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AMAZON multi-meters discounts AMAZON oscilloscope discounts Contents5 Components with Distributed Parameters Preface:Most electronic components can be classified as resistive, capacitive, or inductive in nature. There is no such thing as a pure resistance, capacitance, or inductance ; these are theoretical concepts which are never fully realized in actual practice. It is not the purpose of this guide to belabor these points--quite the contrary, the component tests discussed herein ignore all such "fine points," except when they must be considered in order to evaluate test results realistically. Much time (generally wasted in trial and error experimenting) can be saved by properly testing components. This guide furnishes the necessary theoretical knowledge and procedures and techniques for testing practically any type of electronic component. Test setups are described for resistive, capacitive, inductive, high-frequency, and gaseous components. Also included are test procedures for components with distributed parameters, used when lumped parameters cannot be assumed. The tests are as simple as it is possible to make them, and the most sophisticated test instrument needed is an oscilloscope. At times, even the simplest testing of components will tax your electronic know-how to the utmost, but this text avoids complexities as much as possible. However, for routine component tests, in which a few of the ordinarily hidden complexities are inescapable, it is hoped that explanations of these test procedures will serve to minimize their difficulties and thus make life more simple for the man at the test bench. BOB MIDDLETON; October, 1963 ![]() OTHER VALUABLE AND INFORMATIVE BOOKSBY ROBERT MIDDLETON BENCH SERVICING MADE EASY By Robert G. Middleton. Countless books have been published on TV servicing. but few impart sufficient practical knowledge about troubleshooting techniques to he of much help to the practicing technician. 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Written in practical language, this book will well repay anyone who needs to use scopes. 160 pages. PRACTICAL TV TUNER REPAIRS: Explains how you can quickly determine if a tuner is at fault; gives step-by-step procedures for isolating troubles to specific circuits and components. Illustrations and check charts guide you through preliminary analysis, test and measurement techniques, and practical repair and alignment procedures. 128 pages. SCOPE WAVEFORM ANALYSIS: By Robert G. Middleton. Knowing how an oscilloscope works is one thing, but even more important is knowing how to use it. Here is a book which covers Oscilloscope Trace Analysis; Basic Waveform Types and Aspects; Waveform Measurements. Invaluable for technicians, engineers, experimenters. and students. 160 pages; Only $2.95 Technician, experimenters, designers, and others concerned with testing and measuring of electronic components all too often feel that elaborate. test setup, and instruments Ore necessary for effective results. Don’t believe it! It can be done by anyone with basic knowledge and experience. This guide, by one of the lending experts on the subject, prescribe, simple, practical, and easy-to-perform method. for testing and measuring circuit components. Normal operation of a component is discussed only where necessary, and test configurations along with, the test equipment needed are illustrated. The only instrument. required ore those commonly found on the average service bench. Diagrams of the various test instruments are so complete that, in many cases you can construct the necessary equipment if it ;. not immediately at hand. Method, ore shown for testing and measuring capacitor, resistor. coils. trans farmers, antennas. transmission lines, delay lines, tubes, transistors, and diodes. Also included are not-so-common tests for thermistors, thyratrons, neon bulbs, and voltage. regulator tubes. Some examples of tests and measurements included ore; heater warmup time, tests of surge resistors, bilateral and unilateral resistances. zener resistance and negative resistance: switching tests for tunnel diodes capacitance measurement, leakage resist. once In electrolytic capacitors, power factor and distributed capacitance of coils. Electronic Component Test Measurement is designed as a simple guide to all types of component testing. The text is arranged so that complete detail, for specific tests can be quickly located. Each ten is indexed in the table of contents for convenient reference. All of the methods included have been thoroughly tested by the author, If you follow this ted and its many Illustration accurate and consistent results are guaranteed. Also see: Understanding Capacitors and Their Uses (1964) Using Scopes in Transistor Circuits (1968)
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