Multimeter roundup [Mar. 1980--Electronic Servicing & Technology]


This roundup presents a photograph and brief description of one multi-meter from each manufacturer.

Alco Electronic Model 2000A is a small autoranging DMM with a 3 1/2-digit LCD read out, auto-zeroing, auto-polarity sensing, auto-ranging (of dcV, acV, ohms and dcA), a range-hold switch and a reading-hold switch. Accuracy for dc voltages is ±0.30/0.

B&K-Precision RF shielding and ac line or optional battery-pack operation are two features of model 2830 DMM. It has a 3 1/2-digit LED display, 0.50/0 dcV accuracy, auto-polarity and auto-zeroing on all ranges, plus a 100 resistance range that provides 0.01 ohm resolution.

Ballantine Labs All standard functions and ranges have high accuracy in model 3030A, a 3 1/2-digit LED-readout DMM. Ac curacy of dcV is ±0.050/0 of reading +1-digit per day. True RMS, average or peak-reading ac readings can be selected. DB measurements also are RMS, and the dB reference is adjustable.

Beckman Instruments TECH-300 portable DMM has five functions, 3 1/2-digit LCD readout, 22M-o dcV resistance and an in-circuit diode test that reads voltage drop. TECH-310 has the same features plus higher accuracy and an ohms symbol that shows erratic connections during resistance readings. Models 3010, 3020 and 3030 are lab types with higher accuracy.

Model 3030 has true-RMS readings for ac.

Data Precision One--hand operation is possible with model 935 DMM because of the edge-mounted pushbuttons. Basic dcV accuracy is X0.10% of full scale ±1 digit. Polarity sign, zeroing, decimal and low-battery indicator are automatic. Model 935 has 29 ranges in five functions, including a choice of high-power or low-power ohms. Model 936 has similar features with the addition of an audible indication of continuity.

DSI Instruments

True RMS ac measurements plus a dcV basic accuracy of 0.1 % are features of the DSI model LC5000 DMM. It operates on one 9V battery, and has 3 1/2-digit LCDs. Six resistance ranges allow readings to 20M o .

DeForest Electronics Model MM-200 has 3 1/2-digit LEDs, five functions, automatic polarity, fused inputs and operation either from ac line or from an 8-hour rechargeable battery.

Fluke Model 8050A from Fluke is a microprocessor-controlled bench-type DMM with LCD display of 4 1/2-digits. Other features include seven functions in 38 ranges, a dcV accuracy of ±0.03% of reading plus 2-digits, true RMS ac measurements, direct-reading decibels, an offset mode for relative readings, and several resistance ranges having higher dc voltage for diode tests.

GC Electronics Analog panel meters and analog VOM multitesters are offered.

Heath Model IM-2202 DMM kit has four functions and 26 ranges displayed on a 3 1/2-digit LED readout. Accuracy of dcV is ±0.5% of reading ±1 digit. Three of the five resistance ranges have higher voltages for diode forward-conduction tests.

Hickok Auto-decimal, auto-zero, two dc mA ranges, two acV ranges to 600V RMS, six resistance ranges to 20mO , and five dcV ranges to 1000V at 10M Q input resistance and accuracy of ±50/0 of reading +1 digit are some of the features of Hickok model LX-304, a 3 1/2-digit LCD-readout DMM.

Julie Research A multimeter with a base ac curacy of 0.00010/0 in 6 1/2-digits is merely part of the DM-1000 specifications. It also is a programmable voltage source for DMM calibrations, has computer compatibility and can be auto-calibrated. With the addition of options, most electronic specifications can be tested with unique accuracy. Julie Research builds high-quality test instruments for laboratory calibration adjustments. Basic price of a DM-1000 is more than $6000.

Keithley Instruments Model 191 is a microprocessor-controlled 5 1/2-LED-digit DMM of extreme accuracy. Three of the five dcV ranges have 24-hour accuracy of 0.0040/0 of reading +1.5 digits, or a one-year rating of 0.0100/o +2 digits. Noise is minimized on low ranges by averaging eight consecutive readings. A pushbutton-selected null mode permits nulling any on-scale reading to zero, so the next measurement will be offset by the original reading. Keithley sells laboratory-quality equipment, and has just introduced a portable, battery-operated DMM.

Leader Instruments Model LDM-851 is a semi-auto-ranging DMM with a 3 1/2-digit LED display. Accuracy of dcV is ±0.50/0 of reading ±0.50/0 full scale ±1 digit. Two VOMs (LT-70B and LV 71) and one FET-multimeter (model LEM-73) also are available.

Mura 177 Cantiague Rock Rd.

Westbury, NY 11590 Features of the Mura model NH-63 VOM include six dcV ranges at 30/0 accuracy, four ac ranges, four decibel ranges, two dc current ranges and three resistance ranges.

A mirrored scale is provided to minimize parallax. Eight other VOMs (including one clamp-type for ac current) are in the line.

Non-Linear Systems Four functions in 22 ranges are performed by model LM-353 DMM.

Accuracy for dcV is ±0.50/0 of reading ±2-digits. One unique feature is the kilohms-divided-by-10 resistance function, which provides an additional five ranges between 100mQ and 1M Q full scale. The readout has 3 1/2-LCD-digits. LM-353 is battery operated and gives up to 100 hours per battery.

Optoelectronics Model TRMS has a 4 1/2-digit LED-readout DMM giving a basic dcV accuracy of 0.040/0 of reading ±1 digit, true RMS acV and acA ranges, a precision C/F thermo meter and a choice of ac-line or battery operation.

Sabtronics Three Sabtronics models include 2035A and 2037A hand-held LCD readout DMMs and model 2010A bench-top LED-readout type. It has a 10A range and provisions for touch-and-hold probe.

Sencore Five digital multimeters in the Sencore line have 15M 2 dcV input resistances plus both high-power and low-power ohms ranges. Two autoranging models are available.

One is the DVM-38 with pushbutton selection of functions. The dcV accuracy is ±.0.10/0 of reading ±1-digit. Two extra (20 0 and 200 0) resistance ranges are sup plied. The other autoranger is new model DVM-56 which is microprocessor controlled for many unusual functions.

Simpson Electric Simpson has seven DMMs, sever al FET-meters, VTVMs and many VOMs such as the model 260 shown here. Model 260 has 27 ranges, including five dcV, five acV, four current ranges and four resistance ranges plus extra jacks for 10A, + 1V, 1000V and others.

Soar Electronics Model ME-523 is a five-function DMM with a 3 1/2-digit LCD display.

Typical dcV accuracy is 0.250/0 with 10M 0 input resistance. Both high-power and low-power ohms are provided, and polarity, zero and over-range indications are automatic.

One 9V battery powers the unit.

The measurement modes are shown on the readout.

Systron-Donner DcV accuracy of 4 1/2-digit LED-display model 7141A DMM is ±0.05% of reading ±0.050/s of full scale. Model 7142B is similar except the accuracy is better. AcV measurements are true RMS, and there is a choice of autoranging or manual range selection. In models 7142A and B, the current function is exchanged for dBm measurements.

Triplett A clamp for ac current readings between 6A and 300A full scale, one resistance range, and three acV ranges to 600V RMS full scale are some features of model 30 for industrial or appliance technicians. In addition, Triplett has a full line of digital multitesters, VTVMs and FET-meters.



Model WD-759 is a 3 1/2-digit LCD DMM with dcV accuracy of ±0.1% of reading +1 digit, five functions, 200-hour battery life, and a choice of low-power or high-power ohms ranges. The functions and values being measured are displayed on the readout along with the measurement figures. VIZ also has many VOMs, VTVMs and DMMs in the line.

Universal Eight dcV ranges, including a 60mV range, and 13 other ranges are supplied by model M-110, a 30K/V VOM. Universal offers other VOMs and DMMs.

-------- Weston This autoranging 3 1/2-digit LCD digital multimeter tops the Weston line of DMMs and VOMs. Other features of model 6000 include dcV accuracy of 0.350/u of reading ±2 digits, a stand that doubles as a display cover, and an optional reading-hold jack. Many probes and accessories are available.

Workman Model B70-036 is a pocket-sized VOM with a leatherette case for tester and leads. Sensitivity is 23K/V for dc and 10K/V for ac measurements. Functions are dcV, acV, dcA and resistance.


Manufacturer Digital DMM or DVM Analog VTVM FET-meter Analog VOM

Also see: Comparison of VOMs, VTVMs and DMMs


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