to maintain electrical safety at their home business. EVALUATING ELECTRICAL SAFETY Electrical safety does not just happen; it requires knowledge of the electrical hazards and potentially hazardous conditions and situations, and it takes constant effort and vigilance to maintain an electrical safety program, whether you are working alone or with employees. There are several good reasons for consistently evaluating the electrical safety program. We could refer to this as an electrical safety checkup. Consider the following: 1. Maintain safety in the operation of your home-based business. 2. Insurance agencies may require a risk assessment inspection, and if you maintain one, this is accomplished without any additional effort. 3. Find and correct all safety hazards. 4. Save energy and cut costs. 5. peace of mind. Electrical Safety Checklists The use of an electrical safety checklist or inspection procedure can be very helpful in maintaining a consistent electrical safety program for all who may be exposed to the hazards. Maintaining electrical equipment and systems in a safe, reliable condition is essential to personnel safety as well as reducing the risk of an electrical fire. The following are common areas found on many electrical safety checklists and should be considered. • Lightbulb wattage: If the fixture calls for a maximum of 60 watts, do not put in a 100-watt bulb just because you want more light. • Switch and wall outlet operation and condition: If the light switch does not always turn on the light and you have to wiggle it to get the light to come on, you have a problem that could cause a fire. If, when you plug in equipment, you have to wiggle it around to get a connection, a problem exists with either the cord and plug or the receptacle that could cause a fire. • Shock or electrocution: Any exposed electrical conductor or circuit part presents a shock or electrocution hazard. Fix the problem, now. • Check arc-fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs): Checking AFCIs is very beneficial to prevent a fire from an arc-fault in equipment, circuits, light switches, and receptacles. • Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs): Their use will prevent electrocution. Whether you have a newer home with three-wire grounded circuits or an older home with two-wire ungrounded circuits, a GFCI will work on either system and will provide you with needed protection. GFCIs must be tested monthly, as specified by the listing and labeling of the device. How do you know it works if you don't test it? Think of the GFCI as cheap life insurance. • Check for safety and security lighting: This is especially a good idea when working at night or in other low-light situations. • Check grounding systems: The problem with grounding is that it is out of sight and out of mind. Electrical equipment will work just fine without grounding, but it is not safe because there is not a ground-fault path to cause a circuit breaker to trip or a fuse to blow in the event of a ground fault. • Check for appropriate surge protection: Surge protection is a good practice if you want to save your valuable electronic equipment, especially your computer equipment. • Portable heater safety: It may be cold and you want that extra heat under your desk to warm up your feet and legs, but using a portable heater is a very bad idea. portable space heaters generally draw quite a bit of current, and when plugged in under the desk with all of your computer equipment, the receptacle is generally overloaded, especially when everything is plugged into a power strip or "daisy-chained" power strips. This is a formula for disaster, usually a fire. • Check heating and air-conditioning systems: If you want to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer, this is vital. Sensitive electronic equipment works more efficiently when at consistent, moderate temperatures. • Check for proper placement and presence of smoke detectors: If there is a fire, these devices could very well save your life. • Test smoke detectors: Make sure they work so they can provide the early warning that is needed to get out of the building if there is a fire. • Test carbon monoxide detectors, if present: These are a good idea if you have an attached garage and need to warm up a vehicle in cold weather. They are also useful if you are using a portable generator during power outages. The biggest hazard with using portable generators is that they are generally placed too close to doors and windows where the exhaust (carbon monoxide) enters the building. • Check the electrical panel for appropriate labels and operation: The National Electrical Code specifies a minimum clearance around electrical panels. The NEC also specifies that each disconnecting device (circuit breaker) be labeled to identify its purpose-accurately fill out the panel directory. If you need to turn off (de-energize) a circuit, it is always good to know which circuit. Electrical Inspections by Professionals If you don't have the electrical knowledge (qualification), then you need to consider hiring a qualified electrical professional (contractor) to perform the inspections noted previously. Electricity is not something you want to deal with if you are not qualified to do so. Remember the statistics noted earlier by the Electrical Safety Foundation International -- you don't want to become one of those statistics. ==
Saturday, June 25, 2016 23:28