The AM88 is a low-power (100 mW) AM transmitter for use under Part
15 FCC regulations for low-power unlicensed applications, such as hobby,
short-range AM broadcasting, carrier current radio, and experimental
use. Old timers may remember the "phono oscillators" popular
as construction projects back in the 1950s, using vacuum tubes such as
the 12BE6 and 12SA7. These were penta-grid (5 grids) tubes that acted
as an oscillator and modulator in this application. They operated in
the AM broadcast band and were used as hobby AM broadcast stations and
for playing records (remember them?) through the AM radio. FM was not
as common then, and stereo had not yet been available in the form of
radio broadcasts. These phono oscillators typically ran the tubes at
around 120-150 volts at 3-5 ma plate current (360- 750 mW power input),
used a length of wire as an antenna, and had free-running LC oscillators.
Although they worked well, they were really just toys used mainly as
wireless microphones and for experimentation.
This section describes a modern version of the old phono oscillator.
This AM88 AM transmitter has features that would have been science fiction
in 1950. It is crystal stabilized, covers a 10 to 1 frequency range,
runs off a 12-volt supply, and has high level AM modulation. The AM88
is phase locked loop (PLL) synthesized and crystal controlled for frequency
stability and easy compatibility with both analog and digitally tuned
receivers. The PLL synthesizer has a resolution of 1 kHz. The AM88 has
a wide frequency range and may be operated anywhere (1-kHz steps) between
100 and 2000 kHz (150 kHz to 1710 kHz for best results). This range includes
standard AM medium-wave broadcast (530-1710 kHz) and the long-wave AM
broadcast band (150-285 kHz) used in Europe and Asia. Resolution of the
PLL supports 10-kHz or 9-kHz channel spacing used in various areas of
the world. Carrier-current operation is possible using the lower frequencies
(generally less than 500 kHz). This allows signal distribution over AC
power lines. Although the transmitter is basically AM, continuous wave
(CW) operation (for Part 15 experimental 160-190 kHz license-free operation)
is possible. FM operation is also possible for carrier-current applications
by means of a simple PC board switch setting. The transmitter is designed
for 100 mW, but RF output can be increased up to 1 watt for these applications.
Although the FM band is popular for applications such as this one, as
well as for supporting stereo audio, for some applications the AM band
might be better. Range can be better because higher field strengths are
allowed. At 600 kHz, up to 400 uv/ meter is allowed at 10 feet. Receiver
bandwidths are narrower, and AM is superior to FM under weak-signal conditions
(below threshold). The AM band generally has more usable channels than
the FM band, especially during daylight hours. Construction is less critical
because frequencies are low, and only simple test equipment is needed
to set up an AM transmitter. For some applications, such as the "talking
house," whereby real estate brokers use small transmitters planted
in houses so the prospective buyers can hear the sales pitch on the car
radio, AM may be more useful because almost every car has an AM radio,
but it may not have FM. (FM reception is still poor or limited in many
areas in parts of the world.) A simple AM transmitter is also an excellent
learning tool for beginners, who might find the very high frequencies
and the added complexities of FM stereo a bit daunting as a first-time
learning experience.
FIG. 1 Block Diagram of the AM88 Low Power AM Transmitter
FIG. 2 Schematic of the AM88 Transmitter
The AM88 uses four integrated circuit (IC) devices and nine transistors
to implement a complete PLL-synthesized AM transmitter. The transmitter
can be broken up into several subsystems: the audio amplifier, AM modulator,
PLL frequency synthesizer, and RF output amplifier and filters. See the
block diagram ( FIG. 1) and the schematic ( FIG. 2) for reference.
The audio section is made up of IC3a and IC3b, a dual op-amp LM1458N,
and AM modulator Q6 and Q7. Line-level audio inputs of approximately
0.2-1.0 volt RMS (high impedance approximately 10K) connected to J1 is
fed to a gain-con trolled R1 and a diode-controlled attenuator D1, D2,
and R1. The diodes act as vari able resistances to small signals (50
mv or less). This is done to provide a means for automatic gain control
of the audio section. Coupling capacitors C3 and C1 pass these signals
to an audio amplifier op-amp circuit consisting of R3 and R4, and operational
amplifier IC3a, with associated components R5, R6, C3, and C2. C2 limits
frequency response to 10 kHz. R5, R6, and C3 provide a bias of half the
supply voltage for the op amp, eliminating the need for a negative supply.
The audio gain of this stage is nominally 20 times (26 dB), assuming
that D1 and D2 are not conducting.
The audio from this stage is coupled to R7 and blocking capacitor C5
and to DIP switch S2A and S2B. This switch is used to route audio to
either the AM modulator for normal AM operation or to the PLL circuit
for FM. FM may seem an oddity at normal AM frequencies; this subject
is discussed later.
The AM modulator consists of Q6 and Q7. The circuit is configured as
a shunt feedback pair, and the bias point is set via R14, R15, and pot
R16. The emitter of Q7 has a DC plus audio component and is used as a
source of modulated DC for the RF output stage. The voltage at the emitter
of Q7 sits around +5.0 DC volts. With audio drive from S2B , this voltage
swings between less than 1 volt and to within 1 volt of the full supply
voltage. Base drive resistors R12 and R13 form a split resistance to
allow capacitive coupling of the modulator audio component to the junction
of R12 and R13. Because the voltage across a capacitor cannot change
instantly, a sufficiently large capacitor acts as a battery. This has
the effect of maintaining a constant voltage across R13 and hence a constant
drive current. This allows the base of Q6 to swing above the supply voltage
by about 0.7 volt, ensuring that the emitter of Q7 can reach almost the
full supply voltage. This technique, which is widely used in audio power
amplifiers, is called bootstrapping. Because the RF output of the RF
stage is proportional to the supply voltage, this technique allows full
AM modulation of the RF output voltage to be achieved. The bias point
is set to achieve symmetrical modulation with R16.
If the audio peak voltage was not limited, severe distortion would result
from clip ping of the RF output peaks and cutoff of RF output on negative
peaks. This is called overmodulation. To prevent this problem, a sample
of the modulator output is taken through resistive divider R17, potentiometer
R18, and R19. This voltage is compared with the op-amp reference voltage
in comparator IC3B, and if it exceeds the bias level (half the supply
voltage), then IC3 pin 7, which is normally at +2 volts, goes more positive.
This is applied to resistors R9, R10, forward-biasing D3, and charging
C4 is an audio bypass capacitor that prevents audio components from
feeding back through the automatic gain control (AGC) network; C4 also
determines the time constant for the AGC network. The DC bias developed
across C4, if more than about 1.2 volts, forward biases D1 and D2, causing
their dynamic impedance to drop sharply from nearly infinite down to
as low as less than 100 ohms. This reaction causes the audio input present
at the junction of R2, C1, D1, and D2 to be attenuated, reducing the
modulation level. In practice, R18 is adjusted so that this occurs at
85-90 percent modulation. Although this scheme does not prevent negative
clipping or deliberate overmodulation, it works well for normal application
with speech or music.
The PLL synthesizer section uses an MC145151-2 LSI chip. This chip contains
a reference oscillator, reference divider, charge pump phase detector,
and variable divider that can be programmed for divide ratios of 3 to
16383. The reference divider is programmable, by hardwiring pins, at
various fixed ratios that are mostly powers of two. In this application,
it is set up to divide by 8192 so that a standard 8.192 MHz crystal will
provide a reference frequency of 1 kHz. This sets the resolution of the
synthesizer. The maximum input frequency that this chip can directly
handle is approximately 12 MHz worst case. The AM broadcast band 530-1710
kHz has channels at 10-kHz spacing in the United States and Canada (this
includes the newly expanded U.S. 1600-1710 kHz section) and most areas
in the Americas. In other parts of the world, channels with 9-kHz spacing
are used. Additionally, in Europe and parts of Asia, the long-wave band
is used, with frequencies between 150 and 285 kHz, also at 9-kHz channel
spacing. The synthesizer covers all of these frequencies, but in the
interest of optimum synthesizer performance and considering cost limitations
and circuit simplicity, the tuning range has been restricted to 2 MHz.
The synthesizer supports all channels between 150 and 1710 kHz in 1-kHz
Frequencies from as low as 50 kHz and as high as 2047 kHz can be generated,
but the circuit component values-mainly in the filters and RF chokes-are
not optimum at these extremes.
In order to cover these extremes, some changes in values of these components
are necessary, which is beyond the scope of this discussion. In order
to eliminate a noisy microprocessor and display, the frequency desired
is set by using an onboard 12-section DIP switch S1. Eleven sections
are used for programming, and the twelfth for some thing else. A binary
code is used, the desired transmitter frequency is determined, and its
binary equivalent is set using the DIP switches. Normally, once a clear
channel is found or determined, the transmitter is set here and left
alone. In most populated areas, relatively few clear channels are available,
and especially at night when distant stations can be heard, a good, clear
channel can be hard to find. In some areas they are rare, so, unlike
a receiver, there is little need to reset the frequency often.
Additionally, most low-power AM units such as this one operate between
1600-1710 kHz or 525-535 kHz. Antenna efficiency is best at higher frequencies
because any legal antenna used for U.S. FCC Part 15 applications is a
very small fraction of a full-quarter or half-wave radiator. Therefore,
a microprocessor and display would be overkill in this application.
Although direct generation of 150-1710 kHz frequencies can be achieved
with the synthesizer, this is more than an 11:1 frequency ratio. A single-loop
synthesizer will necessarily need a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)
with this wide range, and the divide ratio needed in the variable divider
will vary from 150 to 1710. It is difficult to control synthesizer loop
performance to get reasonable behavior (settling time and damping ratio)
over such a wide range; however, there is an easier way. The synthesizer
chip IC1, a Motorola MC145151-2, has a programmable reference divider.
If a standard 8.192-kHz microprocessor crystal is used, the reference
divider may be programmed to divide by 8192. This will yield the desired
1-kHz reference frequency needed for 1-kHz frequency resolution. Because
the chip can be programmed to divide by up to 16383, in binary, the variable
divider section of the chip can be set up to divide by 8192 by permanently
tying its most significant digit high. Then, by grounding the next two
significant bits low, and using the remaining 11 bits in conjunction
with a DIP switch, the divider can be made to divide by 8192 to 10239.
This allows a frequency range of 8.192 to 10.239 MHz to be generated
by the PLL synthesizer.
If we take this frequency range and mix it with the 8192-kHz reference
oscillator signal using a mixer circuit, and a low-pass filter on its
output, we end up with an output of theoretically DC to 2047 kHz. The
DIP switch has to produce a binary code that is the binary equivalent
of the output frequency. This task is simple, cheap, and allows a synthesizer
loop design that has only a 1.25:1 range, which is easily done. The chip
will directly handle these frequencies with no prescaler needed. Of course,
a mixer and filter is needed, but this device is simple and straightforward
and does not require any loop design compromises. Practically, because
of the need for filters, coupling capacitors, and RF chokes in the transmitter,
we use only the 150- 1710 kHz portion of the possible output frequency
range, but this is not absolutely necessary, and with suitable components,
the full range could be used if desired.
The circuit of the PLL synthesizer operates as follows: Q5, an MPF102
FET, is configured as an oscillator whose frequency is determined by
L1 and the capacity of varactor diode D6, trimmer C28, and the circuit
stray and FET input capacitance.
This oscillator operates in the 8.2-10.2 MHz range. R46 provides DC
bias for Q5.
C53 RF grounds the anode of D6, which is fed a variable DC bias from
R44 and R45. Depending on this DC bias and the setting of C28, this will
be anywhere from 8.2-10.2 MHz. Oscillator signal is taken from the source
of Q5. Part of this signal is passed to amplifier stages Q2 and Q4. R27
feeds signal to Q2, which is connected as a wideband feedback stage with
R24 and R26 for feedback and bias. A signal large enough to drive the
input of the variable divider section of IC1 (pin 11) appears at the
collector of Q2. The divider is programmable via S1 to divide between
8192 and 10239, which is equal to the desired output frequency plus 8192.
For example, if a frequency of 1600 kHz is desired, then the divide
ratio will be programmed as 1600 via the setting of S1. The internal
variable divider will produce a signal to be fed to the phase detector
at the transmitter frequency divided by 1600 because we have a division
of 1600 times from the programmable divider. Mean while, the phase detector
is fed a 1-kHz reference signal derived from an internal reference oscillator
and divider, which uses external components R21, C12, X1 (8192 kHz crystal),
and trimmer C11. These parts determine the oscillator frequency. C11
is used to set the frequency exactly to 8192 kHz. An internal divider
divides this by 8192 and produces the 1-kHz reference. The output frequency
accuracy depends on having an exact 1.000 kHz, which in turn needs an
exact 8192-kHz crystal oscillator frequency. The phase detector generates
a voltage, which depends on the relative phase difference between the
reference and variable divider output waveforms.
For example, suppose the divider output starts to lag the reference.
This implies that the divider, and hence the VCO frequency, is tending
to go lower. In this case, the phase detector produces positive-going
pulses and feeds these to the sample and hold network R38, C26, R39,
R40, and C25. C25 is charged to a higher DC voltage.
IC2, a CA3420 CMOS op-amp, acts as a buffer amplifier for the PLL phase
detector and provides a very high impedance for the sample and hold circuit,
minimizing 1-kHz reference frequency sidebands and allowing smaller capacitors
to be used in the compensation network. It also provides an easy method
for injection of audio signals into the VCO for directly modulating the
carrier frequency.
The high-impedance CMOS amplifier consisting of IC2, R41, R42, and R43
produces a positive-going output, which is fed to D6 via R44 and R45,
causing the oscillator frequency to increase. The opposite happens if
the VCO drifts higher, causing the divider output to lead the reference.
Then D6 is biased with a negative-going change in DC bias and causes
the VCO to lower its frequency. In this way, the VCO frequency is locked
to the reference frequency and will not drift. It will be exactly equal,
in kHz, to the programmed divide ratio plus 8192. In our case, we have
programmed 1600 so that the output frequency will be 1600 + 8192, or
9792 kHz. Next, this frequency must have 8192 kHz subtracted from it
to yield the final desired 1600 kHz output.
The final output frequency is obtained by mixing the PLL output 8192
to 10239 kHz (nominal) frequency with the 8192-kHz reference oscillator
in a mixer circuit.
A sample of the 8192-kHz oscillator is tapped off IC1 via emitter-follower
Q2 and divider R22 and R23. This signal is fed to the emitter of mixer
stage Q3. Q3 is biased by R28, R25, and R28. L4 and C4 provide a low-impedance
path for the desired difference frequency output. A sample of the VCO
frequency is fed to buffer Q4 through R31 and is coupled to the base
of mixer-transistor Q3 via C15. The input frequencies and their sum and
difference frequencies appear at the collector of Q3.
The collector feeds low-pass filter (LPF) C16, L56, C17, L6, and C18.
Only the difference frequency passes, the rest being rejected. DC bias
is fed to Q3 via RF choke L3. R50 and C19 couple the difference frequency
component to output amplifier stages Q8 and Q9.
The transmitter RF output signal that is to be modulated is produced
by amplifying the mixer output from the LPF in Q8. Q8 is a conventional
common emitter stage, with DC feedback biasing via R32, R33, and R34.
C22 prevents AC feedback and preserves stage gain. R35 is a load resistor
for Q8, and C24 couples signal-to-output amplifier stage Q9. R36 is a
bias resistor, and Q9 is fed modulated collector supply voltage of around
5 volts from the emitter of Q7. The emitter of Q8 is connected to ground
via a jumper, which can be opened in order to insert a key or keying
circuit for CW (Morse code), commonly used in the 160-190 kHz Part 15
experimenters' band (also known as the 1750-meter band). C23 provides
RF bypassing in this application.
Q9 was chosen to withstand operation into an open circuited load and
to deliver up to 1 watt CW power at the lower frequencies (Part 15 160-190
kHz operation) or for carrier-current applications. It will deliver a
100-mW carrier at the higher frequencies (1600-1710 kHz), which requires
400 mW PEP output at full AM (100 percent) modulation.
In this stage, the signal is amplified to the final output level and
then fed to a set of harmonic filters L7-L14 and C32-C47. The filters
are low-pass, five-element Tschebychev types and should be designed to
attenuate the second harmonic of the signal by at least 20-30 dB or better.
A filter is useful only over about 65-90 percent of its cutoff frequency,
so that the second harmonic is well into the stop band of the filter.
Hence, four filters are provided on the PC board, to cover the AM broadcast
band and the 150-280 kHz range. S3 and S4 are DIP switches used for filter
selection. Only one filter is used at a time. R20, bypass C9, and LED
D5 are used as an output indicator, and LED D5 will not light if the
switches S3 and S4 are inadvertently set to different filters. The LED
will flicker slightly when modulation is present, therefore serving as
a rudimentary modulation indicator. The filters shown are for 1200-1750
kHz, 800- 1200 kHz, 530-800 kHz, and 160-280 kHz operation. They may
be changed by scaling the inductors and capacitor values inversely in
proportion to the frequency ranges desired. RF output from the transmitter
should be fed into a load of 50 ohms.
IC4, a 5-volt regulator, supplies 5-volt DC to IC1, the VCO, and the
mixer circuits. Bypasses C20 and C21 ensure regulator stability. Capacitor
C6 and diode D4 provide filtering and reverse-polarity protection of
the 12-volt DC input, which may be from 11-16 volts in actual use. Excess
of this voltage may cause damage, and less than 10 volts may produce
poor results. Optimum power is 12-13.2 volts. Excessive noise on the
DC supply line may cause this noise to be heard on the transmitted signal
as interference and hum. It is normal for Q7 to get warm in operation,
and if you prefer (not needed), a small clip on heatsink can be placed
on Q7 to cool it.
The FM mode is useful for the low-frequency carrier-current operation
that this transmitter is capable of. With a PLL, very little circuitry
is necessary for FM, and this mode is obtained practically for free.
Deviation up to 75 kHz is easily obtained, allowing much quieter carrier-current
operation than AM can provide at the low frequencies used in carrier-current
work. Typically, frequencies in the 100-300 kHz are used, but power line
noise can be severe at these frequencies. Frequency modulation is accomplished
by injecting audio from the audio amplifier IC3a into IC2. Instead of
being returned to ground, R41 is fed from a preemphasis network R42,
R49, and C30. This gives a preemphasis compatible with standard FM broadcast
Potentiometer R48 sets the deviation. The audio across R42 is fed to
IC2, and IC2 has unity gain for this audio. Therefore, an audio voltage
is superimposed on the voltage to varactor D6.
Because the bandwidth of the synthesizer loop is less than 20 Hz, the
relatively high audio frequencies are not "corrected out," and
as long as no DC component is injected (assuming symmetrical FM, which
is the usual case), the variations in frequency under-modulation are
averaged out. The resultant modulation is clean and low in distortion
because the VCO has a dynamic range of several volts, and a 1-volt change
produces about 300-kHz frequency variation. Therefore, only about 250
mV peak audio (about 176 mV RMS) is needed for full modulation. This
means about the same audio needed for 100 percent AM at the input to
the transmitter will also be sufficient for the FM mode, assuming that
R49 is set to about 80 percent of maximum.
The VCO is highly linear over such a small range, ensuring good-quality
FM audio.
Note that section 12 of the programming switch S1 should be closed to
disable the AM modulator and obtain full RF power in this mode; S2A must
be closed; and S2B must be open to route the audio to the FM modulator
As with any device coupled to the AC power line, RF should be fed into
a suitable isolation network with components rated for the job. This
means capacitors AC voltage rated at least twice the peak line voltage,
and any coupling transformers used should withstand 1500 volts and preferably
more. The transmitter wants to see a 50 ohm load, and suitable matching
circuits and padding resistors are needed because most power lines have
RF impedances less than this amount (see FIG. 3).
The AM88 needs an antenna. For many applications, a 56-ohm resistor
shunted with a simple whip antenna as a radiator is adequate. The whip
antenna should be only as long as needed, no more than 10 feet (3 meters),
to avoid violating Part 15 FCC rules. (This issue is discussed later
in the Appendix.) A PC layout is shown in Figures 5-4 and 5-5. Note that
grounded leads of resistors are to be soldered on both sides of the board.
This step is essential for good grounding. All parts are mounted tight
and close to the board, except chokes. This is important for reducing
audio noise pickup and for proper operation of the synthesizer and RF
circuits. It also gives a professional appearance to the finished board.
Begin construction by inserting all resistors in the PC board (see FIG.
4). Next solder all top ground connections. Install all diodes, carefully
observing polarity. Next, install all capacitors. Make sure to observe
the polarity of all electrolytic capacitors. Next, install the transistors.
Be careful with Q7 and Q9 because these have an E-C-B pinout when viewed
from the front side. Install trimmer C11, C28, and potentiometers R1,
R16, R18, and R48. Preset C11 to 75 percent capacitance (plates 3/4 meshed).
Preset C28 to halfway. The AM88 will operate well enough for setup with
these initial settings. Install crystal X1, DIP switches S1, S2, S3,
and S4, and the ICs, being extremely careful about correct orientation.
If you wish to use low-profile DIP sockets, this is permissible.
Carefully check all work done so far for accuracy and orientation. Solder
all bottom connections made so far. Carefully fabricate coil L1 and install
it in the PC board. The toroidal core is wound with #24 enamelled wire
(see FIG. 6). Make sure to connect the leads as shown, or the VCO will
not operate. Use the toroid coil winding diagram as a guide. Leave an
extra 1-2 inches of lead length on the lead of the 14-turn winding connected
to C28, C29, and D6. An extra turn has been deliberately added on the
primary winding to allow adjustment of inductance during setup.
FIG. 3 Power Line Coupler for Carrier Current Applications of the AM88
FIG. 4 Parts Layout of the AM88 Transmitter PC board-Component Side
FIG. 5 Component and Solder Side View of the AM88 PC Board.
FIG. 6 Winding and Mounting Details for L1 and L2 Through L14 of AM88
FIG. 7 The AM88 PLL Synthesized Low Power AM Transmitter in a Metal
FIG. 8 Top View of the AM88 in a Metal Case with the Cover Removed
Install RF choke L2, being careful not to bend the leads sharply too
close to the choke body because this may damage the choke. Install L3,
L4, L5, and L6 in the same manner. Next, install the remaining inductors
as shown, standing them on end and bending the top lead down to fit the
PC board (see FIG. 6). Again, carefully inspect all work so far. Look
for solder shorts, poor joints, missing parts, incorrect parts placement,
and so forth. You are ready to check out the board once everything is
To set up the AM88, you will need the following items:
· DVM or analog VOM, 20 K/volt or better
· Power supply 12-13.2 volts DC (9 AA or C or D cells in series is
· AM broadcast or communications receiver
· CD player, tape deck, or other line-level audio source
· Patch cable for audio connections
· Test leads as necessary
The setup procedure is as follows:
1. Carefully inspect the PC board for shorts, missing or wrong parts,
IC and transistor orientation, polarity of diodes and electrolytics,
and any assembly mistakes, such as missing or poor solder connections.
Make sure that the top traces supplying +12 volts to the audio section
and +5 volts to the synthesizer circuitry are soldered to the component
leads, passing through them, and that jumpers (J) between top and bottom
traces are installed where necessary as indicated in FIG. 4.
2. Preset the following switches and controls:
S1: Positions 1 through 12 all "off "
S2: Position 1 (S2A) "off "
S2: Position 2 (S2B) "on"
S3, S4: Position 1 "on"
S3, S4: Positions 2, 3, 4 "off "
R1: 25% of full clockwise rotation
R16: 25%
R18: 75%
R49: 75%
C11: 50% full plates half meshed
C28: 100% plates completely meshed
3. Connect a 56-ohm 1/4-watt resistor between RF output and ground.
4. Connect the 12-volt power supply to D1 and ground; the negative lead
of sup ply to ground; and positive to D1. Observe the current drawn;
it should be about 50-200 ma. If it is appreciably less (less than 50
ma) or more (more than 250 ma), repeat step 1 because something may be
wrong. Nothing should be getting hot, although Q7 will normally run quite
warm after a few minutes. If still no errors are found and the current
drain is lower than specified, there may be nothing wrong that will cause
damage. In this case, proceed with setup and, eventually, any errors
will be located. Excessive current and something overheating is a definite
warning sign, and in this case the cause should be found before setup
is completed.
5. Connect the negative lead of VOM or DVM to ground. Check the following
voltages, using the positive lead of meter (12-volt supply is assumed):
Jct D4, C6, IC4: 11.4 volts
Pin 3 IC: 15.0 volts
Pin 7 IC2: 9.0 volts +/- 0.6 volts
Emitter of Q7 (TP3): 5.0 volts, varies with R16
Collector of Q9: Same as emitter of Q7
Collector of Q3: 4-5 volts
Collector of Q4: 0.5-1 volts
Drain Q5: 8.8 volts +/- 0.6 volts
Jct R5, R6, C3: 5.8 volts +/- 0.8 volts
Pins 1, 2, 3 IC3: 5.8 volts +/- 0.8 volts all the same
Pin 6 IC: 5.8 volts +/- 0.8 volts
Pin 7 IC1: varies with R16 and R18 from less than 2.5 to more than 7.5
Jct R8, R9, D3; varies with R16 and R18 from less than 1 to more than
A variation of 10 percent is normal. Remember to allow for meter accuracy
and component and supply voltage variations. If any major variations
are noted, repeat step 1. Reset any pots moved during testing to their
original pre set positions, except set R16 for +4.5 to +5.0 volts at
6. Set S1 (dipswitch) for a frequency of 1700 kHz, within 20 kHz if
1700 kHz is busy in your area. (See the following chart for switch settings.)
Leave section 12 of S1 OFF. Section 12 is used only for FM carrier-current
work and is never used for frequency programming. Make sure that jumper
J1 in the emitter of Q8 is installed. Read and understand the programming
7. Tune a nearby AM receiver to 1700 kHz, or as in step 4, if 1700 kHz
is busy in your area. This should be the same frequency as in step 4.
Monitor this channel with your AM receiver as you proceed.
8. Connect a DVM or VOM to TP1 (pin 6 of IC2). You should read almost
9 volts. If you see less than 9 but more than 2 volts, this may still
be acceptable.
Listen on the AM receiver. Now start rotating C28 to disengage the plates.
At some point, the voltage at TP1 should drop. If not, try removing a
turn from the end of the 13-turn winding on L1 connected to C2If you
initially saw less than 9 volts at TP1, this voltage should drop immediately
upon rotating C2If the voltage is "stuck" low or will not reach
as high as +7.5 (but will change with C28), then you should add a turn
to L1. Set C28 for +7.5 volts at TP1.
This should occur with C28 set at 10-60 percent mesh. If C28 has to
be set to more than 75 percent, add a turn to L1. You should hear a dead
carrier (a signal without audio) in the AM receiver at this point. As
a further test, disconnect or shut off the DC power. The carrier should
simultaneously disappear; it should reappear when power is restored.
This checks out the PLL synthesizer and mixer sections.
9. Remove DC power and program a frequency of 128 kHz on the DIP switches.
Set S3 and S4 four positions closed, all others open. Next, measure
and record the voltage at TP1. This should be 2-4 volts. Verify that
rotating C28 will affect this voltage. Reset C28 to get the voltage you
just recorded. This checks out the synthesizer range. If the voltage
seen at TP1 is too low and C28 has no effect, then add a turn to L1 and
return to step If everything checks out so far, remove excess lead length
from L1 and resolder it to the PC board. It is advisable to coat L1 and
fasten it to the PC board with a clear lacquer base cement such as Duco
cement or Q dope, or clear fingernail polish.
Do not use anything with pigment because it may degrade the coil. Hot
melt glue is also acceptable for this purpose. After the coating dries
and cools, recheck C28 as in step 6 and reset C28 for +7.5 volts at 1700
kHz if necessary.
10. Connect an audio source to the input and adjust R1 for the loudest
signal in the receiver before any distortion is noted. Adjust R16 for
4.5-5 volts at TP3 if not done before. This sets the carrier. Then slightly
increase the audio drive until distortion is evident. Adjust R18 to just
eliminate this distortion. It should now be possible to increase the
setting of R1 a little without experiencing much of a change in received
audio level, although some compression may be noticed. This checks out
the audio limiter circuit. If a scope is avail able, R16 and R18 can
be adjusted for best modulation by observing the modulated carrier across
a 56-ohm resistor connected across the RF output terminals.
11. If a scope or RF voltmeter is available, check the voltage across
the 56-ohm resistor connected across the RF output terminals in step
3 to verify that the transmitter is producing RF output. About 2 volts
rms across 56 ohm or 5.64 volts p-p will be present. This is best observed
with an oscilloscope, but a detector probe on your DVM will suffice as
a relative indicator. If you cannot perform this task because of lack
of equipment, skip this step but confirm that LED D5 lights properly.
12. This completes testing and setup of the AM88. Remove power and audio
connections and install the AM88 board in a case, making sure all adjustments
are accessible. Set up for the final desired output frequency. See the
programming instructions and following sections for more detailed information.
Frequencies and modulation modes are programmed into the AM88 by setting
DIP switches either closed or open, in a pattern depending on the desired
frequency and mode. Each time the frequency or mode is to be changed,
these switches must be reset. At first, this process may seem inconvenient,
but in practice, there are often only a few available clear channels
in the AM broadcast band, and once set, the frequency will probably not
be changed often. The mode settings will probably be rarely changed unless
you are doing a lot of experimental work because more than 2000 frequencies
can be programmed.
Four DIP switch assemblies and one soldered jumper are used for programming.
The soldered jumper is used to permit insertion of a key or a keying
circuit for Morse code (CW) operation. If this will never be done, the
jumper is installed permanently and left in place. DIP switch S2 and
section 12 of DIP switch S1 is used for mode setting (AM, FM, or CW),
and if only one of these modes is to be used, S2 can be permanently set
or replaced with wire jumpers. S3 and S4 are used to select harmonic
filters and are only changed when a large change in programmed frequency
is made (see DIP Switch Settings).
Frequency is programmed by entering the desired frequency in binary
on sections 1 through 11 of S1. The most significant digit is entered
on section 1, the next on section 2, and the least significant digit
on section 11. An easy way to get the binary number equivalent of a decimal
number is either to look it up in a chart (books on computer science
or math references provide these) or, if you have an IBM-compatible PC
running Win 3.X or Win 95, use the Windows calculator that is provided
in the accessories group. Use the scientific mode and the online help
menus if this ability is not obvious. A chart of commonly used channels
is included in these instructions, but it is impractical to list settings
for all 2000 or more possible channels. You can also directly calculate
the binary equivalent of any number by using the successive division
by two method.
For routine Part 15 use, we recommend using as high a frequency as possible.
It is a good idea to confine the signal to only the area needed. A 4-foot
whip as a radiator will easily allow the signal to cover an average house
and is mechanically easy to construct or salvage from a junked TV set.
A 4- to 10-foot whip antenna or length of wire in parallel with a 56-ohm
resistor may be connected to J2.
Parts List:
Resistors 1/4 W 5% Capacitors Potentiometers PT10YH2.5 Diodes Switches
Transistors Coils and Chokes
Integrated Circuits
DIP Switch Settings
MODE S1 posn 12 S2-1 S2-2 S3 and S4 posn 1-4
Filter Settings
1. S3 and S4 must be set to the same configurations.
2. Only one section each of S3 and S4 switch on at any time.
3. The LED (D5) must be lit, or S3, S4 are incorrectly set.
For 280-530 kHz, either use filter #3 setting plus an external low-pass
filter to cut off the second harmonic, or the values of L and C in one
of the other filters may be changed as needed to suit the application.
DIP Switch S1 Frequency Settings
Important: Note that a zero (0) signifies that a switch section is ON,
and a one (1) signifies that a switch section is OFF.
Suggested and test frequencies are listed. It is impractical to list
all possible frequencies. See next section for a method of deriving settings
for other unlisted frequencies.
Calculation of the Binary Code for Frequency
Any decimal number can be converted to binary by successively dividing
the number by 2 and then separating the remainders from the result. This
is best illustrated by an example rather than a rigorous mathematical
A number is either odd or even. An even number can be divided by 2 and
has no remainder. Adding 1 to an even number results in an odd number
and vice versa. For example:
You divide the number to be converted by 2. If you have a remainder,
place a 1 to the right of the result; if not, place a 0 to the right
of the result. This signifies that you have (1) or do not have (0) a
remainder. This is the least significant digit (LSD) of the needed binary
Discard the remainder (1/2) and repeat, continuing until you wind up
with a 0. The ones and zeros in the right are the binary equivalent that
you need. The final 1 or 0 that you place on the right is the most significant
digit (MSD).
As an example, we want to convert 1585 to binary (1585 is odd):
1585 ÷ 2 = 792 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
792 ÷ 2 = 396 no remainder; therefore, place a 0 to the right 0
396 ÷ 2 = 198 no remainder; therefore, place a 0 to the right 0
198 ÷ 2 = 99 no remainder; therefore, place a 0 to the right 0
99 ÷ 2 = 49 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
49 ÷ 2 = 24 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
24 ÷ 2 = 12 no remainder; therefore, place a 0 to the right 0
12 ÷ 2 = 6 no remainder; therefore, place a 0 to the right 0
6 ÷ 2 = 3 no remainder; therefore, place a 0 to the right 0
3 ÷ 2 = 1 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
1 ÷ 2 = 0 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
We have successively divided by 2 and have reached 0. The last digit
is the most significant digit. The binary number is read out from the
bottom of the column to the top and is:
1585 binary = 11000110001 (MSD to LSD)
If a number has less than 11 binary digits, place enough zeros to the
left of the MSD to result in an 11-digit number. The LSD must be programmed
into position 11 of S1.
Example: we want 188-kHz output. Convert 188 to binary:
188 ÷ 2 = 94 no remainder; therefore, place a 0 to the right 0
94 ÷ 2 = 47 no remainder; therefore, place a 0 to the right 0
47 ÷ 2 = 23 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
23 ÷ 2 = 11 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
11 ÷ 2 = 5 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
5 ÷ 2 = 2 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
2 ÷ 2 = 1 no remainder; therefore, place a 0 to the right 0
1 ÷ 2 = 0 + 1/2 remainder; therefore, place a 1 to the right 1
The result in binary is 10111100; however, this is 8 digits and we need
11 digits, so the number becomes 00010111100, with three extra zeros
inserted on the left.
These zeros are programmed at S1 switch positions 1, 2, and 3 as "on." Position
4 will be "off," 5 will be "on," positions 6 through
9 will be "off," and 10 and 11 will be "on." This
sequence is because the chip IC1 has internal pullup resistors on its
logic inputs, and any given input line will be at a logic high (1) if
the switch connected to that input is "off " (open) and a logic
low (0) if the switch is "on" (closed).
A kit of parts for the AM88 transmitter consisting of a drilled and
etched PC board, complete documentation, and all parts that mount on
the board, is available from eBay: