Reading List for Surges, Sags, and Spikes: Protecting DAQ Systems, Personal Computer, and Related Electronics From Electrical Power

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  • Bent, Rodney; Lewis, Warren; Clark, 0. Melville; Martzloff, Francois D.; Richman, Peter; Tetreault, Maurice; Kalbach, J. Fred. Surge Protection of Computers and Other Electronic Systems. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, n.d.

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  • Bowyer, Richard N. “Rotary and Static UPS Both Convert DC to AC but Total Costs Vary,” Computer Technology Review (Winter 1985).

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    Brill, Kenneth G. Computer Power Protection Equipment: An Introductory Guide. California: Atlas Energy Systems, 1977.
  • Brown, John F. “Trends in kw-size rack-mounted power supplies,” Powertechnics Magazine, n.d.
  • Cannon, Don L. and Luecke, Gerald. Understanding Communications Systems. Dallas, TX: Texas Instruments Incorporated, 1984.
  • Carr, Joseph J. Digital Electronics Troubleshooting. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books Inc., 1981
  • Clark, 0. Melville. EMP Transient Suppression Using the Transzorb®. Tempe, AZ: General Semiconductor Industries (December 1979).
  • Clark, 0. Melville. Long-Term Pulse Life and Design Criteria for Transzorb® Transient Voltage Suppressors. Tempe, AZ: General Semiconductor Industries (April 1979).
  • “Computer Power Systems.” Guide Specification: EDP Site Grounding. Carson, CA: CPS, n.d.
  • Con Edison. Electric Power and the Computer. New York: Con Edison, 1984.
  • Conwill, Norman B. “The Computer Power System,” A New Concept in Power Distribution. Carson, CA: Computer Power Systems, n.d.
  • Cronin, Daniel J. Microcomputer Data Security. New York, NY: Prentice Hall, 1986.
  • Crosby, Ben G. “Power Conditioning,” Journal of Healthcare Material Management (January 1987).
  • Crosby, Ben G. “Total System Reliability,” Microservice Management (October 1987).
  • Daughtry, Vicki C. and Keller, David. “New Ferro Power Conditioners Deliver Computer Grade Power,” Computer Technology Review (Summer 1986).
  • Devore, Tim. “Nonlinear Loads and UPS Systems,” EC&M (July, 1985).
  • Douglas, John. “Quality of Power in the Electronics Age,” EPRI Journal (November 1985).
  • Dranetz. How to Correct Power Line Disturbances. Edison, NJ: Dranetz Technologies, Inc., 1985.
  • Dranetz. How to Identify Power Line Disturbances. Edison, NJ: Dranetz Technologies, Inc., 1985.
  • Dranetz. Understanding Power Line Disturbances. Edison, NJ: Dranetz Technologies, Inc., 1985.
  • DWP. Power Supply for Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, 1982.
  • EPE. Power: Problems and Solutions. Costa Mesa, CA: Emergency Power Engineering, Inc., n.d.
  • Goldstein, M. and Speranza, P.D. The Quality of US. Commercial AC Power. Whippany, NJ: Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1982 (IEEE).
  • Gottlieb, Irving M. Regulated Power Supplies. 3rd. ed. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams and Company, 1986.
  • Gould Deltec. AC Power Handbook of Problems and Solutions. 3rd. ed. San Diego, CA: Gould, Inc., Power Conversion Division, 1975.
  • GSI® Product Data Book—10th Edition. Tempe, AZ: General Semiconductor Industries, n.d.
  • IEEE. The Gold Book: Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems. ANSI/IEEE Standard 493-1980.
  • IEEE. The Gray Book: Recommended Practice for Electrical Power Systems in Commercial Buildings. IEEE Standard 241-1983.
  • IEEE. The Green Book: Recommended Practice for Grounding Industrial and Commercial Power Systems. ANSI/IEEE Standard 142-1982.
  • IEEE. The Orange Book: Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power for Industrial and Commercial Applications. ANSI/IEEE Standard 446-1980.
  • IEEE. The Red Book: Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants. IEEE Standard 141-1976.
  • IEEE. IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms. New York: IEEE, 1977.
  • Kalbach, John Fredrick. Interaction Between Computer Systems and Their Power Sources. Boston, MA: Kalbach Engineering, 1984.
  • Key, Eugene George. Principles of Electricity. New York, NY: Harper and Row (1967).
  • KW Control Systems, Inc. Introduction to the Uniblock UPS System. Middletown, NY, n.d.
  • KW Control Systems, Inc. Uniblock Analysis: Reliability and System Availability. Middletown, NY, n.d.
  • Lewis, Warren H. “A Dozen Electrical Mistakes,” Datamation (May 1984).
  • Lewis, Warren H. Electrical Power, Grounding, and Life Safety Systems for EDP Sites. California: Computer Power Systems, 1981.
  • Lewis, Warren H. Safe and Effective Grounding. 1983.
  • Lonie, Bruce B. and Frost, Holly. “How to make sure electrical interference won’t short-circuit your career as a telecom manager,” Communication Age (July 1986).
  • MacDonald, lan. Solutions to Computer Power Problems: Uninterruptible Power Systems. Santa Ma, CA: Emerson Electric, n.d.
  • MacGorman, D.R. et al. Lightning Strike Density for the Contiguous United States from Thunderstorm Duration Records. Washington D.C.: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1984.
  • McEachern, Alex. Changing Strategies for Using Power Line Monitors. Foster City, CA: Basic Measuring Instruments, n.d.
  • McLoughlin, Robert C. and Redding, Randall J. “Protection of Electronics from Lightning and Other Larger AC Power Pulses,” EMC Technology (September-October 1987).
  • McWhorter, Gene. Understanding Digital Electronics. Dallas, TX: Texas Instruments Incorporated, 1984.
  • Meyer, Charles. SCR-controlled Loads, Waveform Distortion and Standby Power Systems. Onan Corp., n.d.
  • Mutascio, Vince. “Selecting Power Supplies for Burn-In Systems,” Evaluation Engineering (October 1986).
  • Nakagawa, Akio et al. “1,800 V Bipolar-Mode MOSFETs (IGBT),” Toshiba Review No. 161 (Autumn 1987).
  • National Bureau of Standards. Federal In formation Processing Standards Publication 94. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1983.
  • National Electrical Code, NFPA-70-1981/84, National Fire Protection Association, Boston, MA.
  • Nielsen, Gwen and Brletich, Frank. “Changing Technology Leads to Changes in Power Requirements,” Computer Technology Review (Winter 1983).
  • Nystrom, Peter. “Analyze System Needs before You Decide to Add Voltage Regulation,” Computer Technology Review (Winter 1984).
  • Nystom, Peter and Cosgrove, Steven. “Power Conditioning Provides Documented Productivity Gains in Semiconductor Fabrication and ATE,” IEEE Proceedings of International Test Conference, November 1985.
  • O’Connor, James. “Power’s Electrical Reference File,” Power (October 1953).
  • The Office of Business Research and Analysis. The Effects of Electrical Power Variations Upon Computers: an Overview. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, n.d.
  • ONEAC Corp. Case Studies on Reliability in Telecommunications. Libertyville, IL (1986).
  • Paulin, William and Drabkin, Mark. “Series-Hybrid Circuits Protect Sensitive Loads from Power Anomalies,” Computer Technology Review (Spring 1986).
  • Raiger, John R. “Power Line Conditioning,” BTT (May/June 1987).
  • Rechsteiner, Emil B. “Comprehensive Power Protection Requires a Static or Rotary UPS,” Computer Technology Review (Spring 1986).
  • Rechsteiner, Emil B. Power to Computers; Keep It Clean and Stable!. Littleton, MA: Frequency Technology, Inc., n.d.
  • Robins, Marc. “Our Power Needs Cleaning,” Teleconnect (November 1986).
  • Roehr, William D. and Clark, 0. Melville. AC Power Line Protection for an IEEE 587 Class B Environment. Tempe, AZ: General Semiconductor Industries, Inc. (1984).
  • RTE Deltec. AC Power Handbook of Problems and Solutions, 5th ed. San Diego, CA: RTE Deltec Corporation, 1975.
  • Saizer Technology Enterprises, Inc. UPS: Uninterruptible Power Systems and Other Power Protection Equipment. Santa Monica, CA: Salzer Technology Enterprises, Inc., 1986.
  • Seki, Nagataka. Gate Circuit on Gate Turn-off Thyristor. Tokyo, Japan: Toshiba Corp. (September 1981).
  • Seki, N. and Ichikawa, K. “Gating Circuit Developed for High Power Thyristors,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference—1981. Boulder, CO (1981).
  • Shambrook, Bill. “Burn-In Update,” Evaluation Engineering (February 1985).
  • Shambrook, Bill. “How to ‘Clean Up’ AC Power Lines to Minimize Semiconductor Fabrication and Test Equipment Malfunctions,” Microelectronic Manufacturing and Testing (August, 1985).
  • Sorgel Transformers. Sorgel Dry-Type Transformer Study Course. Milwaukee, WI: Sorgel Transformers, n.d.
  • Transient Voltage Devices—Fifth Edition. General Electric Company (1986).
  • Tremaglio, Don. Power Line Disturbances and How to Eliminate Them. Bristol, CN: Superior Electric, 1985.
  • Westinghouse Architect’s and Engineer’s Electrical Data Book. Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 1957.
  • Wiswell, Phil. “Surge Suppressors,” PC Magazine (May 1986).

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