Building a Successful Board-Test Strategy

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Building a Successful Board-Test Strategy

by: Stephen Scheiber

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Topics include: hot mockup, board under test, combinational testers, successful test strategy, fault spectrum, guided fault isolation, boards that fail, manufacturing defects analysis, boundary scan, tester vendors, tester specifications, small testers, microprocessor emulation, paste printer, functional testers, tester manufacturers, house tester, emulation test, scan circuitry, board nodes, large tester, tester designers, insufficient solder, tester types, fault dictionary

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Book Description
Written in a clear and thoughtful style, Building a Successful Board-Test Strategy, Second Edition offers an integrated approach to the complicated process of developing the test strategies most suited to a company's profile and philosophy. This book also provides comprehensive coverage of the specifics of electronic test equipment as well as those broader issues of management and marketing that shape a manufacturer's "image of quality."

In this new edition, the author adds still more "war stories," relevant examples from his own experience, which will guide his readers in their decisionmaking. He has also updated all technical aspects of the first edition, covering new device and attachment technologies, new inspection techniques including optical, infrared and x-ray, as well as vectorless methods for detecting surface-mount open-circuit board failures. The chapter on economics has been extensively revised, and the bibliography includes the latest material on this topic.

*Discusses ball-grid arrays and other new devices and attachment technologies
*Adds a comprehensive new chapter on optical, infrared, and x-ray inspection
*Covers vectorless techniques for detecting surface-mount open-circuit board failures

Book Info -- Explores the criteria for choosing a strategy or a class of equipment, and provides tools for efficient and effective test-strategy decisions. Provides readers with the background and information to construct the best strategy for their individual situations.

From the Publisher -- A successful test strategy is a byproduct of overall product life-cycle management. Anyone building such a strategy must consider the product's development, manufacturing and test stages, field returns, service issues and the company's 'image of quality'. Building a Successful Board-Test Strategy examines strategies, and techniques and focuses on how to match them with a variety of company philosophies and profiles.


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