Connecting Strain Gauges in Circuits

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A strain gauge connected in a Wheatstone bridge circuit. Notice the symbol for the strain gauge is a resistor designated R(gauge)The strain gauge must be connected to an electrical circuit for it to be useful. The figure (left) shows an example of a two-wire strain gauge connected to a Wheatstone bridge circuit. From this example you can see that the strain gauge acts like one of the legs of the bridge. The typical resistance for the strain gauge is 120 Ω. Resistor R2, is used to balance all the resistance in the bridge. When this occurs and no force is applied to the surface where the strain gauge is mounted, the voltage-out signal will be zero. When a force is applied to the surface, it will deform the metal that the strain gauge is glued to. At this time, the wire in the strain gauge will also deform and the amount of resistance in the wire will change. The change in resistance is proportional to the deformation of the wire in the strain gauge, which means that the signal from the bridge circuit will be somewhat linear due to the change in pressure. You should notice that R2, can be adjusted at any point to balance the bridge. If a small amount of pressure is applied to the strain gauge when the circuit is balanced, it's called a preload. The formula for calculating the voltage out from the bridge is:

Vout = Vin ((R3/(R3+Rg)) - ((R2/(R1+R2))

This means that (R1/R2) = (Rg/R3) when the bridge is balanced.


A strain gauge is connected to a bridge circuit where R1 and R3 are 150 Ω resistors. The resistance of the strain gauge with no weight applied is 120 Ω. To what value should R2 be adjusted for the bridge to be balanced when no pressure is applied o the strain gauge?


Since (R1/R2) = (RI/R3), this formula can be manipulated to solve for R2.
R2 = (R1) x (Rg/R3)
R2 = (150 Ω) x (120 Ω/150 Ω)
R2 = 120 Ω


When a load of 10 psi is applied to a strain gauge in the previous problem, its resistance will change 20 Ω so that the total resistance of the strain gauge changes from 120 Ω to 140 Ω. If an input voltage of 10 volts is applied to the circuit, what will be the output voltage when the 10 psi load is applied to the strain gauge?


Using the previous formula for voltage out:

Vout = Vin ((R3/(R3+Rg)) - ((R2/(R1+R2))

R1 = 150 Ω (given)
R2 = 120 Ω (calculated from prior problem)
R3 = 150 Ω (given)
Rg = 140 Ω (increased 20 Ω because of load placed on strain gauge)
Vin = 10 volts
Vout = 10 volts ((150 Ω /(150 Ω + 140 Ω)) - ((120 Ω /(150 Ω +120 Ω))
Vout = 10 volts (9.28)
Vout = 0.728 volt

Gauge Factor

Gauge factor (GF) is the ratio of the amount of change in resistance to the change in the length (strain) along the axis of the gauge. The formula for calculating the gauge factor is:

GF = ((ΔR/R)/(ΔL/L)) = (ΔR/R)/ε

Notice that ΔL/L is identified as epsilon ε. Gauge factor is a dimensionless value, and the larger the value the more sensitive the strain gauge is. The gauge factor is provided with the strain gauge: typical values are 2-2.5.

Prev. Page: Types of Strain Gauges | Next Page: Pressure Transducers and Transmitters

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