Shock Test Systems and Shock Testers

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Shock tests are used to accurately measure the durability (or fragility) of various products, components, and to gauge the effectiveness of protective packaging. Shock-test data is vital information necessary to ensure that any product or component is capable of surviving in its real-world environment.

Types of shock tests include:

  • Damage-Boundary Product Fragility Assessment
  • Industry-standard shock pulse
  • Company-specific shock testing specification
  • Government-mandated test

Examples of shock-test systems and shock testers are presented below:

A Windows-based shock control system from Lansmont.

Left: A Windows-based shock control system from Lansmont. The machine controller allows the operator to set up basic functions, such as drop height, brake pressure, and programmer pressure. More advanced set up features, such as shock pulse predictor and auto-cycle functions are also included with the control system. Once the shock test machine is properly set up, the controller interfaces with Lansmont's TestPartner software for data acquisition. TestPartner Windows-based software system includes analysis tools, such as: Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) analysis, FFT analysis, shock response animation in both 2D and 3D modes, Shock Response analysis with programmable model Fn and damping, and tolerance band overlays with selectable Mil-Spec and programmable pulse parameters.

This shock-control system may be used to control the shock testers below:

Left: A small-format shock tester useful for testing: Cell Phones, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), Computer Components, Fiber Optic Components, etc.
Large Format Shock Testers Left: A large-format shock tester useful for testing: Consumer Electronics, Home Appliances, Visual Displays, etc.
Left: A high-performance shock tester useful for testing: High Fidelity Visual Displays (monitors), Military Items, Very Durable Goods, etc.

Return to: Shock and Vibration Testing: Shakers and other Equipment

Related Page: Drop Testing

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Updated: Friday, 2007-11-16 17:44 PST