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EQUIPMENT AND TRAINING NO OTHER SCHOOL CAN MATCH. NTS HOME TRAINING INVITES YOU TO EXPLORE MICRO-COMPUTERS DIGITAL SYSTEMS AND MORE, WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART EQUIPMENT YOU ASSEMBLE AND KEEP. Without question, microcomputers are the state of the art in electronics. And NTS is the only home study school that enables you to train for this booming field by working with your own production-model microcomputer. We'll explain the principles of troubleshooting and testing your microcomputer and, best of all, we'll show you how to program it to do what you want. You'll use a digital multimeter, a digital logic probe and other sophisticated testing gear to learn how to localize problems and solve them. We believe that training on production--model equipment, rather than home-made learning devices, makes home study more exciting and relevant. That's why you'll find such gear in most of NTS's electronics programs. For instance, to learn Color TV Servicing you'll build and keep the 25-inch (diagonal) NTS /HEATH digital color TV. In Communications Electronics you'll be able to assemble and keep your own NTS /HEATH 2-meter FM transceiver, plus test equipment. But no matter which program you choose, NTS's Project Method of instruction helps you quickly to acquire practical know-how. Send for the full color catalog in the electronics area of your choice-discover all the advantages of home study with NTS! NTS also offers courses in Auto Mechanics, Air Conditioning and Home Appliances. Check card for more information. 1. The NTS /Rockwell AIM 65 Microcomputer A single board unit with on-board 20 column alphanumeric printer and 20 character display. A 6502-based unit 4K RAM, expandable. 2. The NTS /KIM-1 Microcomputer A single board unit with 6 digit LED display and on-board 24 key hexadecimal calculator-type keyboard. A 6502 based microcomputer with 1K RAM, expandable. 3. The NTS /HEATH H-89 Microcomputer features floppy disk storage, "smart" video terminal, two Z80 microprocessors, 16K RAM memory, expandable to 48K. 4. The NTS /HEATH GR2001 Digital Color TV (25" diagonal) features specialized AGC-SYNC muting, filtered color and new solid-state high voltage tripler rectifier. ![]() ![]() NATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOLS TECHNICAL-TRADE TRAINING SINCE 1905 Resident and Home-Study Schools 4000 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California 90037 Dept. 206-091 Please rush FREE color catalog on course checked below Micro-Computers / Micro-Processors Communications Electronics Digital Electronics Industrial Technology Auto Mechanics Air Conditioning Home Appliances Color TV Servicing Also see: Non-Linear Systems, Inc. (ad)
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