CE Conformity Marking, First Edition : and New Approach Directives

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CE Conformity Marking, First Edition : and New Approach Directives

by: Ray Tricker

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Topics include: products concerned satisfy, new approach directives, internal production control, notified body, approved quality system, harmonised standards, satellite earth station equipment, conformity procedure, full quality assurance, conformity marking, technical construction file, final product inspection, telecommunications terminal equipment, simple pressure vessels, active implantable medical devices, authorised representative, unit verification, examination certificate, conformity assessment procedures, technical file, essential safety requirements, applicable directives, weighing instruments, product quality assurance, quality management system

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First Sentence:
Although harmonisation and European standardisation commenced in 1957 with the Treaty of Rome (and its aim of progressively establishing the internal market over a period expiring on 31 December 1992), it wasn't until 1985 that the European Economic Community (EEC) - now the European Union (EU) - initiated the 'New Approach of Harmonised Directives and Standards'.

CE Marking can be regarded as a product's trade passport for Europe. It is a mandatory European marking for certain product groups to indicate conformity with the essential health and safety requirements set out in the European Directive.

The prime aim of the CE Directive is to ensure that "all industrial products that are placed on the market do not compromise the safety and health of users when properly installed, maintained and used in accordance with their intended purpose. Users and third parties should be provided with a high level of protection and the devices should attain the performance levels claimed by the manufacturer."

This book explains the meaning of CE Marking, its history, how the Directive can affect all manufacturers of industrial products, its current status, its associated quality management requirements, and how manufacturers can easily and cost-effectively meet the requirements for CE Conformance.

Essential information for any manufacturer or distributor wishing to trade in the European Union.

Practical and easy to understand.

Book Info
CE Marking is a mandatory European marking for certain product groups to indicate conformity with essential health and safety requirements set out in the European Directive. This text explains the meaning of CE Marking, its history, its associated quality management requirements, and how manufacturers can easily and cost effectively meet the requirements for CE Conformance. Softcover.

About the Author
Ray Tricker served with the Royal Corps of Signals (for a total of 37 years) during which time he held various managerial posts culminating in being appointed as the Chief Engineer of NATO ACE COMSEC. Most of Ray's work since joining Herne European Consultancy Ltd has centred on the European Railways. He has held a number of posts with the Union International des Chemins de fer (UIC) (e.g. Quality Manager of the European Train Control System (ETCS), European Union (EU) T500 Review Team Leader, European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) Users Group Project Co-ordinator, HEROE Project Co-ordinator) and currently (as well as writing books!) he is busy preparing a complete Quality Management System for the European Rail Research Institute (ERRI) in Holland, aimed at gaining them ISO 9000 accreditation in the near future. He is also consultant to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) advising them on ISO 9001:2000 compliance, and has recently been appointed Fellow of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (FIRSE).



Transition Period and Overlapping of Directives


Mutual Recognition Agreements/European Conformity Assessment Protocols

Types of Directives and Standards

Concurrent Application of Directives

Aim of Standardisation

International Standardisation

Harmonised European Standards

Revision of Harmonised Directives

Management of the List of Standards

Recognition of European Standards. 2. STRUCTURE OF NEW APPROACH DIRECTIVES: Articles

Adoption of New Approach Directives

Transposition of New Approach Directives

Advisory Committee

Review and Reporting

Transitional Provisions



General Guidelines

Conformity Assessment Modules - Short Description

Choice of Module

CE Marking

Industrial Product Type conformity

Competent Authority

Notified Bodies

Essential Standards for Notified Bodies

Relevant Standards of the EN45000 Series for Each Module

Notified Bodies Tasks Under Each Module

Requirements of the Various Directives affected by CE Marking

Content of the Directives


Principle Directives

Other Directives

Medical Devices - in vitro diagnostics (COM (95) 130) 180

Other Directives Associated with the CE Marking Directive. 4. GAINING OF CONFORMITY: Self Declaration

Voluntary Certification

Mandatory Certification

The 5 Steps to Conformity

Quality Management System

Conformity Assessment Procedures

Conformity requirements of each Module

Conformance Requirements of New Approach Directives


Manufactuer's Tasks Under Each Module

Basic Requirements of manufacturers of Industrial Products

Registration of manufacturers

EC Verification

Design and Construction Requirements



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