Cleveland Institute of Electronics


(source: Electronics World, Dec. 1963)


...after you get your FCC License

That's right ... $500 ... $600 ... $700 a month and more awaits the man who has official proof of his electronics skill and knowledge ... a Commercial FCC License And the quickest, easiest, most economical way to get your license is Cleveland Institute of Electronics Home Study. Will it work for you? Cleveland Institute is so sure of it they make this exclusive promise: "Should you fail to pass your Commercial FCC License examination after completing one of our licensing programs, we will refund all your tuition payments." The offer is as straight forward as it sounds ... you get your FCC license or you money back ! You'll be amazed how fast, how easily you can learn electronics with a Cleveland Institute Check-Point Plan of Home Study. Facts and concepts are presented in small, easy –to-understand segments, then reinforced with clear explanations and examples. Through this modern proven method, you will learn at your own pace . . and remember what you learn ! So pick the program that fits your career objective mark your choice on the coupon, and mail it today. We'll send you, without obligation, complete details on Cleveland Institute home study. Act right now... there will never be a better time to start towards a high-paying, interesting job in electronics.

Cleveland Institute of Electronics

1776 E. 17th Street, Dept. EW-84

Cleveland 14, Ohio

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