Rotating Machinery Vibration: From Analysis to Troubleshooting

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Rotating Machinery Vibration: From Analysis to Troubleshooting

by: Maurice L. Adams

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From Book News, Inc. - For readers in both industry and academia, Adams (mechanical and aerospace engineering, Case Western Reserve U.) examines all the major issues related to rotor vibration in a unified presentation. He details the underlying principles governing rotor vibration, and describes modern measurement and computational tools for analyzing and troubleshooting designs. With an emphasis on gaining physical insight into the problem, he covers the fundamental of rotor vibration, analysis using the general-purpose lateral rotor vibration computer code contained on the enclosed 3.5 disk, monitoring and diagnosis, and case studies of troubleshooting.Book News, Inc.?, Portland, OR

Book Info - A comprehensive reference/textbook detailing the fundamentals of rotating machinery vibration. Topics covered include computer model building, sources and types of vibration, and machine vibration signal analysis. The diskette includes software for analysis of rotor vibration and balancing with PC codes and computer models.


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