Seco Model 260 Transistor Analyzer [Test Equipment Product Report]


A COMPACT, solid-state transistor analyzer, designated the Model 260, is now available from Seco Electronics. Designed to provide accurate analysis of both power and signal transistors without setup, the Model 260 is fast, easy to operate, and completely safe.

Without removing the transistor under test from its original circuit and utilizing the unit's test leads, the Model 260 electrically inserts the transistor into a self-contained oscillator circuit for a fast "go no-go" check. This dynamic test also permits immediate identification of n-p-n and p-n-p transistor types, as well as lead connections.

D.C. analysis is made out of circuit by inserting the transistor under test into a panel-mounted, universal socket.

The beta test position provides a direct meter reading of the d.c. gain, while I_ceo and I_cbo, test positions read both the collector-to-emitter and collector-to-base leakage currents.

The Model 260 transistor analyzer is priced at $69.50. The unit, which operates from the 117-volt a.c. line, is completely self-contained, mounted in a durable vinyl-covered carrying case measuring 8.75” high by 7.4" wide by 4.25" deep. It weighs only 5 pounds.

(source: Electronics World, Oct. 1967)

Also see: Sencore Model CR143 CRT Tester and Rejuvenator

Hewlett-Packard Models 6215A and 6217A D.C. Power Supplies

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