Oh, boy, is the disc alive and well! Far from dying as has so often been predicted,
it is now likely to become one of the most important of our recording media
both as entertainment, on a much wider scale than at present, and strictly
business, for information storage. Maybe Edison was right when he launched.
his phonograph as the stenographer's dream machine.

Of course, I am not talking about the present standard disc, the venerable
LP and its junior sibling the little 45, now respectively a bit over 30 and
29 years on the market. What I mean is the next generation of disc ERA IV a
la Shure, counting from the original acoustic shellac a new superdisc family
that will at last close the appalling technological gap that has developed
over these years between the LP and current disc capability.
That gap is already greater than the one which was closed in 1948 when LP
took over from the 78, then a half-century old, acoustic and electric. When
the present enormous gulf is at last closed, as between standard and possible,
we will have a true revolution in hand, in the classical pattern. That is,
much more than the mere parameters and system of the present disc will be replaced.
The platter, as we know it in the entertainment area, at least, will no longer
exist. An immense rearrangement, an upheaval! I wonder which will come first,
this or the next California earthquake? The odds are not very different.
Our forces of technology do, in fact, build up very much as do those of the
big quakes, though fortunately they are not let loose as suddenly. New methods,
new ideas, new know-how, new processes, new R & D, all these keep right
on proliferating, in our field as in others; and yet because there is already
an operating standard, very little can be directly applied. Everything funnels
through the necessary parameters of the standard or is put aside.
And the more successful and extensive is that standard operating system, the
greater is the vested interest in its status quo. Thus the big slowdown and
the larger the gap grows, the greater are the forces required to overcome,
to establish the new. Earthquake building.
Nothing wrong! Please don't think that "old" or "established" means
something nasty like reactionary! The LP record and system is NOT reactionary
indeed, in its own way, it is the opposite, still active, mature, still moving
forward, an enormously successful system, and a useful one. After all, what
would we do without standards, long enduring, even beyond their time? Such
as, say, railroad track width, the numbers in a round dozen, the ounces in
a pound. You can name a hundred that are rightly under challenge though of
honorable descent.
Go metric! Go binary. Throw out the d (British old penny) in favor of the
p (new penny). How ingenious and wise of the British to toss away their duodecimal-and-worse
coinage in favor of decimals with so very small an upheaval! What we must always
do in these overdue catch-up operations is to minimize the human earthquake
that is inevitable, do what we can to make useful links, maximize the benefits
and reduce the hurt. In England you can still spend a shilling anywhere in
the actual metal, or a florin, or sixpence. They even fit the slot machines.
And so right now we are working on a few disc links, ahead of time, to help
us over that vast technological gap in disc potential between the present LP/
45 and the violently different discs that are inevitably coming, to bring us
to up-to-date standards. What'll you bet that the first of these you will see
will be, by no coincidence, 12-inch platters, pressed in existing plants out
of plastic of a normalish sort, and probably stuck into present paper envelopes
and cardboard jackets, shipped in existing cartons and stacked up on regular
record shelves? That's the idea. But what a very different record this will
Compatible Collusion
So, it is save what you can, cushion the quake, be reasonable, lessen the
shock, spread the load, salvage the salvageable. Plenty of salvage, even in
such a relatively ancient system as LP and with such an incredible distance
to jump. There's a word for this. Compatibility! Its purpose is ever the same,
to help in a difficult transition. Sometimes better, sometimes worse, like,
say, the "all-groove" needle, the stylus that would play (more or
less) both 78 and LP grooves, or the much less disastrous turnover-style double
And where do you think our present handy semi-plug in cartridges got their
form? Same place alternative plug ins for the two grooves. So it's not sauve
qui peut, before this revolution, but save sensibly. And in these last few
brief years each new prototype disc of the coming generation has shown more
awareness of this critical aspect of change that, to me, denotes real progress.
What we are doing today, and must do for a good while, is to live on two planes
at once. We watch the new discs develop and approach marketability maybe. And
we go right along with the old disc. Curiously, though, this necessary double
standard is surprisingly difficult for most of us to understand and evaluate
even for those who are highly knowledgeable in a technical way. Maybe worse
for them. It is much more than merely living with the old and the new, perforce.
We must give them true equality, however different they are.
Now that involves a lot more than you may think. After all, there is that
gap, and the comparative performance figures for the old and the new, so incredibly
different. It's easy to sound off about the new technological marvels and the
utter obsolescence of the silly old LP or, oppositely, mutter away about visionary
money-wasting and the importance of the tried and true and a mature, workable,
successful existing system. We can't think either of these ways. We must think
equality. Different, but equal and, moreover, interdependent.
So even our thoughts, in the engineering and in the home playing, must exist
on two planes, both continuing, both showing advancements of importance. Sort
of hard, I admit, but there you are. On one level we have the rarified and
money-rash area of R & D where the new miracles go into expensive development
and then, usually, go back to be developed some more or maybe dropped cold.
A dangerous game and prone to massive mistakes.
Sometimes, oddly, the fault is not enough radicality. Or a slant in a wrong
direction, out of touch with the future. Who can be sure? Wrong direction can
be as fatal as faulty technology. Right direction (as it turns out) and you're
in. Everybody tries to be right. That's R & D and is it nerve-wracking,
as well as exciting, for all those involved. Nothing too theoretical about
our R & D in disc, these days.
The gap has long been bridged and bridged many times. But the gulf itself
isn't yet closed. No new standard yet.
Evolutionary Improvement
Down on the other level, the other plane, we have the present LP disc and
the 45. One of the astonishing things about the LP is that its basic parameters,
as set forth by Dr. Goldmark in 1948, have allowed a steady flow of improvements
right through these 30 long years, and even for an unforeseen revolution, the
introduction of disc stereo. That was a right direction, and it was essentially
within the LP's capability. Some minor compromises, notably in separation but
do we now complain that tape stereo separation is audibly better? LP stereo
proved extremely practical, if not ideal in all the specs.
So give the LP its due, for the past and even for the present. And don't forget
that it is the underpinning, in the disc area, that makes the upper level of
advanced R & D possible and reasonable. Also keep in mind that LP technology
continues to be important in its own right, and it has not stopped advancing.
The LP is still impressive in plenty of ways and I hope that somebody has remembered
to celebrate the anniversary with a long list of its achievements over these
Not for me to do, but I suggest that, in terms of my two coexisting planes,
the upper or R & D, and the lower or continuing standard, the LP system
has been a model of excellence. It has been good to us. And the LP is still
forward looking. Note how recently it has become the vehicle for the most advanced
published recordings yet, the digital and direct-cut types yes, you can hear
the difference, even via this ancient record! So the disc situation, the over-all
momentary quo is clear and sharp and the latest entries on the upper R & D
level, the superdiscs, admirably define its shape and nature. We're getting
there! After last year's sensational Mitsubishi/Teac digital disc, laser recorded,
laser played (Audio, Feb., 1978), we now have a further entry in the pits (pun
intended) out of JVC. These two join a number of earlier prototype systems,
such as Teldec (two generations if I am right) and others from Europe and I
almost forgot us such U.S.A. developments as the now rather muted RCA venture,
pioneer, though not Pioneer. All of these, it is increasingly clear, have been
on similar tracks and offer similarly astonishing new parameters of sheer performance.
Big diffs, natch, and corporate war as usual. But it begins to look right now
as though there actually might be a convergence what a miracle. Those pits,
for instance. They are ever more clearly the digital wave of the disc future.
The digital pit replacing the analog groove. Wow they might even come to an
agreement on compatibility of the pits! Would that be the earthquake. Let us
hope & pray.
So you begin to get the picture pun intended. The fundamental revolution is
ever closer but the LP marches on and it must and should continue to develop,
like the VW Beetle, which did the same right up until this last year, because
it, too, was obsolescent but world reliable. (I still drive mine in preference
to that thing they now call VW.) Note the careful overlap before the Beetle
departed to Brazil. And note the mostly unheralded multiplicity of identical
parts, between Beetle and its successors. That's the right game. Save what
you can, ease the revolution as it happens.
Now, in all this context, a portentous word or two. Beyond all other reasons,
including corporate battles, lack of directionality, technical problems partially
solved, too late, too little, the real reason that the quadraphonic disc failed
(it has failed, at least here) was simply because, for the first time, the
LP was pushed overtly beyond its capacity. You can add all the other arguments
you want on top (you will) this is the basic one. The LP itself couldn't take
it. There had to be either an elaborate overstrain or, equally, an elaborate
and admirably ingenious compromise either way, it was too much . .. flogging
an elderly race horse, with the young ones almost ready to run.
All you need do is consider what we now have in prospect. Last year's Mitsubishi/Teac
disc casually offered, just in case anybody was interested, a potential for
16 discrete audio tracks simultaneously. That would make a nice discrete quadra-quadraphonic,
now, wouldn't it? As for JVC, they don't even mention the possibility, but
with 14-bit digital PCM they surely could do something of the sort as well.
If somebody ordered it.
Well, somebody won't. We need a few more years' worth of long breaths before
we tackle all that again. But do not think that multi-channel audio space has
just faded away, in favor of stereo forever. We learned unexpected new things
during all that four-channel flap and many of them are still with us. New cartridge
design, new styli, half-speed cutting, and such active offshoots as the home
space synthesizer via digital delay. Please note that you do NOT synthesize
space in your living room via two channels.
So we can wait. Via the new systems, when the upper level gets here, multiple-channel
sound is going to be easy and very viable, as anybody can see. The whole idea
is dormant for the time being, stunned, you might say.
But again, we now have the capability and, sooner or later; we will use it.
But it will never again be via the LP. Meanwhile many of us still play all
our LP recordings "surround" and we will continue as long as we play
LPs at all. A great LP advance for those who have the courage to stick with
I have deliberately left unmentioned to the last the real revolution, obvious
to all. There will never be another purely audio disc system! The LP is the
last of its lineage.
Picture Discs
There will be audio discs, of course. But any future disc system, whatever,
will as a matter of course be picture capable. We have this technique too and
we will use it. The new audio disc will find its place as a modest alternative
type, within the ample parameters of the picture-disc system. Inevitable! There
can be no argument. And JVC's new disc entry, the unpronounceable "VHD/AHD" system
is an interesting illustration. This system is launched two-way. It has a single
disc player that accepts alternative discs, either pictures-with-sound (we
shouldn't really call it TV) or audio-by-itself, in super digital fi. Take
your choice. The system is still technically prototype (whether or not it is
for sale), and it looks to be a bit clumsy and maybe expensive but just wait.
And look at the parameters.
A relatively "cheapie" pickup, non laser (capacitative), that just
slides. No grooves, instead, pits, millions of them, in close spirals pressed
right into the plastic. An electronic feedback pickup drive for tracking. (Maybe
eventually compatible with Mitsubishi?) You guessed it 12 inches, on only mildly
special plastic (conductive), and it can be pressed via existing LP presses.
See what I mean.
Performance is par for the course upper level. Sky high. You get two hours
of color and stereo sound per disc through your TV set, an hour on each side.
That's more than twice the "long play" of the old LP. You can imagine,
at 900 rpm, the sort of spiral this means, and the headroom, bandwidth, etc.
Gasp, gasp. That's what we can do now, friends. As for the audio version of
this disc, it probably plays forever. They haven't finished timing it yet.
Oh, so you want more details? Sorry, not now. I have to go play an LP.
(Source: Audio magazine, Jan. 1979;
Edward Tatnall Canby
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