C&E Hobby Handbooks -- Electronics Handbook subscription ad / Welcome Aboard / Writers Wanted


Welcome Aboard

Welcome to another issue of the ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK. Whether you are a new reader or have become acquainted with our "Handbook" from previous issues, we have once again endeavored to compile a collection of articles and projects similar to those that we published in 101 ELECTRONIC PROJECTS, ELECTRONICS THEORY HANDBOOK, 99 IC PROJECTS and the ELECTRONIC HOBBYIST. To bring you more and better articles and projects, ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK welcomes 3 authors to our pages and adds their names to our staff (Page 1). Ed Noll, who has contributed articles to the C&E Hobby Handbooks in the past, has agreed to author a regular column, "Chip-By-Chip", starting in this issue. Ed has written and been published extensively, including "Applications And Experiments With Oscilloscopes", "Handbook For FCC Radio Telephone Licenses", and "Microprocessor Circuits" in hard-back editions for Howard W. Sams & Co. In addition, he is an accomplished lecturer and the author of numerous other technical articles and books.

His "Chip-By-Chip" column will be an interesting and educational series on the uses of those universally-used little marvels that are at the heart of everything electronic these days...the IC chip.

Walt Sikonowiz has another editorial contribution in this issue, "Buying Electronic Parts", a timely and informative article on the fine art of finding those elusive electronic parts for your projects at a price you can afford. Walt contributed the popular "Deluxe Burglar Alarm" project in the last (Winter) issue. We look forward to more articles and projects fro m Walt.

Another author, who is no stranger to the ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK readers, is Homer Davidson. In this issue, Homer presents an interesting do-it-yourself project on how to build an inexpensive "Two-IC Radio". Homer has been a regular contributor to the C&E Hobby Handbooks in addition to his numerous articles and projects that have appeared in many other Electronic magazines and books for many years.

To each of these gentle men, we extend a hearty welcome! We are certain that their editorial contributions will provide entertainment and just plain fun for the ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK readers. We look forward to adding other distinguished authors to our staff in the months ahead.

-Don Gabree,


Writers Wanted!

ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK is looking for some alert Electronics Hobbyists to add to our staff as part-time or regular authors. Whether you have just one short project, or several, we would like to hear from you.

You don't have to be an accomplished author or writer (Our editor once got a "D" in English. Fortunately, he's improved since then!). What you do need is an active interest in Hands-on, Do-it Yourself Electronics. If you've had some experience in putting your own projects together, there's a good chance we can rewrite a description of your project and publish it in these pages.

We can use projects suited to absolute beginners, as well as intermediate or more advanced projects.

Anything from one-transistor to three-IC projects may be submitted.

Here's your chance to see your own article or idea, long or short, with your name on it and you'll get paid in cash when we accept it.

Write to the editor at the following address:


P.O. BOX #5148 NORTH BRANCH , N.J. 08876

Subscription ad

In case you're not all that familiar with us, we're not a publication for electrical engineers and other wizards. No way, ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK is expressly for people who like to build their own projects and gadgets-and maybe get a little knee-deep in tape, solder and wire clippings in the process.

In fact, we have a sneaking suspicion that our readers like us because they think we're just as bug-eyed and downright crazy over great new project ideas as they are.

And I guess they're right! ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK thinks of you who dig electronics as the last of a special breed. It's more than just the "do-it-yourself" angle- it's also the spirit of adventure. In this pre-packaged, deodorized world, building your own stereo system, shortwave receiver, darkroom timer or CB outfit is like constructing a fine-tuned little universe all your own. And when it all works perfectly- it really takes you to another world.

ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK knows the kinds of projects you like-and we bring 'em to you by the truckload! Ever hanker to build a sharp-looking digital clock radio? Or to hook up an electronic game to your TV? Or an easy-to-build photometer that makes perfect picture enlargements? Or a space-age Lite-Com so you and the family can talk to each other on a light beam? We've got it all to get you started.

Has your sound system gone blooey just when the party's going great? Do you shudder when your friendly neighborhood electrician hands you the bill? ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK can help.

Of course, we can't make you a master electrician overnight. But we can show you the fundamentals of repair plus maintenance tips.

IF YOU'RE NEW TO ELECTRONICS YOU GET A "BASIC COURSE"! It gives you a complete, ground floor lowdown on a variety of important electronic subjects. For example- Understanding Transistors...How Radio Receivers Pull In Signals...Cathode Ray Tubes Explained...How Capacitors Work...Using Magnetism In Electronics, and much, much more! TRY A FEW ISSUES AND EVALUATE OUR...

• HOW-TO-DO-IT HELP. Tips and pointers that add up to money saved. For example-tuning up your tape player...all about radios ...why’s and how’s of turntables ... care and feeding of speakers.

• EXCITING DISCOVERIES. Whatever your particular interest In electronics, you'll be entering a world of discovery in the pages of the ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK

Also see: From The Editor's Desk

More from EH magazine: Tandy's Radio Shack

Adapted from: Electronics Handbook--Spring 1987

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