Managing the Metrology System

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Managing the Metrology System

by: C. Robert Pennella

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Book Description
The proper application of a calibration system is one of the most important areas in which quality-assurance personnel can positively affect the low quality and high costs associated with poorly manufactured products. Learn how to implement an effective calibration system, one that can be the foundation of your organization's inspection systems and quality programs. This third edition provides an easy to understand explanation of metrology systems and is updated to reflect the ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000 standards. Technicians can increase their ability to maintain instruments of known accuracy and case studies to help understand exactly how to apply the book's principles.

Book Info
Provides an easy to understand explanation of metrology system to meet the needs of both the technician and the business person. Updated edition reflects the ANSI/ISO/ASQC Q9000 standards and discusses often overlooked policies and procedures. DLC: Engineering inspection.


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