Microelectronics: Answers to questions

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SECTION 1 Test your knowledge

1. Digital, integrates circuits, CPU, programmable.

2. To free the CPU for less routine tasks.

3. The system clock.

4. The CPU.

5. A bus.

Multiple choice questions

1C,2 B,3 D,4 A

SECTION 2 Test your knowledge

1. Requires only one line.

2. Faster than serial transfer.

3. Disable all other devices with outputs connected to the data bus.

4. 8192.

5. To enable a device when its address is on the address bus.

6. Logic high.

7. 500 ns.

8. 0.3 V.

Multiple choice questions 1 B, 2 D,3 D,4 C,5 A,6 A,7 C

SECTION 3 Test your knowledge

1. (a) 101 1010 0100, (b) 010 1001 1111.

2. The gate is insulated from the body of the MOSFET by a layer of silicon oxide.

3. 16384.

4. 18.

5. A0, A2, A3, A7, A10, A12 all low; the rest high.

Multiple choice questions 1 C,2 A,3 B,4 A,5 C,6 A,7 C,8 B,9 A

SECTION 4 Test your knowledge

1. 255.

2. There is an overflow and the carry flag is set to 1.

3. Z = 0, S = 1, C = 0 .

Multiple choice questions

1B,2 C,3 A,4 C,5 C,6 A,7 B,8 B,9 A,10 D

SECTION 5 Test your knowledge

1. 1110 1010.

2. The small circle on the end of the enable line indicates active low.

3. That there is a family of devices with type numbers ranging from 74LS00 upward.

4. 1111 0010.

5. F.

6. (a) 0, (b) 0, (c)1.

7. If output is 010, the outputs of the opamps must be 0000011 (from top downward), and the voltage input is 2 V (between 1.5 V and 2.5 V) 8 1.97 V.

Multiple choice questions: 1 B,2 D,3 A,4 A,5 B,6 C,7 A, 8 B

SECTION 7 Test your knowledge

1. So that address voltages have time to settle

2. E6 28.

3. 1110 1110.

SECTION 8 Test your knowledge

1. To act like brackets enclosing titles or remarks that the CPU is to ignore.

2. This defines counter as an integer.

3. Defining a constant.

SECTION 9 Test your knowledge

1. The CPU would add all three and put the result in r17, leaving r16 unchanged.

2. Because there is a carry over from bits 3 to bit 4.

3. r17 would hold 48.

5. ldi r19, 15 out $17, r19.

6. ldi r20, 128 out $18,r20.

7. ldi r19, $8B mov r17,r19.

8. r17 to r22 would all hold 20, r16 would remain unchanged.

9. right shift its digits by one place.

SECTION 10 Test your knowledge

1. The gate of the MOSFET is insulated so only a very small current is drawn from the output pin.

2. Z is the zero flag, it goes low when the result of an operation is not zero.

3 4.4 ms.

4. The first number.


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Updated: Thursday, May 18, 2017 10:08 PST