Video Software: Reviews

Latest Reviews:
IMAX Speed in DVD-Video and WMV HD formats (our first review)

What Our Reviews Look Like and What the Terminology Means...
DVD Title and Information: The Title of the DVD or DVD set and technical information about it...

for example...

- Encoding: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only. This DVD will probably NOT be viewable in other countries. Read more about DVD formats.)
- Format: Color, Closed-captioned, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound
- Aspect Ratio(s): 1.78:1
- Audio Encoding: DTS 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo
- Rated: NR
- Studio: Image Entertainment
- DVD Release Date: June 29, 2004
- Run Time: 30
DVD Cover and Vendor link

Subjective Review of Program Content: What we think about the content in terms or artistic and/or educational merit.

Extras/Bonus Features: Extra scenes, trailers, teasers, making of's, documentaries, etc.
Video Quality: We evaluate the quality of the video transfer by running the disc(s) through our "laboratories": PC-based and home-component-based. With certain formats, such as Microsoft's WMV HD, only PC-based testing is possible. In most situations, we feel that we obtain the best results when video software is evaluated in our self-built PC system. Another "direct" test, using a Pioneer DV-59AVi CD/DVD-V/DVD-Audio/SACD player directly connected to a computer monitor (HDMI to DVI), also provides excellent, revealatory results.
Audio Quality: We evaluate the quality of the video transfer by running the disc(s) in both our "laboratories": PC-based and home-component-based. Both our PC and Home-system-based labs are treated with Sonex acoustical material for ultra-quiet, ultra-accurate listening conditions. In addition, roughly half of our analysis is done through dedicated headphone systems. Although headphones cannot decipher surround sound, they are extremely useful tools for judging fidelity, micro-dynamics, nuances and detail -- qualities not easily discernable in loudspeaker-based systems.
Conclusions: Final thoughts and our recommendations.

Other Reviews or Links: Need a second opinion -- or additional information? Here are reviews by others and/or useful links to this or similar products. These links will take you off our site.
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