NRI Schools--Computer Courses--Working with the 8085 Microprocessor [4427]

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Examination Questions


In this training manual, you will. . .

• Understand the instruction set for the 8085 microprocessor.

• Convert hexadecimal code into binary numbers.

• Learn to read the instruction stored at an address in ROM.

• Learn the most, and least, significant bits of a binary ad dress.


In this training unit, you will build and program the 8085 microprocessor trainer.

The projects in this training unit will enable you to better understand the operation of a microprocessor.

In the experiments in this unit, you will examine RAM, ROM, displays, and data entry. Your experiments will show how address, data, and control buses carry information to and from the processor and how the Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) registers operate.

The assembly of the 8085 microprocessor is divided into lessons. Each lesson is designed to demonstrate a particular microprocessor function. As you go through the lesson in the assembly manual, follow the instructions carefully. Do not skip lessons. The trainer is assembled in stages, and later experiments may not work if the preceding step was skipped.

If at any time you find that the programs in the lesson do not execute properly, check the program entry using the following method:

• Set the ADO-AD7 and the A8 switches to the correct address.

• Press the ALE switch to latch the address.

• Press the RD switch to read the data stored at that address.

Remember that the ALE switch must be pressed every time the address switches are changed.

After you complete the assembly and programming of your microprocessor trainer, re turn to this manual and answer the Kit Questions.

Examination Questions:

This is Examination Number 4427.

Make sure you print your name, student number, and examination number (Lesson No.) in the space provided on the Answer Form. Be sure to fill in the circles beneath your student number and examination number (Lesson No.). Reminder: A properly completed Answer Form allows us to evaluate your answers and speed the results and additional study material to you as soon as possible. Do not hold your Answer Forms to send several at one time. You may run out of study material if you do not send your answers for evaluation promptly.

1. During the programming of your micro processor trainer, the address switches are set as shown below. The switches are set to store data at which memory ad dress?

a. 0012.

b. 002A.

c. 0ICA.

d. 01FF.

2. The data to be stored at an address is a jump instruction (C3). What is the binary code for this instruction?

a. 0011 1100.

b. 0110 1100.

c. 1100 0110.

d. 1100 0011.

3. At what addresses in ROM is the pattern code for the display stored?

a. 0030-003E

b. 0040-004F.

c. 0050-005F.

d. 0060-006F.

4. The ROM IC of the trainer is:

a. IC1.

b. IC2.

c. IC3

d. IC4.

5. The switch which enables instruction to be written to ROM is the:

a. EN RAM switch.

b. EN ROM switch.

c. WR switch.

d. WEN switch.

6. Which switch(es) set the least significant bit of the address?

a. ADO-AD3.

b. AD4-AD7.

c. A8.

d. TIM.

7. What ROM addresses contain the display information?

a. 0040-006A.

b. 0077-00A4.

c. 00A5-00FE

d. 0177-01A4.

8. What is the memory location where the KEY FOUND (K FND) routine is stored?

a. 00A2-00AF.

b. 00B8-00CA.

c. 00D4-00E1.

d. 00EF-00FE

9. In the instruction set for the 8085 micro processor, what is the hex code for a jump (JMP) command?

a. 00.

b. 24.

c. C3.

d. DE

10. What is the hex code for a move to memory command (MOV MA)?

a. 00.

b. 77.

C. AA.

d. FE


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