ADC XLM phono cartridge (ad, Dec. 1973)

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The ADC XLM "… in a class by itself."

That's the way Stereo Review described our XLM. High Fidelity headlined their review, "Superb new pickup from ADC" and went on to say, “...must be counted among the state of the art contenders" ... And Audio echoed them with, "The ADC-XLM appears to be state of the art" With the critics so lavish in their praise of the XLM, there's hardly any necessity to add anything. Far better to let the experts continue to speak for us."

Frequency response--The CBS STR-100 test record showed less than ± 1.5dB variation up to 20,000Hz. Stereo Review

… response is within ±2dB over the entire range. Audio Frequency response is exceptionally flat. High Fidelity

Tracking--This is the only cartridge we have seen that is really capable of tracking almost all stereo discs at 0.4 grams. Stereo Review

The XLM went through the usual torture test at 0.4 grams (some top models require more than a gram). High Fidelity

The XLM is capable of reproducing anything found on a phonograph record. Audio

Distortion--Distortion readings...are almost without exception better than those for any other model we've tested. High Fidelity

The XLM has remarkably low distortion in comparison with others. Audio

At 0.6 grams the distortion was low (under 1.5 percent). Stereo Review

Hum and noise--The XLM could be instrumental in lowering the input noise from the first stage of a modern transistor amplifier. Audio

The cartridge had very good shielding against induced hum. Stereo Review

Price--This would be a very hard cartridge to surpass at any price. Stereo Review

We found it impossible to attribute superior sound to costlier competing models. High Fidelity

Priced as it is, it is a real bargain in cartridges. Audio

The Pritchard High Definition ADC-XLM $50.


(Audio magazine, Dec. 1973)

Also see:

ADC phono cartridge (ad, March 1977)

ADC-XT 10 loudspeaker (ad, Sept. 1973)

Adcom Crosscoil (ad, Feb. 1980)

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