Radio communication plays an important part in our lives, and this has never
been truer than today when we find ourselves surrounded by radio and television
receivers. Most of us tend to think of the world of radio communications
as centering around radio and television broadcasting, but there are many
other types of communications which employ similar radio frequency transmitters.
These are called point-to-point communications systems and are used by school
systems (via microwave TV), police and fire departments, and ship-to-shore
communications, along with the growing class of hobby communications.
There are two classes of hobby communications; one is known as citizen's
radio service or citizen's band (CB), and the other is amateur radio service.
As more people take advantage of the ability to communicate without wires,
it is important to note that more and more sources of radio frequency energy
are being constructed and put into service. Because most of these communications
cannot be received on conventional AM/FM receivers, they go relatively unnoticed,
but when something goes wrong and we do notice them, we call them interference,
a situation that has become all too frequent of late.
Within all our high fidelity equipment, there are common elements which
comprise a radio receiver. We have tubes and transistors which amplify tiny
signals, and these same tubes and transistors can also rectify these signals,
that is convert them in pulsating d.c. to make the radio frequency signals
into audio frequency signals which then pass through the various stages of
the high fidelity system. At times our hi fi will pick up and amplify signals
not intended for it, and the purpose of this article is to discuss the sources
of such interference and how to combat them.
Sometimes the source of the interference is unclear; all the listener knows
is that some peculiar sound that he doesn't want to hear is being produced
by his music system. It may sound as though someone was speaking like Donald
Duck but, in reality, the amplifier in the system was detecting radio frequency
energy in the form of a single sideband, suppressed carrier transmission,
not found on conventional AM/FM equipment.
These signals cannot be truly understood since one of the components which
makes up the conventional AM signal is not present.
One common type of interference is from the audio portion of the television
broadcast, since stereo amplifiers can receive television signals under the
right conditions. Sometimes the video portion is detected and comes out of
the loudspeaker sounding something like a 60 Hz hum whose character is constantly
CB Interference
Another common source of radio frequency interference to audio equipment
is produced by the radio hobbyist using radio frequency transmitting equipment
in his home in a residential area. Of the two classes of radio hobbyists
referred to earlier, the most numerous are citizen's radio service. These
operators, by law at least, are limited to a power input of five watts. However,
when signals are transmitted from locations not too far from yours, the chances
are very good that your audio equipment will receive and detect them.
To make matters worse, many of the operators use their CB radio in an illegal
manner. A license issued by the Federal Government is required to operate
this radio service, but unfortunately (in this country at least) no proof
of license is required by dealers when people buy CB equipment. And since
people begin operating without a license, the temptation to carry things
one step further quickly arises--i.e., linear amplifiers. When this is connected
between the CB radio and its antenna, the power obtained is far in excess
of the legal five-watt limit, and a 100 to 1500 watts is not uncommon. If
you are located in the vicinity of such a high-powered station, interference
to your audio equipment is almost unavoidable.
The legally licensed CB user is required to use his assigned call letters.
The illegal operator, not having such call letters, doesn't use them. Furthermore,
he won't use his correct name, instead substituting colorful appellations
or "handles" such as "The Boston Eagle," "Big Rabbit," "The
Bartender's Wife," etc. to separate him from other illegal operators.
It's a shame that this situation has gotten so completely out of hand, since
CB radio would enable the average citizen to use a portion of the crowded
radio frequency spectrum for his personal or business communications without
having to pass difficult examinations or spend huge amounts of money on radio
equipment--indeed an excellent and valid concept. Any motorist stranded on
the road but equipped with CB radio will tell you the value of this service.
Yet another type of interference to audio equipment is produced by the amateur
radio (ham) operator. Again, because this is a hobby, such operators are
often found in residential areas. An operator who uses this particular class
of radio service must be licensed to do so by the federal government. In
order to obtain even the simplest class of license, the ham operator must
pass a relatively difficult examination which demonstrates proficiency with
International Morse code, the technical aspects of radio transmitting and
receiving equipment, and government regulations which must be observed by
users of this class of radio communication.
All too often, the illegally operating CBer is mistaken for the legitimate
ham operator. For this reason, amateur radio service as a whole often receives
an undeserved bad name. In general, the ham operator, like the audio enthusiast,
is very much concerned with both the harmonic and intermodulation distortion
of his equipment. And when the ham operator has adjusted his transmitter
to have a minimum of harmonic and intermodulation distortion for him, the
chances are that his transmitter will produce less interference than one
which has not been properly adjusted.

Fig. 1-Series resonant antenna trap with resonance at interfering signal
 Fig. 2-Power line bypassing. If the frequency of interference is above 50
MHz, the values may be reduced to avoid self-inductance.
Wideband Disruption
It is also worth noting that any equipment designed to receive radio signals
can also be subject to interference from them, and television receivers are
perhaps the most notable examples. Because of the wide bandwidth required
for the reception of video information, it is economically difficult to design
front-end input circuitry which will reject the strong signals produced by
nearby radio transmitters in the frequency range of 20 to 200 MHz.
High quality FM receivers are less susceptible to this kind of interference
since their front ends are generally designed to have a narrower bandwidth
than it is possible to use in television receivers. Even so, a strong local
transmitter can degrade performance on an FM set.
Much of the interference to television receivers is produced by transmitters
operating at frequencies considerably lower than the lowest of television
channels, Channel 2, which has a lower band edge of about 54 MHz. The undesired
signals enter the set and simply overload the circuitry.
To eliminate these lower frequency signals, all that is required, in most
cases, is the use of a high-pass filter so designed that it will either eliminate
or greatly weaken the signals falling below Channel 2.
Because not all TV set owners are affected, manufacturers do not usually
include such filters as part of their designs. However, some manufacturers
do make such filters available at nominal cost. In addition, some high-pass
filters are available from other sources, and these include the R.L. Drake
Model TV-300-HP and Finco's Model 3013.
Television receivers may also be affected by FM stations which transmit
in a portion of the spectrum which lies just above Channel 6, the standard
88 to 108 MHz band covered by FM. Again, filters designed to eliminate this
source of interference are available. Some makes and models of FM band reject
filters are the JFD Model TR-FM, Drake Model 300 FMT, Finco Model 3006, and
Drake Model 300 FMS, the last of which is useful for interference from stations
in the low end of the FM band where reception of Channel 6 is desired. The
first three filters will cause a 10-dB reduction of signal strength from
Channel 6, so if you live in a fringe area, this signal loss may not be tolerable.
FM stations transmit on a frequency band which falls between the higher
edge of Channel 6 and the lower edge of Channel 7. There are other radio
sources which also share space within these boundaries, the public service
station at 154 MHz, for example.
Should a signal of this kind start to degrade television reception, it can
be eliminated by the use of a series-resonant filter shown in Fig. 1. This
trap should be mounted in a metal container which is grounded to the chassis
of the TV set. The input leads of the trap should be connected directly across
the antenna terminals of the tuner itself where practical. By making the
connections in this manner, rather than to the regular antenna terminals
on the rear of the set, this eliminates signal pick-up by the leads which
interconnect the binding posts to the actual tuner. In order to make such
a trap successful, it is necessary to know the frequency of the interfering
signal and tune the trap to that frequency.
FM sets, because of their "tighter" front ends, are less subject
to interference from off-frequency radio transmitters. However, such interference
[... missing]
 Fig. 4-Interference suppression on the a.c. power line.
Cable Connectors
Cables connecting the hi-fi system components can also pick up radio frequency
signals. Such cables can be shielded against stray 60 Hz hum fields, but
the shield is not always effective against r.f. interference. If the frequency
of the interfering station is over 100 MHz, you might try Fig. 3D. (The ferrite
beads can be salvaged from a discarded television set of recent design.)
Where the frequency of the interference is low, a conventional r.f. choke
can be used. Every attempt should be made to keep inter connecting cables
as short as possible.
In no event should their length be a multiple of a quarter wave of the signal
causing the interference.
The interconnecting wire between the speaker and amplifier can also act
as an antenna, since the signals can find their way back into some early
stage of the amplifier through the feedback loop. Directly connected to the "hot" speaker
output on the amplifier is a capacitor whose other lead terminates at some
early point in the amplifier, and this provides an easy path for the entry
of r.f. energy, which will be rectified and amplified through the remaining
stages of the amplifier and heard through the loudspeakers. Although solid-state
units exhibit more of a tendency to rectify signals than vacuum tube units,
the problems exist in both and the cures are the same. Take some of the excess
speaker wire and wrap it around a transistor radio antenna coil. Long ferrite
rods are best and should be used near the amplifier chassis. Where this is
not sufficiently effective, Fig. 3E should do the trick. This circuit may
have some strange aspects, as the capacitor is put from the ground side of
the speaker terminal back to ground.
This is done because, while the ground is a good one for audio frequencies,
it is not a good r.f. return.
The ground systems for audio amplifiers are laid out to minimize hum and
noise so the input connectors are not mounted directly to the chassis. This
is the reasoning behind both Figs. 3C and 3E. Figure 3C has been introduced
because sometimes interference is picked up by the shield of an interconnecting
cable and enters the amplifier because of inadequate r.f. grounding. The
small bypass shown here will provide the r.f. grounding necessary, yet not
disturb the audio grounding required for good hum reduction.
Often, no matter how we try, the interference still persists. To overcome
this, install bypasses to short out the rectifying junctions of transistors,
but only for r.f. See Fig. 3A; note that Fig. 3B is the same arrangement;
for vacuum tubes, and because of the higher impedances of this circuit, the
values shown in 3B are much lower than 3A. To minimize performance degradation,
bypassing should be performed on as few stages as possible.
Interference is generally heard on both channels of a sound system, but
you should only modify one channel at first and then compare the sound on
that channel with the unmodified channels to hear if any degradation has
occurred. It may be possible to reduce the values of bypassing and still
have sufficient interference rejection.
Once you know that the modified channel is working well, you can modify
the other channel with equally good results, both in terms of r.f.i. suppression
and maintaining a high level of audio quality.
At no time in the discussion have we alluded to the possibility that the
radio transmitter itself was at fault, because in 90 percent of our complaints
the deficiencies proved to be within the receiving or audio equipment.
However, where it is suspected that the radio transmitter is at fault, it
is a good idea to locate the source of such radio interference and report
it directly to the Federal Communications Commission. This report should
be sent to the field office nearest you. Some help in this regard may be
obtained by writing for FCC Bulletin No. 15 at your nearest field office.
Not all interference in receiving equipment is produced by radio transmitters,
as equipment operated on the a.c. power line can often generate interference.
This can be eliminated by use of a surge protector, such as the GE MOV-750,
installed directly across the power line terminals. This must be done inside
the equipment as shown in Fig. 4.
Design Problems
Sometimes the ageing of components within the amplifier will give rise to
unwanted sounds from the loudspeaker. Poorly designed AM and FM tuners or
receivers may pick up all sorts of undesired sound from the loudspeaker.
Poorly designed AM and FM sets may receive all sorts of undesired signals,
especially at night.
This can be the result of poor design, especially in regards to front-end
selectivity and AGC design.
Where the surge protector does not completely eliminate the problem, bypassing,
along the lines of Fig. 3A and 3B, will generally prove effective, but when
possible, surge protecting varistors should be placed across the line of
the offending equipment. The reason that line interference can be treated
in the manner of r.f.i. suppression is that transient pulses produce a wide
frequency spectrum, acting as radio transmitters not too different from the
old spark wireless of the early radio days.
No article of this kind can hope to list all the causes and cures for radio
interference. However, those with an experimental turn of mind should be
able to successfully use this information when confronted with the majority
of radio interference problems.
Those not sufficiently trained in the field of electronics are encouraged
to consult either a service technician or the equipment manufacturer.
Some excellent material has been published by both the U.S. and Canadian
governments. You may wish to write for FCC Bulletin Nos. 15, 24, and 25,
N.Y.-L34 (.41), and Statement to Television Receiver Owners-41-WB. Canadians
may write to the Canadian Department of Communications (DOC) for Circular
TRC-19. A
(Source: Audio magazine, Jan. 1977; Joseph Giovanelli)
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