Industrial Noise Control and Acoustics

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Industrial Noise Control and Acoustics

by: Randall F. Barron

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Topics include: branch muffler, average surface absorption coefficient, transmission loss for the muffler, rms acoustic pressure, overall sound power level, phase angle between the transmitted, transmission loss for normal incidence, soft blanket material, other octave bands, classical attenuation coefficient, power level spectrum, room having dimensions, composite noise rating, noise control procedures, instantaneous acoustic pressure, gas within the material, acoustic energy density, energy attenuation coefficient, reverberant sound field, day night level, specific acoustic resistance, direct sound field, expansion chamber muffler, directivity factor and directivity index, octave band sound pressure levels

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Compiling strategies from more than 30 years of experience, this book provides numerous case studies that illustrate the implementation of noise control applications, as well as solutions to common dilemmas encountered in noise reduction processes. It offers methods for predicting the noise generation level of common systems such as fans, motors, compressors, and cooling towers, selecting the appropriate equipment to monitor sound properties, assessing the severity of environmental noise, modifying the sources, transmission paths, and receivers of sound, estimating sound pressure levels, designing mufflers, silencers, barriers, and enclosures, and isolating machine vibration.


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