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Types of Analog-to-Digital Converters

Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) change analog voltage to a binary number -- this is a series of 1’s and 0’s -- and then ultimately to a base-10 digital number which may be displayed on a meter, laptop/PC screen, or chart. The number of binary digits (aka bits) that represents the digital number determines the ADC resolution. But, the digital number is only an approximation of the true value of the analog voltage at any instant of time because the voltage can only be represented (digitally) in discrete steps. How precisely the digital number approximates the analog value also depends on the ADC resolution.

A mathematical relationship notes how the number of bits an ADC handles determines its specific theoretical resolution: An n-bit ADC has a resolution of one part in 2n. For instance, a 12-bit ADC has a resolution of one part in 4,096, where 212 = 4,096. Therefore, a 12-bit ADC with a maximum input of 10 Vdc can resolve the measurement into 10 Vdc/4096 = 0.00244 Vdc = 2.44 mV. Similarly, for the same 0 to 10-Vdc range, a 16-bit ADC resolution is 10/216 = 10/65,536 = 0.153 mV. The resolution is normally specified with respect to the full-range reading of the ADC, not with respect to the measured value at any particular instant.

Successive-Approximation ADC

Above: Successive-Approximation ADC. Interestingly, this ADC uses a digital-to- analog converter and a comparator. The logic sets the DAC to zero and starts counting up, setting each following bit until it reaches the value of the measured input voltage. The conversion is then fin ished and the final number is stored in the register.

Voltage-to-Frequency ADCs

Above: Voltage-to-frequency converters reject noise well and frequently are used for measuring slow signals or those in noisy environments.

Dual-Slope ADC Integration and Discharge Time

Above. Dual-slope integrating ADCs provide high-resolution measureinent with excellent noise rejection. They integrate upward from an unknown voltage and then integrate downward with a known source voltage. They are more accurate than single slope ADCs because component errors are washed out during the dc-integration period.

Sigma-Delta ADC

Above: Integrating converters such as the sigma delta ADC have both high resolution and exceptional noise rejection. They work particularly well for low-bandwidth measurements and reject high-frequency noise as well as 50/60 Hz interference.

Sigma-Delta ADC With Digital Filter and Decimator Stage

Above: Sigma-delta ADCs are well suited to high-resolution acquisition because they use over- sampling and often combine an analog modulator, a digital filter, and a decimator stage. The low-pass digital filter converts the analog modulator output to a digital signal for processing by the decimator.

Above: Table of ADC attributes. * sps = samples per second; ** With line cycle rejection.

Accuracy and Resolution

Accuracy versus Resolution: Every ADC measurement contains a variety of unavoidable, independent errors that influence its accuracy. When sigma( total) represents each independent error, the total error can be shown as shown. This equation includes a variety of errors such as sensor anomalies, noise, amplifier gain and offset, ADC quantization (resolution error), and other factors.

Common ADC Errors (such as Quantization Errors)

Above: The straight line in each graph represents the analog input voltage and the perfect output voltage read ing from an ADC with infinite resolution. The step function in Graph A shows the ideal response for a 3-bit ADC. Graphs B, C, D, and E show the effect on ADC output from the various identified errors.

Above: The histogram illustrates how 12-bit ADC samples in a set were distributed among the various codes for a 2.5-V measurement in a FSR (full-scale range) of 10- V. Most codes intended for the 1024 bin representing 2.5 V actually ended up there, but others fell under a gaussian distribution due to white noise content. Histogram shape approximates a Gaussian distribution caused by white noise mixed with dc input voltage. Bin with most samples represents the input signal of 2.50 Vdc. Bins with samples caused by noise.

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Updated: Friday, March 14, 2008 10:00 PST