Sensitivity Analysis-Influence of Component Variation

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The accuracy and precision of a complex die mechanism in a manufacturing environment depends upon its design and on the design tolerances of its interrelated parts. Similarly, if an experiment has a number of component sources-each being measured individually using independent instruments-a procedure to compute the total accuracy is necessary. From the point of view of the total system, this procedure must also account for individual variations in component tolerances. The error analysis method helps us to identify the contribution of component error in accuracy calculations. The procedure also helps to allocate individual design tolerances or variations if the total design tolerance or variation is known. An illustrative example is presented next.

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Let us consider the problem of computing a quantity N that is a known function of n independent variables, which are the measured quantities of one instrument (or component output of different instruments contributing to one system).

[omitted math content]

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Updated: Saturday, March 17, 2012 3:26 PST