EMC Precompliance testing, problem-solving and troubleshooting:
Important Problems that Need Attention

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Important Problems that Need Attention

The following issues cause of 97% of all EMC problems...

1. Radiated Emissions

2. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) -- susceptibility

3. RF Fields (susceptibility)

4. Power disruptions and disturbances

5. Internal compatibility (crosstalk, etc.)

Solve most EMC problems by: CONTROLLING CURRENT PATH.

“Source-Path-Receptor” Model

Above: Intercept the path by grounding, bypassing or dissipating... sources, paths and receptors/receivers.

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Updated: Friday, 2023-11-10 14:09 PST

Radiated Emission Radiated Immunity Oscillator ESD Source (emitter) Energy Transfer (coupling path) Receptor (receiver) Seam, Slot, Cable Seam, Slot, Cable TV, Radio Electronic Circuitry