Socko, one after another, a whole batch of new audio gadgets has hit my ears
these past few months. Every last one of them, I note with interest, is somehow
intended to increase our active control over the sounds we hear in the home
listening space, or the very shape of the sound itself. I've sensed a lot of
excitement here, more than usual, and I think the reason is easy to spot. Surround
sound plus digital audio. Digital is the spark! It's everywhere, it can do
astonishing things, and when the price comes down, which it will, they tell
me, once we get away from expensive analog-digital--analog into more direct
and cheaper approaches--bucket brigades of them will be mass produced.
Digital plus sound in the round! I talked myself hoarse and wore out my
ears at the AES convention last autumn, one of the best ever. We are positively
leaping into new things, unimaginable a few years back, ranging I must admit
from the sublime to the barely amusing.
Some of these stick to stereo, two good channels and a batch of new tricks.
Some have to do with the other end of the audio chain, new ways to pick
up the distributed sounds in the recording space. Some are exploring my favorite
long-time hobby, which I knew would have its day-binaural sound in headphones.
(How about phones with ears in them-built-in mikes? JVC has them and I have
a pair.) Yet the majority of the new ideas inevitably the straight into surround
sound in anywhere from 2- to -16 channels, building upon that fruitful idea
which first appeared, so long ago, in early quadraphonic and all its synthesized
predecessors, back channels derived from stereo information as in the Dyna
loudspeaker circuits which some of us still use. You may think what you like
about the present state of commercial quadraphonic, but without the stimulus
of surround sound, the very idea of it, not much of the present ferment of
activity could exist. There is simply no stopping this new control of our
listening space, on all sides, all around, not merely up front.
Digital Osmosis
Aside from digital, new ideas are coming out in sympathy, even in old areas.
Take single-point micro-phoning, ancient, from way back, but wow is it back
again, if analogish. Two simultaneous developments here from two major organizations,
opposite in technology but remarkably similar in intent. One of them is the " Ghent" compound
four-way microphone, from CBS Technology Center, the other a pair of binaural-head
microphone systems for loudspeaker-intended sound from JVC, and no contradiction,
either. There's a version for stereo, and another, closely related, for quadraphonic.
Like the Ghent microphone, both of these JVC microphone arrays pick up sound
from a single location in the recording space, in the honored fashion of
Mercury's Living Presence recordings of years ago, as with a number of later
stereo systems, including the M-S (middle side) and crossed mike techniques.
Both CBS and JVC also aim to capture a more accurate and specific wraparound
of sound, filling in the side areas where both stereo and quadraphonic reproduction
tends to be ill defined.
JVC really grabs those side sounds and reproduces them in both stereo and
You can hear them, straight out to left and right, many feet from the nearest
visible loudspeaker, coming out of nothing. There's spatial control for you.
As for the Ghent, its four microphone transducers, facing the points of
the audio compass, deliver an instant SQ encoding in two channels, ready
to be decoded into a surround quadraphonic array. Indeed, as I heard for
myself, the product is not only a full four-channel sound but does show distinctly
improved side rendering.
The JVC system, both stereo and quadraphonic, is an extraordinarily ingenious
binaural "simulation"-a computer-developed tailoring of binaural
signals, from microphones set in dummy heads, so that the usual overlap of
sound heard from pairs of speakers (both ears hearing both speakers) is partially
compensated for and eliminated and the ears are actually fooled into thinking
the speakers are headphones, more or less. If I am right, it's done by cancellations,
rubbing out selectively unwanted phasings. Hard to believe, but the thing
actually works. For stereo there is one dummy head, and for quadraphonic
a pair of heads, one right behind the other, the rear head's nose jammed
into a sound baffle between the two so he hears only what's behind him, and
vice versa. A black box arrangement doctors up the resulting binaural signals
before they are fed to loudspeakers. And lo! we do indeed get side information
as we listen, East and West, and even some more radical directionalities
too. I broke the JVC track record: With two stereo speakers in front of me,
I distinctly heard a recorded telephone ring behind me.
How's that for control! Get it straight, in case you are confused. Inside
head phones, binaural sound is weak in the front and back but very strong
at the sides. Speakers are the opposite, both in stereo and quadraphonic,
plenty strong in front (and in back) but vague as to side information. So,
thought JVC, if you could make speakers sound even a little bit like headphones,
you would have your side info. And so you did.
In the Ghent, the four microphone elements are followed by a matrix system
which, if I am right, functions virtually as an SQ encoder, right in the
microphone assembly, to provide the two-channel SQ output. Considering the
size and complexity of the professional SQ encoders I have seen, this is
some accomplishment! In any case, there is no doubt about the complete quadraphonic
sound array which is the result, all from this single mike unit. Potentially
very useful, especially in broadcasting-a single microphone and a signal
that can be fed straight into a two-channel stereo transmitter. Lovely for
live broadcasts.
Single-Point Limitations
I will have to add that both these microphone systems, JVC and CBS, will
have the same problems that traditionally go with any single-point microphone
pickup, whether mono, stereo or quadraphonic. Very limited flexibility, if
the right balance between ambient and direct sound is to be maintained. Hit
the perfect spot, the exact right location, and the sound is gorgeous, as
Mercury proved so well. But with the many varied sound sources in modern
recording, that ideal spot isn't easy to achieve and because there is a clumsiness
in balancing different instruments, near and far, that can only be solved
by moving them around, which is the reason we have turned towards the more
versatile multi-mike techniques, in spite of their inherent distortions and
The first Ghent recording, made live last fall at a concert in England,
turned out to be so close that the solo piano in a concerto was overwhelmingly
near at hand, drowning out the hall reverb in the final big chord.
Just a matter of trial and error, an unfamiliar microphone and no chance
for adjustments during the recording. It should have been farther back.
Yet I felt this was good. It's always easy to pull back a bit, but devilishly
hard to move forward without getting into balance problems if your sound
is too distant. I'd say the Ghent gives a good liveness ratio of direct to
reflected sound, and probably a lot better than a standard omni microphone
placed at the same spot.
A curious double effect was observable with the JVC dummy-head system as
used in loudspeaker reproduction. First, in spite of those binaurally tailored
signals, the perceived liveness appeared to be essentially of the loudspeaker
type, and not that of the binaural sound of phones. The recorded voices did
come from astonishing directions but they were often "off-mike" and
over-live, too distant, as would be the case with normal mikes set up in
the one fixed central location. In headphone binaural sound, there is no
such thing as "off mike." Sounds are always heard as in nature,
at any distance, though perhaps not from the true direction. Not so with
loudspeakers and that is why we invented microphone technique in the first
place. Move in close, to balance room sound against direct sound.
Binaural Simulation
But there was something else. JVC wasn't giving us regular loudspeaker sound.
What I heard from their tailored binaural simulations was as weird as it
was unexpected-two spaces, one hovering within the other! There was the normal
loudspeaker sound, within the listening room. And at the same time there
was another space, a ghost space, pulsing inside the other space; the loudspeakers
were trying to create a literal binaural effect, a space independent of the
listening room, exactly as in phones. Interesting, but I must say that the
phenomenon was unsettling. One space at a time, thank you, and no double
This was, of course, the direct if unintended result of JVC's success in
delivering real binaural sound out of loudspeakers, but I rather suspect
that in other types of recording, such as a normal musical job in the usual
reverberant surround, the two spaces would blend together and go almost unnoticed.
Still-did you ever see a double-exposed stereo photo, two 3-D pictures interpenetrating
each other? That's what I heard.
In a sense, these CBS and JVC one point microphone systems are flying in
the face of most current audio development, for we are going more and more
into multi-microphone, multi-track, multi-mix-down recording, plus synthetic
additions in both sound and space. We are even altering the final sound package,
right in the living room. Like Audio Pulse or Sound Concepts. Add-a-concert
hall! There is no place for either a Ghent or a JVC mike in one of those
synthesized spaces. Even so, it is good to have these new and elegant systems
on hand for surround-space recording, if only as useful anchors to windward
and a balance against excess, they'll be used.
(Source: Audio magazine, Feb. 1977, )
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