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10MHz triggered scopes Two 10MHz, 5-inch scopes, the dual-trace model 1476 and single-trace 1466, are available from B&K-Precision. The scopes feature 18 sweep range selections, triggered and automatic sync with 10mV/cm sensitivity, and a fully regulated power supply. Calibration is unaffected by ±100/0 line voltage changes. The 1476 is priced at $700. The 1466 is $560. Prices include probes. ![]() Digital multimeters A new line of digital multimeters from VIZ features a choice of LED or LCD display, accuracy of 0.10/0 (dc volts) and function indication (voltage, current or resistance). Overload protection is provided for all functions in all models. All models are designed for battery or ac operation. A 6V ac adaptor is supplied, or it may be operated on 4 C cells. ![]() Capacitance meter A 3 1/2-digit benchtop ac-powered capacitance meter has been introduced by Continental Specialties. The Model 3001 measures capacitances from 1pF to .1999F in nine ranges. Accuracy is within count on all ranges within 0.1 % of indicated reading. Suggested price is $190. ![]() NTSC color generator B&K-Precision has made available a new NTSC color-pattern genera tor, Model 1250. The unit can be used for aligning and trouble-shooting videotape recorders. The 1250 features the NTSC bar pattern and a 5-step staircase pattern with selected chroma levels. Available patterns include dot, cross-hatch, dot–hatch, center cross and color raster. In addition to the video patterns, the 1250 generates a 4.5MHz sound carrier with 1kHz or 3kHz modulation. The price is $795. ![]() 30-MHz scope Hitachi has introduced the V-302 dual-trace 30-MHz oscilloscope. The unit features sensitivity up to 1 mV (with X5 vertical magnifier), triggered time base sweep speeds from .02ps to 0.2s/div in 19 calibrated steps, a TV sync-separator circuit, X10 sweep magnifier, trace rotation and a signal-delay line. The V-302 is available for $945, including probes. The single-trace V-301 is $745. ![]() Digital frequency counters The 500HH series of hand-held digital frequency counters from DSI Instruments have frequency ranges of 50Hz to 500MHz, and 50Hz to 100MHz. The 8-digit LED display, with characters that measure .4-inch high, features automatic decimal point shifting and zero blanking. Total case dimensions (excluding antenna) are 3.5"x1.25"x 5.75". Multifunction frequency counter The FC-841 from Soar Corporation is a 7-digit multifunction frequency counter that covers the 10Hz to 50 MHz range. The counter can be plugged into an ac outlet or a car's cigarette lighter. The FC-841 is supplied complete with batteries, antenna, and test lead and is priced at $90. ![]() Multitester Universal Enterprises M75 has 17 ranges chosen to place most measurements near midscale. Features include a fuse-protected ohm circuit, three-color-coded scale and front panel, diode protected movement and one year warranty. ![]() Portable DMM B&K-Precision has designed the model 2815 3-1/2 digit portable 0.1 % DMM. The unit offers LCD readout and rf interference shielding. A 9-V alkaline battery powers the unit. The 2815 features an automatic low-battery warning indicator, auto zero and auto polarity. The 2815 is available at local distributors for $150. ![]() Analog multimeter The S-20 analog multimeter from Soar features a d'Arsonval meter movement. Five function modes, as well as 20 measurement ranges make this instrument versatile. A mirrored scale minimizes parallax reading errors. The battery-operated S-20 can measure ac and de voltage from 0 to 1000V, dc current from 0 to 250 mA, resistance from 0 to M-O and dB from - 20 to +36. Typical accuracies are ±3 % dc and 4 % ac. Price is $35. Also see: Quick tip--Buzz test that failed |
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