Data Acquisition Devices: Specifications and Selection Criteria

The following lists contain specification parameters you will find in various DAQ hardware devices.

Main Categories

Bus Type

  • USB
  • PXI
  • PCI
  • PCI Express
  • FireWire
  • ISA
  • CompactFlash

Analog Input Channels

  • At least 8
  • At least 16
  • At least 32

Analog Input Resolution

  • At least 12 bits
  • At least 16 bits
  • At least 20 bits

Analog Input Sample Rate

  • Less than 1 kHz
  • At least 1 kHz
  • At least 100 kHz
  • At least 1 MHz
  • At least 10 MHz

Note: National Instruments devices use the nomeclature S/s (Samples per second) instead of Hz. They both mean the same thing.

Max Analog Input Range

  • 10 mV
  • 80 mV
  • 1 A
  • 3 A
  • 5 V
  • 10 V
  • 20 V
  • 25 V
  • 40 V
  • 42 V
  • 42.4 V
  • 60 V
  • 100 V
  • 250 V
  • 300 V
  • 1000 V

Analog Output Channels

  • At least 2
  • At least 4
  • At least 8

Digital I/O Channels

  • At least 8
  • At least 16
  • At least 32


  • Analog
  • Digital

OS Support

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Real-Time
  • Pocket PC
  • Mac OS
  • RTX

Measurement Types


  • At least 2
  • At least 4
  • At least 8

Product Family

  • M Series
  • SC Series
  • S Series
  • R Series
  • E Series
  • B Series

Additional Categories

Number of Analog Input Ranges

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 14
  • 15

Analog Input Signal Conditioning

Analog Output Resolution

  • 12 bits
  • 13 bits
  • 14 bits
  • 16 bits
  • 24 bits

Analog Output Update Rate

  • Less than 1 kHz
  • At least 1 kHz
  • At least 100 kHz
  • At least 1 MHz
  • At least 10 MHz

Note: National Instruments devices use the nomeclature S/s (Samples per second) instead of Hz. They both mean the same thing.

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Data acquisition computer boards


Updated: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 19:38 PST